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Objects that dont make sense

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Paranormal Adept
I have had two paranormal experiences within my house within the last two years do they scare me yes at the time they happened it was like an anxiety attack, I believed it to have been made up in my mind at the time it happened but thats too easy i aint crazy well i hope i am not or i will be the first one to sign myself in.I was home alone at this time this was around December last year my lovely fiancee and daughter where out shopping probably around six thirty in the evening it was getting pretty dark i was lieing down on our bed watching the movie chitty bang bang a kids movie when suddenly on the very top of the ceiling of our bedroom room was this black box with half of the top being white and other was black it was like a ghost box is how i would describe it i closed my eyes and shut them very fast and opened them fast again as well i thought my mind was going crazy this box just hovered to the ground very fast and slowly vanished through the flower boards i jumped up out of the bed as fast as i could and was out that door like a flash I never saw that box again thank god:question:
What did the surface of the box look like? Did move in a straight line? How did disappear -- did it slowly fade away or wink out?
What did the surface of the box look like? Did move in a straight line? How did disappear -- did it slowly fade away or wink out?
:question: The surface was all black there was portion that was white i believed it to be top of it as it came down it kind of tilted a bit as it came down i could be wrong i didnt touch it so i cant really tell you what kind of surface it was to be honest i could not see the back of it as it came down it was going down fast but not too fast it took about ten or fifteen seconds i can't really be sure because of the shock and panic of it all it went through the floorboards to me seemed like it was ghostly that sounds weird i know or something strange came over my mind and senses
Thanks for the info -- I promise you I'm not a fishing expedition here, just trying to make sense of it.

A couple more then I'll stop pestering you. How did the light in the room reflect off the box. For example, was the white part reflecting the ambient light in the room, or was it glowing with its own light?

This may sound odd, but how did feel emotionally before you saw the box? Or what was your general state of mind?

Thanks again!
Thanks for the info -- I promise you I'm not a fishing expedition here, just trying to make sense of it.

A couple more then I'll stop pestering you. How did the light in the room reflect off the box. For example, was the white part reflecting the ambient light in the room, or was it glowing with its own light?

This may sound odd, but how did feel emotionally before you saw the box? Or what was your general state of mind?

Thanks again!
did not notice any reflecting on the box or from the box it was a pretty fast event my walls are cream still the colour from the time of the event the top i saw the half of it that is was white like a sheet of white paper:question:my mind was relaxed just watching a film and i was emotionally great