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OK, WHAT is this?

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Christopher O'Brien

Back in the Saddle Aginn
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Best guess: a partially deflated balloon. But the witnesses observations seem to call this explanation into question. Perhaps Trevor James Constable was right: we have as-yet undefined "sky critters" living high in our atmosphere...then again, probably not...

Best guess: a partially deflated balloon. But the witnesses observations seem to call this explanation into question. Perhaps Trevor James Constable was right: we have as-yet undefined "sky critters" living high in our atmosphere...then again, probably not...

It looks like a balloon with a trailing instrument package. Didn't this guy even try to check for local balloon launches before jumping to the giant flying jellyfish hypothesis? Nice camera and lens package though ... sweet.


Chris have you checked out the Hessdalen Project site yet? http://www.hessdalen.org/reports/hpreport84.shtml
If you google "weather balloon" you will see several images that look very similar. I honestly think this is a weather balloon. So much of what has come out of Mexico seem to be balloons of one sort or another. Certainly the flotillas and sky worms are nothing more than balloons that have been released. The flight characteristics seem to just scream balloon.

I don't know what to think of the OpenMinds guys. Ok, I do, but I'm going to be polite. Notice that McClellan starts calling it a creature half way through the video, having decided he has discovered a new species or something. OpenMinds has Don Schmitt who pulled an Imbrogno and resigned from his position at MUFON years ago writing for them now and they promoted the absolute nonsense of Dan Burisch as well. Googling Robles Gil returns some interesting information on that fellow too

But you gotta give it the guy. What a impressive lens/camera setup.
WOW, this is obviously a balloon. I mean, how can you not see that? How do you get 'Giant Arial Jellyfish' from this? I am stunned.

But, that was an amazing lens. I would love to have that.
weather balloon what else can you say about this one. 'Giant Arial Jellyfish' ?? hmm yeah ok

It seems obvious that OpenMinds is more about exploiting the interest in UFOs rather than actually investigating them. They have totally destroyed any credibility that they may have had. I think they must appeal to more of the Project Camelot crowd than anything.
This took each of us what? Five seconds or less (depending on if you're running chrome or not) to identify the OpenMinds video as that of a weather balloon? OpenMinds couldn't do that before they went to the expense and trouble of producing a video about it? Really? OpenMinds as an organization has earned their place in the Hall of Shame. (cheers and catcalls)
It seems obvious that OpenMinds is more about exploiting the interest in UFOs rather than actually investigating them. They have totally destroyed any credibility that they may have had. I think they must appeal to more of the Project Camelot crowd than anything.

Well their minds are open.. so much so that their brains are falling out.
Maybe the guy is tring to do the "you create your own reality" typo deal? Maybe if he believes hard enough and long enough it will either transform into a being in the sky or he will attract more via belief real things see. Whatever it is, I hope it works. :)

---------- Post added at 03:32 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:48 PM ----------

This is completely awesome! I love this experiment. It is really the best thing when it is repeated sightings this way the experiments can be more scientific.

Chris have you checked out the Hessdalen Project site yet? http://www.hessdalen.org/reports/hpreport84.shtml
hmmm, This is a lot of speculation for what appears to be something that could have many terrestial explanations. Open Minds needs to perhaps close their minds a little and give a little more reasning to their postulations. sounds like he probably has a stock pile of Colloidal silver. ;)
This came off more like a lens advert than anything else. And... Solid analytical skills displayed by the Open Minds folks. Sure, looks like they've discovered a whole new species of air-breathing, gravity-defying, giant sky-surfing Jellyfish. Why not? Seems a reasonable enough conclusion.
Oh yeah, gotta have that lens! Seriously though, this is a perfect example of people believing what they want to believe. No deception intended, but no critical thinking shown by these Open Mind guys either.
Balloon! not like a jelly fish at all ....I say....HOAX!
here is a vid of a known weather balloon to compare!

Like I said its a wether balloon!
It certainly appears to be a balloon. The rather definite spherical shape gives it less of a "creature" signature and more of a "made in a factory" signature. What I found most disturbing about that clip was that the author used jellyfish to compare and give "life" to the object in the photos, but showed nothing relating to any kind of undulating anything in the object in question. It seems that more and more normal things are being caught in the sky by folks who've never experienced them before and those things are being labelled as "UFO" or "paranormal". That report is perhaps more of a rush to judegment than the pursuit of truth.