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OMG you MUST listen to this interview

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Karen Dolan does a podcast on the Paranormal Radio network.

On June 20 she interviewed a woman by the name of Jo Ann Richards. Jo Ann's claim to fame is that her husband was in a firefight with aliens at a underground base in Dulce. Yeah its an old story, but some of the absolute insanity that she spews in this interview is just incomprehensible.

Why listen then? Because its presented in such a way as to be fact and its fun trying to work out whether shes lying or or just believes her conman of a husband.



Take my word for it, its an entertaining listen.


I thought I would add some stuff that she believes - according to her husband - actually happened.

* a human/alien conference in San Francisco in the 70s - her husband was on hand to help out in some way (he was also in high school at the time)
* an intergalactic peace conference was held somewhere in space that was 'crashed' by a malevolent species of different aliens
* there are human operated/built giant space ships that are out in space
* the base at Dulce that has all sorts of different alien species conducting experiments as well as keeping female humans as sex slaves.
* there are orgies that take place in which the greys abuse the human slaves for their sexual pleasure.
* a reptilian specis that is a cross between an ant and a praying mantis used to live on earth around 65million years ago. They also LOOK JUST LIKE those velociraptors as depicted in Jurassic Park. They refer to humans as bald apes, or rats.

And it just gets better and better. It truly is worth a listen just to be amazed that someone actually believes this nonsense.
Karen Dolan does a podcast on the Paranormal Radio network.

On June 20 she interviewed a woman by the name of Jo Ann Richards ...

Ahhh ... you young person you :D. I heard her simply yonks ago on The Edge podcast and the host Daniel Ott was not exactly believing her fascinating "story" and totally took the p*** out of her something rotten. I think in fact she may have phoned in, or was a spur of the moment guest ... but anyway, what a hard podcast to get through it was. Very cringey.

Oh and I believe that her husband is in prison ... for something he probably didn't do ... or something. I seem to remember he was some sort of Buck Rogers kind of super fighter space pilot or something, wanted to tell the truth and got locked away. Anyway, she is out there fighting on his behalf. Find out more at the "Earth Defense Heaquarters" website ... dunn dun duhhhhhhh: http://www.edhca.org/ ... you know it makes sense. :p
Ohh gawd, its just unbelievable - it sounds like shes making it up on the spot. I really want everyone to listen so we can all talk about it and laugh about it. Hearing the long silences after she said something crazy as Karen was literally speechless (Karen doesnt disparage her too much but I think she was just being polite).

And yeah the husband is in jail for being the 'mastermind' of a murder. He didnt actually commit it but apparently organised it. She of course claims he was setup by the govt. etc etc.

But hearing her casually drop stuff about the greys raping human sex slaves, or that s a reptilian race helped out her husband on his mission to save 3000 people from this base at Dulce. It is literally goddam amazing.
Alright, while I am browsing the web and playign some 360, I'll try to listen to this as long as I can. I'll either laugh for a while or get pissed, maybe both. We shall see.
Ohh gawd, its just unbelievable ... It is literally goddam amazing.

Oh boy ... I am in the middle of it at the moment. Not entirely certain that I'll get through it all but we'll see.

But ... it is all fantastically amazing. Karyn Dolan is incredibly nice to Richards but then again Richards isn't a person you can easily hate. She seems like a nice lady :D ... but boy oh boy the stories she relates are definitely out there. Think I'm repeating myself here ... not very coherent ... brain dissolving ... reptiles ... sex orgies (are there any other kind??) ... big spaceships ... retards ... awwwrgghhhhh

Soo as my brain is now a rather picturesque pool around my feet, I think I shall potter off to the Earth Defense website as per above ... and look at all the lovely reports and things on sale for a low low price of ... $4, $4, $1 etc etc etc

Yeass ... maybe not. Anyway, it just shows how imaginative the human race can be when money, and stitching their fellow human beings is involved. Its certainly better than working for a living. :D
Earth Defense Headquarters, EDH, is an educational nonprofit for science, education, and creative arts. It has been formed to collect and distribute information in the fields of history, science, sustainable living, politics, social issues, modern military history, paranormal phenomena, space, cryptozoology, extraterrestrial science, magical arts, and "otherwise forgotten" information.
EDH will share its findings via its quarterly newspaper, Ecobyte, EDH reports, and films.
The Dragonhill Research Center in San Anselmo, CA, will provide a growing research facility for high school and college students, similar to old European private libraries. The quiet garden setting is a natural setting for the variety of research files and books available on many topics, focusing on those mentioned above.

"If we are to protect our Republic, we must always be watchful of threats from within as well as known enemies from without. More often than not, the greatest enemy is in our own government."
– E. L. Richards, Jr.

I'm 5 minutes in and laughing. :D

That quote is from her page. Simply amazing. I now feel, sane, knowing there are people like this out there.
I think I heard this woman a while ago... I won't waste my time on it but is this the same one who claims we had a fleet of atomic-powered spaceships in the 50s that fought a space battle in our solar system?
Listen to it for a bit, CapnG. The world is messed up and sometimes we just need to laugh. You probably will laugh at least for it.
Karen to Self: "Wow! This episode has gotten more hits than any episode I've ever done. I MUST have this woman back on immediately!"

Good work everybody.
Karen to Self: "Wow! This episode has gotten more hits than any episode I've ever done. I MUST have this woman back on immediately!"

Good work everybody.


No I think Karen has more sense than that. We can only hope Rich does anyway.

BTW - for anyone listening... ake sure you listen to the end. There is some juicy stuff that you dont wanna miss out on.
Those reptillians probably hate humans because they are ashamed of their little hemipenes compared to our massive, by comparison, mammalian preaching-tools. Harry Truman probably stole their leader's harem.