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O'Haire Witness Comes Forward

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Paranormal Adept
Sounds legit...

Demonstrates the power of 'shut up or lose your job' in this day and age and also how society in general is not ready to deal with the idea of a presence we have no power over. Or else other witnesses would have come forward by now.

His age adds credibility to the account as he had less to lose economically than more senior employees.

Still need to stack up a few more of these accounts before the case gets critical mass though ;)
Even though this story originates from a "Wrestling" website, it did interest me, until I did a bit of research on Stan Hernandez. If you look at the links to the right of the article, you'll see a website named Newzbreaker.com a kind of porn site. I went there and found an article archive on Mr. Hernandez... I wouldn't put too much stock in what this guy reports.
Unless this Sam Peterson pops up somewhere that is credible, I'm gonna have to call it BS. That being said, the evidence and witness testimony and the FAA's response all ad up to a legitimate event.