Yeah, it is. Bright people with agile minds get interested, and they subsequently encounter a class of people who greet the newcomers with arrogant indifferance. These people have patience with others that extends only so far as collecting cash from them, or that can be parlayed into additional public exposure or air time.
So, your choice as an interested party is to: A) Buy these guys' books, and support their arrogant elitist rants, B) Become a writer or movie maker, and compete with the pseudo intellectuals at their own game, or C) find something more suitable to be interested in.
But, lest I pick on the paranormal entrepaneurs too much, let me note that many of the people interested in the subject are there for: A) Entertainment value only, aka paranormal voyeurs and tourists; B) They have psychological issues, perhaps well advanced, usually schizophrenia of some form; C) They are part of this new legion of bad-science 'investigators,' or D) they are the rare interested but undecided enthusiasts. That's what makes this whole community 'fringe.' Well, that and the subject matter, which draws fringe people.
But, really, everyone already suspected this, right? I may have put it into words that are less politically balanced than my normal approach, but there is some reality to what I mention. I think on my years of on the fringe of a fringe field, and I've learned more about human nature than the paranormal overall.
All this relates to objectivity. People are in ufology because they have a mission, they want to believe, they want to make money, they want to lead a cult, they have lost touch with any conventional reality, they want religion, or, very rarely, they want the truth, or at least a truth they can wrap their minds around. Not much hope of objectivity.
What other fields do experiencers often become researchers? These are the last people who should research anything. Yes, some very fine people on here that I like will disagree with me, perhaps vehimitely. If I'm wrong, then tell me so; I'm often wrong, and you may convince me I'm wrong this time. But, I don't think I am.
Note: I don't say any of this in an attempt to be trollish, or push people into believing things just because I say them. These are challenging statements, but made with the understanding that certain thinkers on this forum can certainly stand up and I'm sure debate these ideas point per point. Unlike some paranormal forums, I don't think this one is populated by intellectual wimps.