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On the Dark Matters Blog ...

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Now Hear This ... Now Hear This! You may have heard that some no-body's out there in web-land, doing a blog radio show that no one has heard, are taking cheap shots at The Paracast and also at myself. Well, to be honest I couldn't let that slide. I just did a new blog posting at Dark Matters Radio.
With pictures .... Dark Matters Radio - Just another WordPress weblog

But if ya are busy, here is the posting.

Well, here it is … two happy events on the same day. The summer solstice (and for all those folks in Bellwood, Penna. that means first day of summer) and Father’s Day all wrapped up together on one slow Sunday.

The last couple of weeks have been slow for me but my lovely wife has been pretty busy. She got a two week call and is working on the new Iron Man 2 movie. She has had to be on set usually on or before 7:00 AM so she leaves here about 6:00 AM. Our lifestyle has been low key of late so that means Vicki has had to go on after-burners. She is dedicated though and God knows the extra income helps.

Since I no longer have any interest or participation in the UFO field per se, I’ve been free to write and do research that interests me. Back when I was Research Director and doing weekly radio broadcasts I had to hunt and search for time to do my fiction writing, but no more. Now I can write as much as I like and UFOs are several years behind me … I thought. Well buddy, you got to keep your eyes open because sometimes “It” came jump up and “bush ya”! (Bush ya is drawn from my Army time, means ambush.)

This past week I suddenly got hit with a series of emails from some folks I know and respect from “The Paracast” radio program. As was explained to me, “ Some young and apparently immature Yo-Yo that has his very own ‘blogcast talk show’ claimed that he was being harassed by The Paracast Radio Show both on and off the air.” But wait, there is more … my very own name was also brought into the mix as being the only kind of guest The Paracast would have on. Everybody else got short shrift and disrespect from the hosts, Gene and David. Damn, did I know that to be a crock of shi ….. Oops, sorry. This just might be a family reading experience here at Dark Matters.

Now, I had to hunt and peck to find this obscure blogcast and Hell, I had never heard of the host. He goes by Jesse Randoph but his email says Jesse Singer so I downloaded the show in question. I had to twirl my thumbs for an hour to finally get to the point. Now, let me digress for just a second.

As I stated here on this blog many times before, I came from a cop and criminal investigator background. When I decided to check out this crazy field of UFO research, I knew “instinctively” that there were probably “tons and tons” of BS artists and … well, quite honestly “wackos” in the field. I made a promise to myself back then to treat anything I encountered just like I would treat a criminal case. (Christ! I get tired of re-stating that but I guess I have to. That is no longer the case, just pick up any issue of UFO Magazine now.) I reported on the facts of a case, or sometimes the lack of facts. Hey, face it, discuss UFOs with anyone not familiar with the topic and you get that far off spacey look thrown at you. Like it or not, the UFO topic is considered FRINGE by most folks. So, I quite frankly got a lot of hate thrown at me because I was loath to jump on every “fringe bandwagon” that came along, plus I called out the ring leaders as I encountered them. After 20 years I got tired of that and threw my hands up in disgust.

So, here I am listening to this kid and his blog show. He gets a caller, a woman who tells him all about her research into Mars, and giant Mars land animals and a Mars civilization etc. ad nauseum. Why, this is what those secret NASA and government types are hiding, don’t you know? I broke down in belly-shaking laughter as I listened to this crap. So, finally 1 hour and two minutes into the show I hear this kid, who by the way is trying desperately to be Art Bell, (later he tells me he loves Art and he tries to emulate Art) mention “Don Ecker” who is cynical and NEGATIVE” and to paraphrase, is the only kind of guest The Paracast can tolerate or words to that effect. Now, what is his beef with them? Well, on the Paracast both Gene and David do not deal well with fools and bull shit artists, they challenge them. In other words, put up or shut up my friend. They do now what I used to do on my various shows UFOs Tonite, Strange Daze, and of course Dark Matters Radio. Ergo, they also now have hate thrown on them. Is it deserved?

On a fairly recent episode of the Paracast a well known name, when questioned about some “very fringey guests” he has in his various UFO galas told Gene and David that credibility DOES NOT MATTER to him. Hey, its there, I listened to this guy say it, then I listened to him say it again. The exchange got heated and here is the secret boys and girls. Don’t confuse me with the facts, my mind is made up. I WANT TO BELIEVE! Well, in any other field of endeavor this bunch would be run out of town, but not in UFOdom.

So, I write this kid, tell him who I am and ask him what his beef is with me. This is what he wrote back to me.

“I'm quite familiar with your career. I've enjoyed your articles for many years. We have met in passing, but I wouldn't expect you to remember me. I have no beef with you at all.

I have no interest in discussing with you about why my radio style is different than you or anyone else. Who I idolize or try and emulate is up to me.

"Why did I get out? I got sick and tired of rubbing elbows with morons." You don't see this as a bit cynical and negative? Don, it wasn't meant to be a personal attack, but I'm entitled to interpret this sentence, you and any of your writing or shows any way I see fit. Aren't I?

You should know being a host for so long that some folks love ya and some folks don't. I get plenty of email on both sides of the fence.

I am still entitled to my opinion that you got out of Ufology, and by the end seemed to have a cynical and negative viewpoint. I got that info from reading and listening to you speak. I didn't pull it out of thin air, or create it.

So, I don't really see that there is any "beef" here at all.

Group hug!”

