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On Cultural Marxism

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Robert Baird

Paranormal Maven
All of the TV shows which promote weird stuff are appeals to what Machiavelli`s Il Principe advised his De Medicis bosses - `base human urges`. Why do the social engineers prefer mush heads to manage (see Goebbels, Stalin and The Family Compact saying this is the case).

Is the internet also manging to keep the idiots in a Zoo and avoid real conversation.

The media includes our schooling and is a major means of socializing people. It has been used and abused by all manner of people with every agenda but along with the Internet it is far superior to the pulpit which once was supreme.

In short there is no area of society which is not engineered by policy makers and priesthoods of all warp and woof.

The idea that Marx was trying to upend society of the kind we have had since he wrote his book with Engels - is hard to fathom. The ideas he wrote were a major part of what has freed society from the prior Dark Ages. The use of egalitarian models of government he was in favor of has been influential in freeing women. There is a branch of feminism which looks at how capitalism has enforced inequities on women. Personally I think capitalism is not so much to blame for being aware of various demographics and religious impediments to real equality. Yes, businesses are our most democratic institutions in my opinion.

People who are equating Marxism with Machiavellian agendas or some Hobbesian appeals to all demographics are mistaking cause and effect as I see it. It is more properly described as an Hegelian Dialectic or "playing both ends AGAINST THE MIDDLE".

It does happen and social engineers will use any and all means to get where they think we should be going. Francis Fukayama's The End of History and The Last Man which lead to Bill Clinton thanking him as he moved up the ladder from US Policy maker to the Rand Corporation is a must read.

The link which follows is well thought out but offensive (I could say intentionally) and miserly in references, IMHO.
The 'Woman Tax': How Gendered Pricing Costs Women Almost $1,400 A Year
All of the TV shows which promote weird stuff are appeals to what Machiavelli`s Il Principe advised his De Medicis bosses - `base human urges`. Why do the social engineers prefer mush heads to manage (see Goebbels, Stalin and The Family Compact saying this is the case).

Is the internet also manging to keep the idiots in a Zoo and avoid real conversation.

The media includes our schooling and is a major means of socializing people. It has been used and abused by all manner of people with every agenda but along with the Internet it is far superior to the pulpit which once was supreme.

In short there is no area of society which is not engineered by policy makers and priesthoods of all warp and woof.

The idea that Marx was trying to upend society of the kind we have had since he wrote his book with Engels - is hard to fathom. The ideas he wrote were a major part of what has freed society from the prior Dark Ages. The use of egalitarian models of government he was in favor of has been influential in freeing women. There is a branch of feminism which looks at how capitalism has enforced inequities on women. Personally I think capitalism is not so much to blame for being aware of various demographics and religious impediments to real equality. Yes, businesses are our most democratic institutions in my opinion.

People who are equating Marxism with Machiavellian agendas or some Hobbesian appeals to all demographics are mistaking cause and effect as I see it. It is more properly described as an Hegelian Dialectic or "playing both ends AGAINST THE MIDDLE".

It does happen and social engineers will use any and all means to get where they think we should be going. Francis Fukayama's The End of History and The Last Man which lead to Bill Clinton thanking him as he moved up the ladder from US Policy maker to the Rand Corporation is a must read.

The link which follows is well thought out but offensive (I could say intentionally) and miserly in references, IMHO.
Actually the economics of it all taxes women extra for basic products. A comparison pricing on similar products puts women at a significant disadvantage.

(See link above your post)

After all Canada only recently removed taxes on feminine hygiene products - that only took about 100 years. People often like to use this phrase "cultural marxism" along with "political correctness " as a veneer to hide behind their desire to promote racist and sexual drivel, which btw, was the only content discussion at the Return of Kings website you posted. It's a bunch of white men literally whining about their right to be racist, sexist homophobes outside of work, how they are finding it difficult to secure sex for themselves, and with tongue in cheek they pine for a day where men ruled the roost just because they were men. The whole discourse is rather distasteful and off point IMHO.

