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Obama - Kenya

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I don't at all make it a focal point in talking about politics with this particular point. I think it is far more important what the POLICIES are of this administration are over this point.

However, I think there is validity to the claim. It could have been easily put to rest a long time ago, but hasn't. There is probably a reason to that.
If this goes much further I'm guessing those guys are going to suddenly become very depressed and decide to end it all. Or else have heart attacks.

At this point, going back to disqualify Obama's presidency is as pointless as when people tried to go back and do the same with Bush. It's over.. people need to move on.

There are bigger forces at work here and the geopolitical machine has decided Obama is the president and the subject is not really up for debate.
I don't understand why it's so hard for Obama administration to just show the birth certificate and put and end to it. Why drag this out!?
But not for the estimated 28% of registered Republicans who still believe Obama isn't a natural-born citizen. They must be part of the Exopolitics movement. :)
I've been watching this whole birther thing evolve for months now and it leads me to one inevitable conclusion: There's a deep seeded racism in the ultra-right wing of American political discourse that simply cannot accept that someone other than a white man is president and they will do ANYTHING and believe ANYTHING that suggests there may in fact be proof that this need not be so and will reject EVERYTHING that reaffirms it, no matter how well backed by the facts it may be even (as in this case) resorting to fraud.

It disappoints me greatly to learn that people with such mindsets still exist, despite living in the first world nations of the so called "enlightened" west at the dawn of the 21st century.
It's a pretty good fake. Let's get Stan Friedman to check out the typeface and date formats!

I don't think you need even Stan's level of "expertise" to recognize that a birth certificate issued in 1961 by a country that didn't technically exist at that time is probably fishy...
I've been watching this whole birther thing evolve for months now and it leads me to one inevitable conclusion: There's a deep seeded racism in the ultra-right wing of American political discourse that simply cannot accept that someone other than a white man is president and they will do ANYTHING and believe ANYTHING that suggests there may in fact be proof that this need not be so and will reject EVERYTHING that reaffirms it, no matter how well backed by the facts it may be even (as in this case) resorting to fraud.

It disappoints me greatly to learn that people with such mindsets still exist, despite living in the first world nations of the so called "enlightened" west at the dawn of the 21st century.

Gotta disagree with ya.. it's no different than the ultra left wing who did anything and everything to raise doubt on the Bush elections or link him to Nazis or say he brought down the towers (9/11 truthers) lol. Except if you are a liberal then THAT was a just cause to fight for "cuz Bush is Evil", unlike THIS.

If white Hillary had won, I guarantee you the Right would be trying to dig up dirt on her all day long saying that she had people killed back in Arkansas (Vince Foster, Mary Mahoney) etc. And if McCain had won the Left would be working around the clock to bring him down as well. That's just how the political extremists work.. they have nothing better to do and it pays their bills. Take a look at all the fake/forged stuff around Sarah Palin or Michelle Malkin where people photo shopped their heads onto other bodies and tried to pass it off as real.. There is a lot of shit out there.

so IMO it's not so much a race thing for most people as it is an ideology and American political power and money thing. All of it is disgusting and does nothing but divide people.. but that's how the system is these days.
Obama's birth certificate has been online for months and months. Google it. :)

What has been online is a certificate of live birth, a very different thing than a birth certificate. Even the the state of Hawaii wont accept the document that is posted online as proof that a person was born in Hawaii. You can be born in a foreign country and still register your birth in Hawaii, then you have a certificate of live birth, not a birth certificate. If you spent a half hour with Google looking into the argument you would know that. I guess you are much less skeptical about politicians than you are about UFO investigators.
What has been online is a certificate of live birth, a very different thing than a birth certificate. Even the the state of Hawaii wont accept the document that is posted online as proof that a person was born in Hawaii. You can be born in a foreign country and still register your birth in Hawaii, then you have a certificate of live birth, not a birth certificate. If you spent a half hour with Google looking into the argument you would know that. I guess you are much less skeptical about politicians than you are about UFO investigators.
Actually, if you bothered to read the two links posted after my comment, you'd see that your statements are way off base. There is no evidence whatever -- except for a clearly forged African birth certificate that nobody in their right minds would take seriously -- to indicate that Obama wasn't born where they say he was, in Hawaii after it became a state.

It's really sad that the neo-cons, bereft of genuine issues, keep bringing up this crap.
Or even better, read this article which puts this stupid rumor to rest for good:

Please Cut the Crap!: Still Birthers After All These Years

If this were an article declaring that anyone who pays any attention to the UFO phenomena is a foolish idiot and presented nothing but a list of declared facts as evidence you would be outraged. But because this person is ridiculing something you yourself find ridiculous you present it as fact yourself. Don't you see the irony in that?

Think about reality tunnels. You live in a reality tunnel that says UFO's exist but it is impossible that Barack Obama has defrauded the American people. Yet you have obviously put no effort at all into understanding the argument, it simply is not possible in your reality. Where is the intellectual honesty?

Actually the first lawsuit was filed by a Democrat in Pennsylvania. It isn't just Rebublicans that are questioning Obama's eligibility.

I don't know where Obama was born. I want to know why he refuses to provide proof. I want to know why he was traveling on an Indonesian passport as a young adult. I want to know how he regained his citizenship after becoming an Indonesian citizen through adoption as a child. Just because you don't care about the answers to these questions don't ridicule those who do, especially when you have done no investigation.
You're losing it and I'm about to close this thread.

Here's the deal, any nutcase, Democrat or Republican or neither, can file a lawsuit.

The Obama campaign provided the proof. It has been published online. This link, posted earlier, FactCheck.org: Born in the U.S.A., contains a report and photos from someone who personally inspected the birth certificate AND it also provides a photocopy of the original newspaper entry for Obama's birth.

That is the beginning and end of it. There's nothing more to say, and it has nothing whatever to do with the UFO field. If anything, it almost smacks of racism that people want to continue to deny that a Black man (well, half black anyway) can possibly be elected president.
Well Gene, obviously your links tell the truth, I mean we all know how honest the media is, telling the truth about the UFO topic and all. We could exchange links all night, unless you are willing to consider the other side of the argument there is no point. I've looked at both sides. I've looked up the laws. If you want to talk let's talk, if you only want to ridicule, your just like the Air Force.
IMO it's not so much a race thing for most people as it is an ideology and American political power and money thing. All of it is disgusting and does nothing but divide people.. but that's how the system is these days.

I wish I could believe it was that simple but the statistics point to the supporters of this particular issue being mostly white, conservative southerners. Alot of their spoken rhetoric talks about "reclaiming the nation" and "returning to America's roots" and the ever popular "this isn't MY America!"... it's all very paranoid and twitchy and when people get into that frame of mind they're usually looking for a "them" to go against the "us" they identify with.

As an aside, I have never heard anyone dispute the fact W's grandaddy was accused of collaborating with the Nazis.
>> You're losing it and I'm about to close this thread.

I hope people can agree to disagree and remain civil and that this thread doesn't implode and get locked.

Personally I've gotten testy in the past in certain posts but lately I'm trying to turn over a new leaf and not get so emotionally intertwined in what anonymous people post on forums. It's not worth it to get the blood pressure all up and want to kick the monitor.
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