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On Music and the Paranormal

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drew hempel

Skilled Investigator
I've been listening to the Paracast regularly since Curt Sutherly was on a few months back. I had read Sutherly from my own book hunting but that was the first time to hear him and hear about his work vis a vis the other UFOlogists.

I follow Nick Redfern and Greg Bishop's UFOMystic and I reported to Nick my very close encounter with a big black triangle, summer of 1997. Not only does it have no fuselage but it's a perfect equilateral triangle, making just a humming sound. It fly right over the north end of our yard and I was able to "triangulate" it. At that time I had no idea how widely these had been seen -- not until I read Curt Sutherly's book that is.

At any rate I did read John Keel and even heard Keel in person at the INFO FortFest either fall of 1997 or 1998. I like how Keel also considered nonwestern cultures up close -- with his Jadoo book especially. Now with the hosts of the Paracast bringing up "music" as the best model for paranormal philosophy -- in the interview with Nick Redfern -- I felt I should post here.

I have a masters degree studying music and philosophy of science. Math professor Joe Mazur said I did important research and math Professor Luigi Borzacchini said I was a good mathematician. Only my math is about the logic of music ratios at the foundation of Western science and the connection to paranormal phenomenon.

To finish my masters degree I took classes from qigong master Chunyi Lin -- it's Chinese yoga for paranormal healing abilities. Chunyi Lin works with the Mayo Clinic -- the top hospital in the world. So I trained extensively and I took developed telekinesis, telepathy and precognition, along with healing abilities. Chunyi Lin's website is Spring Forest Qigong

Needless to say my family freaked out about this but I still got credit for my qigong classes as self-directed research through nonwestern nondualist philosophy. I then connected this back to music ratios and paranormal healing because I discovered that Taoist yang is the Perfect 5th music ratio 2:3 while yin is the Perfect 4th music ratio 3:4. What makes this resonance different is that it's based on complementary opposites -- so that there's no concept of "frequency" even as that is a Western concept.

Anyway I could go on about this but just thought you might want to know that when people apply music and resonance to paranormal phenomenon there's more to it then just Western concepts. This is why the trickster angle holds strong when discussing these concepts. Still there is a method to the madness -- there is a specific practice that anyone can do to access this reality locked up by Western mentalities.

You can read my blog for more details or I'm happy to answer questions, etc. Natural Resonance Revolution

Take care,

drew hempel
Hi drew hempel, interesting post that,

Tell me do you find the theory side of music more dominant or helpful than the soul element when when improvising or writing.
If for instance a piece were to be written for use in healing, I instinctively feel the results may be more effective coming from the heart rather than the head.

I am a musician with no degree definitely not a technician, and though it sounds like we perhaps approach music very differently, I do feel "resonance" with what you have to say. :)

Speaking of fifths,

Wecome to the forums drew,

Mark -- Yeah Roll Over Beethoven was my favorite "Beatles" song! haha. I actually saw Chuck Berry perform in 1996 on the Pine Ridge Reservation. If you watch the documentary on Chuck Berry he puts Keith Richards to shame. Chuck has no qualms about speaking truth to power and demanding what he considers to be the only way to get the value of the music -- so he doesn't mess around.

The secret of course is syncopated rhythm -- it's more like boogie woogie. Most rock today is STILL "straight" or "square" rhythm. haha.

When we get the "chills" from music it's been proven that it's due to activation of the neuropeptides and opiates in the brain. Music literally heals.

But that's just the beginning. When we listen to music it also activates the basal ganglia -- Dr. Ani Patel has researched this neuroscience. So any vocal learning animal has their motor functions hard-wired to their listening perception. We are hard-wired to move our bodies to music and thereby do even deeper physical healing.

Still this is not the end -- there's a practice called the "small universe" or "microcosmic orbit" in Taoism and found in India's Kriya Yoga tradition as well. It's the 12 notes of the music scale as 12 energy nodes along the outside of the body.

The book "Taoist Yoga: Alchemy and Immortality" translated by Charles Luk tells the secrets of how the 12 notes of the music scale -- built from the 1-4-5 complementary opposite harmonics -- creates electromagnetic energy for telekinesis, telepathy and precognition.