What the internet offers, along with most video media content is choice. We never had that before because in the old days of sexist racist capitalist patriarchy, production of media content was strictly controlled. But now everyone produces and consumes the content they want in this diversity smorgasbord of offerings. The cultural buffet has been open for years - sample as you will. For you know what they say: you are what you eat (and what you produce).
Normally I don't want to discuss politics, in the every day sense of the word, when I have my Fortean head on but I've had a long day and a couple of beers and feel tired and weak so I can't resist the temptation to bite.

Firstly as Burnt State suggests Cultural Marxism isn't really *a thing*. It's just a straw man erected by the right to throw conservative turnips at.

Secondly the presumption that underlies this argument that capitalism, family, gender - the power structures that rule our lives at the moment - are the natural order of things and horrible left-wingers want to pervert that order for their own selfish means seems, to me at least, laughable. If you think capitalism isn't trying to force an ideology onto you, maybe it already has.

Lastly, and most appropriately to this forum, the Marxist concept of ideology, the notion that there may be a mental pair of distorting spectacles through which we view the world seems ever more important to me in analysing anomalous phenomena. The lights we see in the sky are angels, space brothers, sinister greys, government black ops or earth lights depending on which ideological filter we currently view them through. Or so it seems.

There, I hope that makes sense. If it doesn't I'm blaming the beers.
Dear R

It was well written and made sense - to me.

However, I don't buy a left or right bias in real world events just because the media says there is such a thing.

Instead I see ego and personal programming rules the day for most of humanity. I say that not because I agree with Hobbes that it is true; I say it because humanity has already succumbed to the social engineering which infects all aspects of our existence.
It is certain that our history is a lie. You can argue about the extent of the lie but we know for a fact that destroying books has been done by religions and the nations they created who are still keeping those religions afloat. Yes, the churches could present a value to a community which would be a justification for them not to be taxed on income but that is a stretch, and given the land they were given when the invasion of the Americas took place it is no wonder the Nations are thankful as are the churches. You see the word 'invasion' and you may think back to the mini-series done by Kevin Costner called 'The Invasion of Paradise'.

That was a cover over which detailed almost nothing. But before proving that or that I can demonstrate humans were cultured and had advanced thinking including the ability to travel across the horizon navigating by the stars - A Million YEARS AGO! Before showing how likely it is that our history which gives us credit for being stone-aged (neolithic) people before 8,000 years ago, is not merely wrong but wrong by INTENT! I would like to get agreement that we discuss facts not BELIEFS! Beliefs have been created by those who destroyed the books and outlawed or burned real thinkers.

I leave you with just one little thread to peruse, but it is not really all that relevant except to show that some people do try to make sense of what is going on and why so many say the Pyramids were built by Aliens and the Bible confirms there were giants (Nephilim) etc. Our laws, our nations and our lives are at stake - and the deaths of those who fought the scholastic tyranny of the Dark Ages could be the kind of stake we deserve if we continue to BELIEVE!

Olmec Heads
I was not addressing the economic aspect - but as you point out it does exist at a personal level too.
Well, it's a little more than just personal when you look at the rates of sexual assault and the related patriarchal attitudes that sustain such structures both locally, where rape is the number one thing teen girls need to worry about from friends and family, and globally, where rapists had to mow the lawn of the police station as their punishment.

Whereas you said regarding economics:
There is a branch of feminism which looks at how capitalism has enforced inequities on women. Personally I think capitalism is not so much to blame for being aware of various demographics and religious impediments to real equality. Yes, businesses are our most democratic institutions in my opinion.
To which I thought both economically and in our democratic institutions here in North America women are held to more of a stringent space regarding daycare, job protection and family development when it comes to pregnancy and subsidized care following birth. In the states women are basically told to choose between their job and raising their child. Whereas what feminism has provided in more civilized nation states of the Northern European variety, where families have the best shot at success with job protection and subsidized care for three years, and where the man must take one of those years off. So the link that folows is not really that well thought out at all on any level I can see. Perhaps you could iluminate your thinking here?
The link which follows is well thought out but offensive (I could say intentionally) and miserly in references, IMHO.
I found the preceding article to this one, "Snitchy Bithces, to be particularly illuminating regarding the white male capitalist response to feminism. It's problematic at best is all i'm saying.
Dear Burnt

Very good points - all of them.

