Paranormal Adept
Well, I don't know about you guys, but I always enjoy Mrs Atwater's energy and positive attitude. That said, if you have never given NDEs much thought and are rather sceptical (like Gene obviously was), I think it would be better to look at the books and studies of the more „reluctant“ or conservative researchers first, who haven't had an NDE themselves and therefore maybe approach the subject with a more sceptical attitude. People like Bruce Greyson, Pim van Lommel etc. Strangely enough, many of those still come to the conclusion that there is something not-yet-explainable going on. Heightened consciousness during a time when the brain should hardly "generate" consciousness at all (as the materialist model goes) , life-changing experiences when the brain's ability to experience anything should be minimal, that's something that can't be easily explained. After looking at their studies and cases and if that has made you consider the possibility that there is something going on, then - IMO - you should go on to look at Ms Atwater's books, to get – well „the rest of the story“. Not to sound offending here, I personally think that she's done solid research and helped and inspired lots of people.
I had already heard of the case of Dr Rodania, the russian dissident who was „killed“ by the KGB and seemingly lay dead for three days. Here are two youtube vids in which he related the story himself.
The other extreme case, Walter Russell, I hadn't heard of either. Astoundingly, because he seems to have been quite well-known in his time. Which he obviously was far ahead of. I found a lot of vids and pages about him, a prominent one was even german. It seems that Walter Cronkite once called him the „Leonardo Da Vinci of our time“ and that Nicola Tesla thought his story about how he came to his knowledge was true. Here are a few websites to start with:
Walter Russell - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Walter Russell's Philosophy
Now, Dr Rodania's experience occured in Soviet Russia in the 70s, their medical facilities were probably not too well equipped, and he was a non-entity for the people in power, so maybe the doctors didn't look as closely as they should have.
About Walter Russell's actual experience I could find nothing more than that it must have occured around the year 1921 and lasted for alleged 39 days.
I guess it's not unthinkable that in both cases there was a medical mistake, that they were maybe comatose or catatonic and wrongly declared dead.
So probably no „resurrection“ there or any miracle other that they were damn lucky to survive.
I had already heard of the case of Dr Rodania, the russian dissident who was „killed“ by the KGB and seemingly lay dead for three days. Here are two youtube vids in which he related the story himself.
The other extreme case, Walter Russell, I hadn't heard of either. Astoundingly, because he seems to have been quite well-known in his time. Which he obviously was far ahead of. I found a lot of vids and pages about him, a prominent one was even german. It seems that Walter Cronkite once called him the „Leonardo Da Vinci of our time“ and that Nicola Tesla thought his story about how he came to his knowledge was true. Here are a few websites to start with:
Walter Russell - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Walter Russell's Philosophy
Now, Dr Rodania's experience occured in Soviet Russia in the 70s, their medical facilities were probably not too well equipped, and he was a non-entity for the people in power, so maybe the doctors didn't look as closely as they should have.
About Walter Russell's actual experience I could find nothing more than that it must have occured around the year 1921 and lasted for alleged 39 days.
I guess it's not unthinkable that in both cases there was a medical mistake, that they were maybe comatose or catatonic and wrongly declared dead.
So probably no „resurrection“ there or any miracle other that they were damn lucky to survive.