Finally sitting in full-lotus is the tetrahedron or pyramid power body position made up of 8 triangles with the 2-3-4 harmonics ratios. So the pressure on the thighs from the crossed legs creates piezoelectric ultrasound which again ionizes the emotions as electrochemicals to create electromagnetic fields.

You can get the small universe level 1 sitting meditation c.d. for $10 -- or else free from rapidshare, etc.


So then you can practice the "scale" to create electromagnetic paranormal abilities through natural resonance.
Thanks. Yeah my whole spiel is surprisingly simple but also very radical because I'm relying on nonwestern logic, with a structural analysis. I call it the "surplus value of consciousness" building on the Freudian Marxists but with a critique of the mathematics of science itself.

I've been posting on abovetopsecret.com lately (which collaborates heavily now with coasttocoast -- and there's also dismissal of "luddites.") But I promote Professor David F. Noble's book "The Religion of Technology" and I think Nick Redfern's forthcoming book will build on this.

Nick has stated in a couple of his recent radio interviews that he's discovered a secret government group focused on contactees and abductions and aliens. Nick has also stated he's focused on occult technology -- that there is a ritualistic aspect to Area 51, etc.

I call this the "tantric trajectory of technology" and is modeled as an extension of Nandor Fodor paranormal research, building on Freud. I also have compared Gurdjieff with Taoist alchemy using nonwestern harmonics.

This is just for fun but basically it seems that left-handed asymmetric carbon-based molecules (ecology) are being replaced by right-handed asymmetric silica-based molecules (Matrix AI) using Platonic occult technology as a mass ritual sacrifice religion. I trace this literally back to the origins of Western civilization -- the very start of the city-states around 10,000 BCE. Christopher O'Brien gave a similar time frame for his "Stalking the Tricksters" book. So I think there is some good indirect dialog on this information.

The Actual Plan for the Matrix: Incommensurability, Harmonic Resonance, and the Religion of Technology is a good start on my expose about this "music logarithmic spiral" and Matrix paranormal technology.

For the full-on "blogbook" in an edited format -- here's "Deep Disharmony"

Natural Resonance Revolution: Deep Disharmony: The Blogbook
hey friend, do you have any music you have made that use these concepts? I'd be interested to hear. I have practiced kriya yoga for a few years, it definately does something to you... Not a lot of people think about the musical quality of that system but it is there. There is a vibrational (as in sound, not new age talk) level to everything and whether or not we recognize it definitely has an effect on people.
Here's free downloads (if there's not too many users so you may have to try again) for the Spring Forest qigong music -- audio and video.

AvaxHome -> Chunyi Lin - Spring Forest Qigong

The best tool is the $10 c.d. I listed above -- the "Level 1 sitting meditation c.d." which as 1/2 hour the

"small universe" practice.

Plus a 1/2 hour of the "self-concentration" or zen meditation.

This small universe is a guided meditation where Chunyi Lin talks you through the 12 harmonic nodes along the outside of the body.

So you hear Chunyi Lin say "OHM" for the first node or note of the alchemical scale and then "MUA" for the second and then "OHM" for the third and "MUA" for the 4th -- until you complete the circle of the 12 notes of the scale.

You can just sit in a chair with your back straight -- sitting somewhat on the edge of the chair so there's more pressure on the very base of your trunk, the perineum.

The first note is the lower tan tien energy point -- which is the main energy storage center in the body for electromagnetic (prana or chi) energy. So it's about 2 inches below the belly button and 2 inches back into the body. It's basically the stomach because the more electromagnetic energy you store there the less food you need to eat.

The 2nd note is the reproductive organ.

The 3rd note is the base of the body -- the perineum -- between the reproductive organ and the anus.

The 4th note is the base of the back -- the "small" of the back.

The 5th note is between the kidneys.

The 6th note is the top of the back -- that bump where the spine meets the shoulder.

The 7th note is the base of the skull.

The 8th note is the top center of the skull.

The 9th note is the center of the forehead.

The 10th note is the throat.

The 11th note is the heart.

The 12th note starts the cycle over again at the lower tan tien.

