A couple of them look very much like the types of flares dropped by aircraft. These have been perceived as UFO's on several occasions. A couple of the others have some nuances that are suggestive of CG compositing, but I wouldn't make any actual declarative statements.
However, to get into an entirely speculative mode, there was one video that looked as though someone had built a very basic, light-bulb-studded, car-sized model of what, I guess, is supposed to be a spacecraft, then suspended it from a tree, a crane, or a backhoe. The swaying motion of the "craft" is very suggestive of the physics that result from dangling a heavy object from a heavy-duty cable.
When I see the videos that are highly suggestive of CG compositing, but few people in the community immediately cal "bullshit," it really makes me want to run right out and shoot my own, just to see if anyone gives the image any attention. I think a lot of people are like me, in that way.
If I were to make a hoax video, I wouldn't do it for personal attention, or money for footage, or anything like that. I'd do it just to see what kind of stories it conjured. I'd do it to watch the mystery of what the video is and who made it, etc., unraveled across the internet. I'd do it to see how many witnesses would report seeing the craft as well, and how many would possibly report contact with ET's and the like. It would be little more to me than the kicking off of a serious game of story-round.
I think a lot of people make hoax videos with the same mindset.
I do plan on shooting a video similar to some of these, but not so much to present it as real as to see how close I can come to having something appear legitimate. It's just the ones that have vessels that look like shit straight out a Star Trek episode that make me want to play, too.