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October 11, 2015 — Don Ecker

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Don Ecker is in a class by himself among UFO researchers. In this episode, he talks about Martian and Lunar mysteries.

Chris also briefly discusses his continuing search for evidence of a hidden city in the Grand Canyon region. He expands upon his most recent visit, along with several of his colleagues, on this week's episode of After The Paracast.

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Don Ecker is in a class by himself among UFO researchers. In this episode, he talks about Martian and Lunar mysteries.

Chris also briefly discusses his continuing search for evidence of a hidden city in the Grand Canyon region. He expands upon his most recent visit, along with several of his colleagues, on this week's episode of After The Paracast.

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Introducing The Paracast+ | The Paracast — The Gold Standard of Paranormal Radio
Always enjoy listening to Don Ecker.So knowledgeable in his field.Look forward to his next appearance.
I generally Like all things Mr Fibuli likes. Heck- mostly all the things he says!
I have edited my comments about 20 times now, hoping to make no enemies.
I don't enjoy listening to Mr. Ecker speak, and that is the nicest way I can put it and not be banned.
I generally Like all things Mr Fibuli likes. Heck- mostly all the things he says!
I have edited my comments about 20 times now, hoping to make no enemies.
I don't enjoy listening to Mr. Ecker speak, and that is the nicest way I can put it and not be banned.
Always like to hear from The Don of Ufology.

I must also mention that I am ridiculously interested in Chris' latest venture to the Grand Canyon and as long as there isn't stupidly high winds to contend with, the 'crack' drone pilot should have no problem making great High Def videos of the cliff face. To be honest I reckon if the story is true about the man all those years ago stumbling across the entrance, half way up the cliff face, the Illuminati-military industrial complex-Smithsonian conspiracy will have long been and gone and destroyed the evidence! But we can live in hope and regardless, it's a damn fine boys expedition to go on, and I mean that in the best possible sense.

Can you imagine spending a day searching for a lost cave entrance with a drone, and at night round a campfire you get David Hatcher Childress with his amazing world-accent to regale the team with some of his many expeditions. Jealous? Me?
I generally Like all things Mr Fibuli likes. Heck- mostly all the things he says!
I have edited my comments about 20 times now, hoping to make no enemies.
I don't enjoy listening to Mr. Ecker speak, and that is the nicest way I can put it and not be banned.

Don't worry, you are perfectly free to voice your opinions as long as you don't use bad words or slander etc! But not like listening to Don? A strange affliction !:D
Well Goggs, you simply can't please everybody. Who knows? Maybe that person is a Bill Cooper lover! :)

Well Goggs, you simply can't please everybody. Who knows? Maybe that person is a Bill Cooper lover! :)


One requires a thick skin to put oneself out for public scrutiny, on radio or tv etc and I know when I was younger it really bothered me to find out someone didn't like me, especially when I couldn't think of a single reason I might have given to deserve it, but as you get older you realise that simply some people will take a dislike to you for no reason often and it's maturity that tells us to just forget it because it just isn't possible to please everyone and nor should we.

But curiosity compels me to ask Vimana what exactly does he not like about you or your show? I mean, like on tv, no-one has to watch something so where does the strong feeling come from?

A man with your history though Don - I imagine the worst Vimana's dislike might do to you is cause you to smile and think 'what's one more? I've ticked off thousands!!'
In case that last line is misunderstood I mean only that due to your diligence in Ufology, many deserving skeptics etc no doubt cannot stand the sight of you (on larry King etc) and who give's a tart's arse about them anyway? (And that was not in any way directed to Vimana, with whom I have no beef, just to be clear) Phew! had to qualify my remarks before I get hate mail!:p
In case that last line is misunderstood I mean only that due to your diligence in Ufology, many deserving skeptics etc no doubt cannot stand the sight of you (on larry King etc) and who give's a tart's arse about them anyway? (And that was not in any way directed to Vimana, with whom I have no beef, just to be clear) Phew! had to qualify my remarks before I get hate mail!:p
I'm up in Scotland next month,i will bring you a shovel.;)
My take has always been, if you don't like the guest or that guest's message, don't listen. What is so hard about that?
Awesome show. I wish It had occurred to me to submit a question about Norman Bergrun's work regarding the Rings of Saturn. Anyone else out there hear anything recent about this guy and his work?

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Awesome show. I wish It had occurred to me to submit a question about Norman Bergrun's work regarding the Rings of Saturn. Anyone else out there hear anything recent about this guy and his work?

Sent from my D2303 using Tapatalk

Yes I have watched a video about him a few years back. My logical side says the scale of his claims are almost too large to take in. There certainly were some interesting images but really, images sent back with decades old tech and not great resolution are bound to have pretty large pixel-hiccups or equivalent. To be honest I know zip about the photography of Saturn from probes but at the very least it was interesting in a 'what if?' kind of way.