On a larger scale the US is a very good place compared to most. And feminism has had to carry the ball for things which cause rape - too much. But I am trying to get to a root cause for our tyrannical mind set which I say comes from social engineering on a grand scaloe throughout history. The issue of rape seems small potatoes compared to being thrown on the funeral pyre of the old lech who bought you at 12 for an ox, for example.

Would you agree there are far larger ways our world is shaped than just the fad Hollywood or our local media wants to use to deflect attention away from their role in the mind control McLuhan said was already ruling the planet in the 1970s?

I say if we examine our past and see how humanity was far more advanced before what we are told (forcibly) then we might be able to come up with answers for how many times a civilization on Earth reached the point of space travel (if at all) or flight in out own atmosphere.

We might learn what motives the Church had for Heresy Trials and Blasphemy Laws (still in existence in some advanced nations and vestiges of samke everywhere).

We might find alternative plans can be made to the fall back plan seen on the Georgia Guideposts. But first we might have to agree some people have used massive de-population techniques and technology throughout out present history in order to see into a far distant past.

I guess my first point of departure to delve into out history of Tyranny. Marxism was not tyrannical though Bolshevism which was modeled on the US (see Yeltsin saying) was tyranny. That is a fine example of something horrifically wrong in media. The same thing caused both World Wars.
I'm really sorry I followed that link - I could've lived my whole life yielding my state sponsored female tyrannical power without ever knowing about that worldwide web waste of space blog and I would've been just fine...just fine.
I hope you were not talking about my link to the Olmec Heads. Yes, there are many ways to look at problems but if you go through your whole life not knowing - where will that lead? I would rather not make this whole thread about feminsim or women's roghts and those problems - which are near and dear in my activism. But they are just a symptom of the larger problem with Cultural Hegemony (A better word than the current fad says it).

Here is an old article of mine which many men at another site think is about some sexist issue. Genders are part of the lie of history and biologists (neurophysiologists - and Yogis and other sages, have always known it) are re-discovering it. There are many sexes with six very different ones and a blending of all in each person.


Thought forms or spiritual insight, the biological ability to endure pain and a lot of other abilities make women more the cause of man's insecurities than he would like to admit. This article will focus on the psychic nurturing side of women that the vernacular lingo calls 'women's intuition'.

In the early first millennium B.C. when writing was made popular by the Phoenicians giving an alphabet to her Greek and other trading colonies there was already a vengeful nature to the relations between man and his 'sister'. Misogynists like Hesiod were the stars of the lyric stage.

It would be interesting to speculate about the female superiority in personal combat as part of the reason for this now that archaeology has proven a great deal of the Amazon legend is real. Women don't faint like the weaker sex when they lose blood. Their lighter bodies and more body fat when fit, allowed for endurance of themselves and their horses that no average man could equal. Clearly if women were shorter among the Kelts who grew to seven feet tall, then the horses would appreciate a six foot tall rider. These things would have been paramount when tanks and airplanes weren't in use. Could Hesiod have been recording the dangers of women based on years of Scythian domination? This would be counter to the compassionate qualities of women but it is possible they had to do this in order not to have done to them what was occurring in other parts of the Mediterranean.

The Scythians can be shown as part of the Druidic pan-tribal council of six king-bairds in the pre-Christian era. In fact this Hyperborean, Thulean and Scythian legend is all about the same ancient League of Nations. The words all mean 'northerner'. But the Amazons made the men serve them in degrading ways and though some scholars think the Dryads are the originators of the Druidic or Bardic Tradition I believe it was not a matriarchy.

So how did the Amazons act so bodacious in the midst of the Scythians?

It is purely speculative to go much further than saying the Scythians had used these shock troops of dedicated warriors; and the warriors had demanded more respect than other male tribal elders were willing to give them. How long they maintained their dominion is not known to me, but it seems reasonable to suggest that it was a thousand years or more while the rest of the Mediterranean was engaged in forcing women into a position of mere chattel and worse.

