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November 1, 2015 -- Clas Svahn

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Gene Steinberg

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What a refreshing change. We focus on serious UFO investigation, prejudging nothing, while focusing on the key evidence.

We welcome your comments.

On this week's episode of After The Paracast, an exclusive feature of The Paracast+, we are joined by Don Ecker for more no-nonsense discussion.

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I was shocked: I've spent years listening to Gene's awful puns, crowbarred into any and every conversation, and yet at no point during this show or ATP did he refer to the guest as a "Clas act"....

And a class act he was. The perfect guest after the last two Paracast episodes.

It was refreshing to get a non North American view of the field, more of this please. Also great to hear what a grown-up has to say about the phenomenon, lets try and have some more of them on the show too.
Yes! I echo what everyone else has said about this show. It really opened my eyes and made me realize how American culture has effected UFOlogy. Although no one in ufology ever made it to the Fortune 500 list, people have made a living off UFOs and over time that has created a vary competitive and a somewhat adversarial environment. The other difference is the tendency to connect UFOs with conspiracy theory's. There seems to be no shortage of people out there who want to make a buck off of our fears. It seems like we're almost conspiracy obsessed in this country. You add these factors plus a lot of TV and Internet and you can see what a mess things have become. Clas's simple pragmatic approach is quite refreshing. Of course Ghost Rockets, like everything else involving UFOs have left me wondering what it's all about, even more! One curiosity about all of this is, the seeming trajectory prejudice towards Sweden. It would almost make me wonder about some type of orbital vector that these things were following.

As with other shows one of the things that you touched on also is about younger people getting involved in these things and newer generations developing an interest in doing UFO research. One unfortunate reality I think about younger generations has been growing in general, laziness and apathy. Because there are so many technological distractions these days, none of this surprises me. In our day when you wanted to hang out with your friends you had to go talk to them and physically meet with them. Today you don't even have to move off the couch to do that anymore.