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Odd Object photographed in Michigan

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Paranormal Adept

any ideas what this was ?

Michigan - 05-24-11
I was taking pictures in downtown Jackson, Michigan; I bracket my pictures (take 3 at a time at different exposures) for HDR imaging.
It takes less than a second to shoot a bracketing of 3 photos.
When I got home to process them, I noticed on one of the three bracketed photos was something to the right of this stone arch I was shooting.
I was angled up towards the sky with my Canon 7D camera. The craft is only on one of the three photos. I was also using a tripod.
I didn’t notice anything while shooting the pictures, no sound, nothing to grab my attention. I only noticed when I got home and started processing my photos.
Several pilots have looked at the object in my photo, and cannot identify it.
Maybe a "Roswell Rod" (flying insect caught in a weird way in the video)? Anyway, it's a leap to already be thinking in terms of a "craft".
I'm not trying to rain on anyone's UFO parade, but I zoomed in pretty closely and it's my opinion that this appears to be a cruise missile in flight. I believe the white vapor trail you see is a result of the centrifugal spin used to stabilize the missile in flight. Cool photo nonetheless. That's my two cents.
As a follow up to my post theorizing that it could be a ballistic missile test over the Great Lakes, I put together this image to compare it to the current Trident II ballistic missile. In my opinion, I think there could potentially be an element of a white band visible in the "Michigan Object" photos. Thoughts?
I'm not trying to rain on anyone's UFO parade, but I zoomed in pretty closely and it's my opinion that this appears to be a cruise missile in flight. I believe the white vapor trail you see is a result of the centrifugal spin used to stabilize the missile in flight. Cool photo nonetheless. That's my two cents.

Except that cruise missiles are not spin stabilized. Not really clear that there's a vapor trail, or just a white blur.

This image does not contain EXIF data. This may be a bug in the way the site serves images, but usually when I see missing EXIF data, I stop right there. Note that the photographer omits the most obviously important datum - the shutter speed in use. Without that, we can't hope todeduce what this is.

There are reports like this all the time, and they are almost always obvious birds. This one looks like a model rocket to me, though.
Good call on the lack of missile spin stabilization (plus it had no rocket exhaust). I'm definitely no missile expert. I also considered the model rocket, because in some instances it almost looks like you can even see a stick mounted to it as though it was a large bottle rocket. But I figured whoever took the photo would have noticed if a model rocket flew through the frame and wouldn't have discovered it when he/she returned home. That said, I don't know how they would have missed a missile either. Regardless, I think it looks rocket or missile like in its shape and wouldn't think it was anything more than that or a bug.
Not enough data to make any intelligent guess.

Cruise missiles generally fly low and slow... If one were to be flying in or around Michigan, it would be noticed. They're not exactly silent either.

Could just be a commuter jet photographed at a really slow shutter speed.
The shutter speed is really critical ('It takes less than a second to shoot a bracketing of 3 photos'). I think it's an insect, and at that, probably a small one close to the lens.

Also, look to the top right of the picture...;)