You can also get an hour long "small universe" c.d. where this cycle is practiced as the alchemical "infinite spiral of fifths" -- many times!

So going up the back is the electrochemical life force energy -- called the kundalini or Tibetan tummo or in Taoism the jing energy. In the original healing culture -- the Bushmen -- it's called N/UM energy or "boiling heat."

Going down the front center of the body is the electromagnetic energy from the brain.

As the yang energy of the upper body combines with the yin energy of the lower body an "explosion" occurs creating the alchemical pill -- which means there is ionization of the electrochemical energy for increased yang electromagnetic energy.

When we listen to the source of sound in our brains this creates ultrasound. The highest pitch of sound we can hear externally -- when listened to internally resonates into ultrasound. This is documented in Droscher's book "Magic of the Senses."

For the very advanced stages of this "small universe" practice you have to read the book "Taoist Yoga: Alchemy and Immortality," trans. by Charles Luk.

Finally the full-lotus yoga position creates ultrasound from the piezoelectric pressure of the crossed legs on the thighs. So this is the most efficient means to ionize the electrochemical emotional energy of the lower body.

When you practice the "small universe" exercise, also called the "microcosmic orbit," first the kidneys get hot. Then the thymus gland gets hot and then you get increased electromagnetic fields.

You can test the fields but just holding the palms towards each other and there's a magnetic force pushing the hands apart. This is called a "chi ball."

Then when the chi or prana is built up enough the pituitary gland and pineal gland get permanently magnetized with an open third eye. This means you can quickly transform the energy and transmit it externally through the third eye. You can then see light externally around people as well. This stage is called the "macrocosmic orbit" and you can then automatically resonate with the lunar and solar energy.
Ever done any Tai Chi drew h?,

I did for a short period and can say that I definitely sensed four layers if you will, to a persons aura.

Once in a class I used to attend we had done a series of warm up exercises and learned a little more of the form we were practicing, then after walking slowly around the room with our tongues pressed to our palate important it seems, we were partnered up and asked to simply raise our hands palms facing forward, and to approach our partner slowly.

I definitely sensed what I can best describe as a sort of bubble surrounding my partner. I guess I got it right that day and to be honest I regret not having stuck with it. A truly valuable technique imo.

It's good you started this thread drew I might just have a go at that form again.

exactly dusty -- Qigong master Chunyi Lin first taught Tai Chi when he moved to Minnesota but his specialty is qigong. He still practices Tai Chi every morning as a warm-up!

In the Spring Forest Qigong guild meetings we practiced healing on each other -- Chunyi Lin uses the Shaolin "sword fingers" which is the yin or electrochemical energy to break up blockages and then the "thunder palm" which is the yang or electromagnetic energy to send harmonized energy back into the area where the blockage was broken up.

So for the healing -- which you learn in Level 2 -- but you can fly in for the weekend to take Level 1 and Level 2 back to back at Spring Forest Qigong ...

Anyway for the healing you open up the small universe on someone else -- they just sit and relax in a chair. You do the same as I described that is practiced by internal mind focus on the 12 points -- only you use your hands -- no touching -- just about 10 inches from their body.

You can also sense the blockages from a distance -- using the hands -- and when they get that "tingling" sensation -- the "chills" -- then that's your chi helping to identify and remove the blockage.

As I mentioned earlier Dr. Ani Patel has focused on neuroscience and music and incorporates the McGill research documenting that when music gives you the "tingling" or "chill" sensation it's because the natural healing opiates or neuropeptides are activated. The same happens from acupuncture as well.

This is a great 1-4-5 music brain healing vid:

That's why Pachabel's Canon is used for the old Alcohol's Anonymous commercials -- it's the 1-4-5 or yin-yang-emptiness -- infinite healing cycle.

Of course the Western logarithmic tuning is not in line with the natural resonance harmonics -- nonwestern music is focused on trance to create light through the ultrasound ionization.

So with Tai Chi the focus is on the electromagnetic chi energy while a real qigong master is focused on the

SHEN or Shakti transmission which is very rare -- it's the laser-holographic energy that is the source of the third eye energy and enables long-distance healing.