The word bodacious is derived from the dying embers of this culture in the acts of Queen Boadicaea as she burned London during Roman times. In many classical civilizations of the second millennium B.C. leading up to the Council of Carthage in 397 A.D., women were feared for their psychic power.

The program of "women as the harbingers of the 'Original Sin'" was championed by St. Augustine or Augustine of Hippo; I get confused when they all honour each other by using the same name. Anyway he wrote his deviate designs in his own book 'Confessions' that the American Psychoanalytical Association had a field day with. The use of the word 'sinister' is instructive in our quest to understand the certain uncertainties that all true knowledge of the soul will obtain.

It is quite likely the Amazons were ambidextrous in training; although there is proof many had to cut one breast off in order to shoot the bow and arrow most efficiently. I think they were creative psychically endowed women who many feminists today (including liberationists like me) would love to see raised to the level of role-models.
The Bacchanals or Dianistic cults also saw a certain female adaptation to the gender issues. One need look only at the position of women within any given culture to extrapolate its ability to co-exist with other cultures. The more narrowly defined a womans role is within a culture the more likely it is that culture will also try to discriminate against other eco-systems and the beings who populate it.

The Council of Carthage in 397 A.D. was the formalization of the diminishment of women to second class, in the Roman Church which was about to expand when the Empire was deemed unnecessary. These historic facts are yet to be fully fleshed out and may never hit the mainstream of society that is averse to sex, religion and politics or the discussion thereof.

There were still strong opponents to the Romish plot against women and the soul of mankind long after the Council of Carthage. Celtic Christianity spread by the monastic orders such as Iona to far away islands named after their Irish homeland existed into the Eighth century. Antioch and Acre as well as heretical groups like Arianism continued to keep a separate attitude within Christianity until the present day. But the 6th Century is regarded as the period when Rome became ascendant.

There were colonies established throughout the world by conscientious objectors or those who came under ever increasing Inquisitorial control or oppression. One of them was Rhoda. This site saw top scholars do the excavations in 1929 and thereabouts. The tablets found do mention issues with mingling or marrying Toltecs. I think it was a Jewish community that tried to keep its religion pure through controls. The Toltecs are members of the Druidic Brotherhood. Could Rhoda have been a female in the heritage of the Phoenician founder of Carthage named Dido that top experts now can confirm did found Carthage in 814 B.C.? It is interesting that the Bogomils are associated with the remnants of the Cathars lead by the great female general Esclaramonde du Foix who I think we all could learn a lot more about.

I love to think about Hypatia of Alexandria and why she scared the intelligentsia of the Catholics in Alexandria around the time of the Council of Carthage too. But you will hear very little about these great women.
Why was knowledge so fearful to this Church of MEN? Certainly the Balkans today shows few signs of the Bogomil internationalism of the time of Esclaramonde; but after seven centuries of oppression it is no small wonder that knowledge is lost in places like Ireland and the Ukraine or Thracia.

The Hemispheres of the Brain - Learning from 'Within' Neurophysiology has contributed the left-right brain modality that was always understood by 'dualistic' observers such as the Taoist 'Yin and Yang'. Tantrism is just one of the many sutras or disciplines that will teach the things women and men can soulfully acquire.

The greatest adept I met was a developer of a mountain climbing sutra. You would not believe the things she taught me do exist. People on the street have the impression that all things other than Christianity are some kind of weird cult just because certain deviates like Crowley have abused them or their country of origin is in turmoil. There is a need to understand each other in these countries to be sure.

What can be more deviate than what the Catholics have admitted to when the Pope asked for "forgiveness and renewal" in the bi-millennium period of his great faith. A great deal more than just the Cathar genocide has yet to be admitted.

I have developed a good case for the Catholic use of the Plague as a bio-weapon against Europeans and Indians. I even have found a quote from Churchill that confirms this; which we will see in other articles or chapters. Sainted Catholic Bishops and pompous asses like Clement had a role in seeing Hypatia torn limb from body, by an angry mob just as the Catholic (and their partners the Anglicans) were blamed for the genocide in Rwanda by a recent International Commission.

