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Oct 12th 2008 - Gary E. Schwartz

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Nothin' to see here
Super impressed with this weeks Guest. Schwartz was the perfect mix of intelligence/open-mindedness/skeptical-thinking/and curiosity.

Its so satisfying to hear a researcher speak intelligently about the subject without taking an extreme position either way, while at the same time being a main stream scientist willing to accept realities that are beyond the realm of everyday experience.

Looking forward to hearing more of Dr. Schwartz.
Super impressed with this weeks Guest. Schwartz was the perfect mix of intelligence/open-mindedness/skeptical-thinking/and curiosity.

Its so satisfying to hear a researcher speak intelligently about the subject without taking an extreme position either way, while at the same time being a main stream scientist willing to accept realities that are beyond the realm of everyday experience.

Looking forward to hearing more of Dr. Schwartz.

I totally agree GSB this was one of the best shows i have heard since i started listening to the Parcast.Keep it up Gene and David this is why ye rock.

More of Dr schwartz, please guys?:cool:
I am just over half way through this episode and I completely agree, its really interesting. I remember i read a book about a year ago which briefly mentioned some of the topics. It said something along the lines of how the heart and the gut have their own... i want to say neurons but i dont think that was quite it, but anyway it said they had their own mini brains.

It never really elaborated but i was alweays intriuged to find out more. So far this episode has been great and its refreshing to have someone come on and talk complete sense.

Keep up the good work guys
Interesting show this week, thanks.

(Hey, David.
For a cheap laugh, check out this week's edition of Ufonaut Radio with Jesse Randolph. Fast forward to 14 minutes and hear Mr Randolph mangle your surname! (Well, it made me laugh). Mr R also reviews your Paola Harris encounter, you punch-throwing cut-throat, you!)
Having listened to the whiole thing, I think Gary is a sweet old guy who answered his questions well and deserved all the respect he got from David and Gene.
He literally didnt say one thing in the whole show that bothered me, although i wish i had more time to investigate some of the cases he highlighted.
The questions put to Gary were sensible and respectful as always and the guest was the absolute contrast to Paola which was great.
Interesting show this week, thanks.

(Hey, David.
For a cheap laugh, check out this week's edition of Ufonaut Radio with Jesse Randolph. Fast forward to 14 minutes and hear Mr Randolph mangle your surname! (Well, it made me laugh). Mr R also reviews your Paola Harris encounter, you punch-throwing cut-throat, you!)

Heh, I was expecting him to completely diss the show. Great review.
"David Bene Mean"

He mentions The Paracast right after the line to his MUFON guest drops off. You guys ARE TOUGH on people. No NONSENSE! DO NOT LET PEOPLE GET AWAY WITH STUFF!
Still got 30 mins to go but so far great show. The feedback loop memory is interesting and makes a lot of sense, and not only in terms of the paranormal, but really in everything. Everything is constantly taking in info and then reacting to that info based in part of a long history of interaction.

One example would be some people's reactions to Paola's interview. Some people's feedback loops may have led them from experience and learning to accept heated questioning as normal behavior when their BS detector goes off, while some others may have had a long history of feedback loops that reinforced this heated reaction as not appropriate. People reacting to this post are undoubtely going to be influenced by their past feedback loops......... and it goes on and on till the break of dawn.

One thing that struck me as someone who has learned how to do Reiki the idea that by mentally focusing on an area of the body that you can increase the energy in that area. This falls completely in line with Chinese Medicine. How did the Chinese understand these principals thousands of years ago without the help of a lab setting, I'm more and more of the belief we had some advanced civilizations (aka Atlantis) that ain't around no more.

Very cool that Dr. Schwartz has used the scientific method to show you can get significant data on the ability of mediums. And also very cool how it was pointed out that the NSF does not fund this type of stuff, but it should!
This falls completely in line with Chinese Medicine. How did the Chinese understand these principals thousands of years ago without the help of a lab setting, I'm more and more of the belief we had some advanced civilizations (aka Atlantis) that ain't around no more.

I'm working on a Masters in Chinese Medicine in order to get licensed to do acupuncture, herbs and Tui Na.
The Chinese did have a lab setting: the human body. Traditional Chinese Medicine prides itself on centuries of experimentation, trial and error and has tried to document its evolution in their texts.
What TCM has accomplished might be amazing if it happened just in the past 100 years, but when you consider they've been at it for maybe 30 centuries it's not so extraordinary.

By the way, the Chinese weren't the only ones to come up with the idea of energy flowing through the body. India was another place where this was studied.
I've always had an interest in chinese medicine also.... only to the point where i've read a few things about it, i dont practise or anything. The whole idea of QI really interests me, although the topic is surely worthy of its own thread.
Some say its a real energy, some say its hocus pocus, and some say its just a synonym for wellbeing. I like to think that there is something in it... particularly in acupuncutre and meditation (although thats not strictly chinese medicine i suppose)
I'm working on a Masters in Chinese Medicine in order to get licensed to do acupuncture, herbs and Tui Na.
The Chinese did have a lab setting: the human body. Traditional Chinese Medicine prides itself on centuries of experimentation, trial and error and has tried to document its evolution in their texts.
What TCM has accomplished might be amazing if it happened just in the past 100 years, but when you consider they've been at it for maybe 30 centuries it's not so extraordinary.