Group hug? Are you f***ing serious? Oops, I almost forgot, this is a family blog. So anyway, what do you say to a reality challenged “moon-bat” like that? Am I going to write him back, nah, wouldn’t make any difference. That is another big reason why I knew it was time to get outta the UFO Dodge City. The inmates are finally running the asylum in UFOdom. Geeze, now that I am out and don’t get heart-burn from dealing with the moron element any longer, I can get back to doing what now interests me. Let’s see, my current writing project is a little something I named “A Person of Interest”. It is a cop drama with a bit of Science Fiction thrown into the mix. You see, this detective and his partner are on a missing persons case and, ah shucks, you will just have to wait until its done. I don’t want to give away the twist … and it’s a good one! In the mean time boys and girls, keep looking up, ya just never know what ya might see …….

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Folks, if anyone feels they must discuss this, the show in question is to be labeled "The Show Not Worth Mentioning" or TSNWM for short! Thank you. :)

I'm hoping no one does. Simply not worth the bandwidth or the acknowledgment IMO. It is what it is...

I'm hoping to win the Powerball too and am willing to settle for one out two.

Guess which one I'd prefer...

Well played sir. You indeed rule Don. This guy actually did us a favor in a way. He let people know that we don't deal in the "noise business". That researcher who talked about large animals on Mars already knows not to come on this show, unless she enjoys a good roast. :cool:
Doesn't seem that big a deal to me. Was that all he said? What did he say about the Paracast, or is that it?

Not to say I don't understand the annoyance. A sentence like "The Paracast only has XYZ type of guests on" clearly shows a lack of understanding and that he has no fucking idea what he is talking about.

I just feel like this might have given him way more attention that he deserves.

Oh yeah - what's this about "being harassed by the Paracast both on and off the air"? I haven't heard this guy or his show mentioned even once on the Paracast. Never even heard of the guy until now.
Oh yeah - what's this about "being harassed by the Paracast both on and off the air"? I haven't heard this guy or his show mentioned even once on the Paracast. Never even heard of the guy until now.

That's because I once called this idiot on the phone (not on air, this is a baseless claim of his, as is most of what emerges from his piehole), his producer gave me his cel phone # - because he had mentioned on his show that we had given Paola Harris such a terribly hard time, we were so mean to her, etc. etc. One of our listeners alerted me to this, because I had never heard of this loser, either. So I called him to ask his about his comments, and he ended up telling me that he worships the ground that his hero Art Bell walked on, and that you couldn't pass any kind of judgment on people's claims, yadayada, and I ended up laughing him off the phone. There were then a few emails, by where he told me what a terrible person I am, how this show is the worst thing to happen to the field, yadayada. Apparently, in his warped little world, this is what passes as harrassment - him emailing me hateful shit, me responding to him and telling him to fuck a duck. Since then - something like a year ago, I honestly don't remember - he continuously trashes us on his "show". He recently had Bassett on, and went to great lengths to say how we were so deeply disrespectful of Bassett and his noble mission, blahblah, and how we're just mean. Then these recent comments, where he also randomly trashed Don Ecker in the same breath as us, which is just fucking nuts, as Don is obviously one of the best people in the field, IMO. Anyway, that's the deal, this little turd keeps screaming that we're not as good as him because we're nothing more than a "little podcast on the internets". ::)

Yeah, he's on the big, powerful BlogTalk Radio network, along with a bunch of other... podcasts. On the... internet. Small Shmeckie Syndrome, methinks. :D

He's never been mentioned on The Paracast - and we're not going to give him the free publicity, so that's not likely to happen anytime soon - and this is one of the first - and only - times I'll write about him on these forums. He's a fucktard, he thinks Alfredo "Fucking Loon" Webre is a demigod, he'd like to father Paola Harris' babies, he recently spent an entire episode seeing how far he could stick his tongue up Sean David Morton's ass, he's another failed entertainer who has transitioned to useless noise merchant and shit pudding vendor. In other words, he's everything I can't fucking stand.

So that, in brief, is the deal. Yeah, I know, TMI.

No that's exactly the right amount of information to paint what I feel is an incredibly accurate picture of this guy.

Another person who has spent a great deal of energy creating an illusion based on input from all the usual offenders, and who gets reactionary when other - louder - voices poke holes in that illusion with common sense and credibility.

There's quite a few of those, I've noticed.
Hey Gang, I tussled with whether I wanted to even address this or not prior to my doing the blog entry on my site.

The bottom line is however ... it simply Offends me when I encounter this kind of Open Mind, so open that his freaken' brains fall out in a public venue. (No matter how small the venue is.) Even I get tired of me sounding like a broken record, or more recently a broken CD, DVD, whatever .... but I spent years trying to present the damned subject (UFO research) in a sane manner where the public would finally realize that there was something to this thing. (Exactly how Gene and David work it now.) When you host a show and are presenting this subject to the public, my take on the thing is you must question obvious crazy notions-for example giant land animals on Mars, or spaceships hiding behind a comet filled with ET's looking for a place to land. It usually is true that if it sounds too good to be true, then it likely ain't true, or if it sounds too crazy to be real then best guess is it ain't real!

But there is also the human element to be considered. Nobody likes to be personally trashed, that includes me. Most times it is "water off a ducks back" but then in a case like this I know damn well if I bumped into this kid, he would probably shit himself when I confronted him on a one to one....

And so it goes ....

Decker<input id="gwProxy" type="hidden"><!--Session data--><input onclick="jsCall();" id="jsProxy" type="hidden">
I do listen to that particular podcast, though I think it's very masochistic of me to do so. I haven't heard the episode in question. I do cringe whenever the host says things like "we're all saucerheads" and other stupid shit like that.

I do keep hoping that I might hear something worthwhile on that show, and on other podcasts that I listen to...so far it's all noise.
Oh shit.


This dude for real? He is trying to sound EXACTLY like Art Bell. Just listened to a couple mins of one of his shows.