Those who are 'true believers' in this ghastly cult will see karma has truth beyond mere personal acts such as suckling at the spigot of the table washings left by greedy power-mongers. There is no proof man is innately created as such a negative animal. No other beast is so highly organized in its crime. Yet they are often found to not even have to pay taxes! I agree with those who say they'll believe the Churchians when they have a day care center in the Vatican and a woman Pope.

Neurophysiology has contributed the left-right brain reality of our physical make up. It also includes a separation of the hemispheres that differs between men and women. Some 80% of women have a larger separation above the Corpus Collosum and all important Pineal Gland or Third Eye. These are the women most innately attuned to the spiritual reality now being explored (as in the Chaos Science of 13,000 years ago) by the Quantum Many Worlds Interpretation of Physics.

Of course there are some men in the same kind of 20% proportion who get to be so 'sinister' or nurturing and what some regard as passive even though it requires more courage to be giving. The books dealing with these practical and real opportunities are varied.

Martin Mull is an actor/comedian and creative genius that such a profession requires. His book is simple and straightforward with drawing exercises. The Wonder Child by Peter Lorie and other scientists of the mind is a rediscovery of beauty once fostered in the ancient extended family.

Joy can come by learning from the baby rather than trying to make it in your own imprinted image. There is more wisdom in the freedom of 'following your Bliss' than most linear logically oriented education imagines. Over 350,000 neural connections can be utilized but about half that many become atrophied as we 'learn' to reject the spiritual reality.

There are at least six very different learning styles and geometric combinations thereof. The linear logical approach that has been emphasized since macho man took control or some of the needs associated with industrial age sweat shops including time clocks are less mutable to the soul and its purpose, collective and otherwise. Many social 'needs' are not healthy for the whole person addressed in the Mayan saying "Do not put yourself in front of yourself".

The creative spatial insights afford greater productive applications of the soul and 'women's intuition'. Jungian archetypes or akashic records contained in what the Director of the Human Genome Project calls our "history book" will provide exciting continuing confirmation of ancient knowledge. It can lead to an illumination called Divine Inspiration or direct cognition. Dyslexics like Einstein or Spielberg are good examples of the potential we all can work to develop. The Bardic Institute has a homepage of the educationally emancipating World Wide Web that includes a quote from Einstein that deals with these potentials.

"The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift."

The Catholic Encyclopedia would have its readers believe Yoga is translated as 'yoke'. That is a joke they must have some fun fomenting. It means 'union' and focuses on the soul! Through the 'union' or personal knowledge of how thought energy passes between the hemispheres of the brain man becomes wholistically more able to cope and 'cognize' what V. Hugo called "the waves of the marvelous".
No, it was the first link which leads to a disturbingly misogynistic site with such thought provoking, scholarly titles as "Why You Should Avoid Dating Women Who Claim They Were Raped", or "5 Reasons Not to Have a Breadwinner Wife". I want to know and learn as much as I can about this great big world, but blog posts by fellas who prefer to import a subservient woman so she can bring him a beer are not on my personal curriculum.
Can you understand the issues of being involved with a woman who has been abused? Speaking from personal experience I would recommend against it - but the statistics of how many have been abused are so shcokingly high (70% according to some who do not include harassment) it would be better if we taught men how to be a lover and all people the potential of spiritual union.

I can also say that my lifelong significant other was a career woman (teacher leader and advocate) who was ready to quit from burn out when I met her. There are issues every where, and so few places to gain wisdom.
The War on Women


A pink-eyed rabbit, fuzzy white

Hops in bedrooms filled with fright

A child of six with much to know
Her father's basest feelings show
She knows of LOVE, only through him
He satisfies his every whim

He leaves, she wipes him

from her chin!

Her mother NEEDS to see the best

He answered her God request

To have a roof to comfort bring

A yard where all the birdies sing

Tell me how she could really know
What source for learning could she go?
Her mother regularly beaten if not worse
The cycle of violence - a woman's curse

Conflicting visions, dependencies

One can endure many idiosyncrasies

She could not make him defendant be

Denial, avoidance... she disbelieves

The rabbit hides beneath tall trees.