By the way, the Chinese weren't the only ones to come up with the idea of energy flowing through the body. India was another place where this was studied.

I still think it's very surprising that someone came up with the theory behind chinese medicine. I am not trained in this field, I have not read the history of it, but I have been going to a chinese medicine/acupunturist for several years.

I think the fact that someone came up with an entire theory regarding subtle electrical field flowing threw the body which can affect health without any real ability to actually 'measure' this field outside of intuition/meditation/visible signs on skin/feeling of heat/ possibly indicates something profound happened at some point to create this theory/practice.

It's one thing to accidentally put needles in some cave man once and it magicaly cured his gonorrhea so you try and repeat these results and expand and tweak the methods over thousands of years. I think it's another thing to create an entire science to explain something so subtle that is based on something that even modern equipment today struggles to explain how it works. Most western medical school even with the latest in modern technology, have no clue about this stuff. How someone thousands of years ago had this knowledge IMO is more than just trial and error, but as I mentioned I have not read the history, so I could be totally wrong.

NIH as Gary mentioned, does have an alternative med ward now and they have started studying things like acupuncture.

FYI - Chinese medicine/acupuncture is hit or miss in my experience, kind of like the homeopathic stuff. For some people it's incredibly effective and for others not so much........
For someone who is energy sensitive and has serious medical conditions like myself I would most lkely be dead without alternative healing practices. Western medicne really does not have a clue.
For someone who is energy sensitive and has serious medical conditions like myself I would most lkely be dead without alternative healing practices. Western medicne really does not have a clue.

Strangely, I usually go to accupunture for my allergies and it can be effective, although it is by no means a permanent fix.
Western medicine is helpful and needed for many conditions such as bleeding to death and broken bones to name two.

Besides the fact that the pharmaceutical companies are as corrupt as politics, Western medicine knows very little about nutrition and nothing about the human energy field.
I bought Schwartz book 'The Afterlife Experiments', and have read about 50% of the book.

Some interesting stuff, although I must say the tone of the book is not objective despite his claims. He frequently writes that his opinion is that of a scientist, he doesn't know the answer, and further research is needed to follow up on the data that is gathered etc....

But then throughout the book he'll say something like, "Then the mother of the sitter (person being read) forced her way past the other souls and told her that................", rather then, "John Edwards said this and here is the transcript........... there are specific pieces that correlate etc....

I just assume he was writing to a specific new age audience of people who would buy that book, not necessarily his fellow academics, hence the use of subjective interpretive language.

John Edwards certainly comes off from the experiments as a legit medium from reading this book. The practice of medium seems quite complicated and like an abstract game of 'telephone charades', where the medium will be given images from those it is communicating with.

IMO it is likely that mediums are in contact with other forces and get real information but it is often not straight forward information, so it can be hard to understand, particularly since the medium is trying to relay abstract personal information to someone they don't know so that other person can make sense of it. Also seems like from the book, they can get future, past and present information all from different sources all the time, so it can be very hard to piece together the timing, assuming you are even able to figure out what the meaning is behind the symbols.

But I must say at the end of the day, Arigo's story blows each of these mediums out of the water with a nuclear cannon!

Is there an afterlife? I think it is very very likely. Is it in the way most major religions describe? I doubt it, but the one thing that we can all bet on is that we will find out!
David and Gene - This has been hands down, the best episode so far.

I actually got into a very intense email exchange with James Randi over Greg and the HBO documentary he was apart of. James Randi is insane and is a walking contradiction. He kept telling me that I didn't see all of the footage, and that he did.

He also called me a Nazi when I kept bringing up all of his contradictions in all of the emails he sent me. It was like have an argument with an 8 year old.

Its rare to have an interview regarding the Paranormal, with the guest having actual data to share. I really recommend that everyone seek out that documentary from HBO.

and since we are on the subject of weird. Here's a snake throwing up a hippopotamus.

David and Gene - This has been hands down, the best episode so far.

I actually got into a very intense email exchange with James Randi over Greg and the HBO documentary he was apart of. James Randi is insane and is a walking contradiction. He kept telling me that I didn't see all of the footage, and that he did.

He also called me a Nazi when I kept bringing up all of his contradictions in all of the emails he sent me. It was like have an argument with an 8 year old.

Its rare to have an interview regarding the Paranormal, with the guest having actual data to share. I really recommend that everyone seek out that documentary from HBO.

and since we are on the subject of weird. Here's a snake throwing up a hippopotamus.

A snake throw-up a hippo[/url]

Wow, that's a crazy video!

Schwartz discusses Randi in the book. He says many people are raised to believe certain things and it doesn't matter what you show them they are gonna stick to those beliefs even if the data shows they are wrong. In the same chapter as Randi he talks about a friend of his who is a professor who was raised to think the paranormal was fake. This professor openly admits that he can't help but think all cases are fake no matter how much data there is and despite the fact he wants to take the data seriously it's just natural for him to assume no matter how small the possibility that it's not real.