At thirteen a step-grandfatha'
Finds a well-trained girl that oughta'
Do what powerful men request
Never knowing what is best

And run away she does at last

Freedom can be such a 'blast'

A rabbit's foot upon a chain

The FANTASY her 'safe' domain

How long in life must it remain?

To protect her from these men

Who always for her lips, do 'yen'

A state trooper in Tennessee
Like every other man does see
Her lips so full and luscious red
Through the bars, not in a bed.
This life men bring to little girls
Even when their hair yet curls

The visions in her soul I saw

Ripped my soul - made it raw

I can understand the rage and WILL
To take a life and even KILL

Just forgive and let it go
The therapists say, what do THEY Know?

My lady had no obvious mental issues but she did grind her teeth while sleeping for a few days at first. But she had attempted suicide and the noted fat clinic in Hilton Head which her mother sent her too at the time her mother finally started believing what her daughter had been telling her; said they could not address her real causal issues. I tried hard and there were many improvements but it is hard for all people who care. This article investigates some of the blowback that is very real despite appearances.

http://www.cmhanl.ca/pdf/The Conne...in Women.pdf

The Doctor of Psychology who I call my 'twin' (born the same day one astrological cycle older) was the key force behind amnesty for women in jail during the late 80s and into the 90s. Gloria Allred rode her back and took most of the credit. Even after getting the state of California to legislate amnesty for women who had killed their intimate partners who abused their children or the mothers - few were set free. Multiple reasons and issues became obvious including what had happened to my twin when she was raped continuously by every member of the staff as well as by the inmates in orgiastic sessions. She gave herself to higher ups to avoid the frequent rapes and eventually only serviced the prison doctor. The damage done in jail (Don't tell me about rehabilitation - my twin did develop an easy and short two week course but the system likes keeping their charges and building empire) is extensive. In many cases they claimed the files were lost, witnesses no longer available, etc. Yes, the legislation only gave women a new hearing.

The quote that follows is from a CDC report which addresses a lot of the costs and gives the impression all issues are being considered. My experience tells me psychologists won't address victim participation in case it leads to lawsuits - same with family participation. The police would love to employ interventions and get real action but they too are stopped from doing much more than taking the abuse of family violence into their lives. The police get attacked but that is not the abuse I am talking about.

In the late 20th C. the US Surgeon General C. Everett Koop called Family Violence an epidemic or pandemic even though the numbers or percentages are hard to gather due to reporting concerns already mentioned as well as the further victimization of those who do open up.
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A young woman on another site asked why the Cultural Marxists are still operating after her good christian sources told her they had fought communism and won the battle. Here is my reply.

Marx correctly said "Religion is the opium of the people".

And because the paradigm social engineers used every religion then and now, as Fukayama confessed, the pulpit pounders did fight 'communism' because Bolshevism had outlawed them as had the French Revolution which also seized their assets for good reason. In fact the Catholic Church was so anti-communist during WWII it supported Hitler as I referred to their Concordat and as a recent book by the Catholics points out in support of this Pope being made a saint despite them being forced to admit (By a media team) that the Pope worked to get high ranking Nazis to South America and freedom - AFTER the war! Remember Russia certainly was not communist - Castro may have started out as one = alongside Gandhi and Mandela - if you search for a quadrangle representation pictorially done you will see this.

The social engineers are using any and all means - as they always will to try to get people to behave. As Kissinger pointed out in his speech to the Bilderbergs at Evian, France in the last century. Religious extremism prevents Earth from entering the Intergalactic Brotherhood. He probably was trying to get his listeners to look at Earth and it's racism, wars and treatment of women and children in the eyes of an outsider. But I hate to admit I once thought it was possible this was evidence that aliens do consort with our leaders.

Can you think of a better way than Cultural Marxism (Hegemony or Hegelian Dialectic) than getting religion to change? If this church controls the destiny of humanity as they certainly claim with their Pope being God's only spokesman we certainly need to tax them until they change their ways. http://www.godrules.net/library/augu...ugustine28.htm
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