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On the Show — Malcolm Robinson

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malcolm-robinson.pngMalcolm Robinson is a UFO investigator, author, and lecturer Malcolm Robinson is the lead investigator in the the famous Dechmont Woods UFO incident. In 1979, forestry worker Bob Taylor was attacked by two spiked objects that exited a strange craft that was hovering in a clearing. Taylor, who was 61 at the time and has since passed away, was knocked unconscious during the attack, but when he awoke, he found himself bruised and delirious, and discovered that his pants had been ripped open by the spiked objects. Robinson is now the owner of Taylor’s ripped trousers, but when he recently attempted to donate them to the National Museums of Scotland, museum bosses rejected his offer.

Here is a good interview with Malcolm that includes the 1979 Bob Taylor case with his torn trousers:

MALCOLM ROBINSON - Ayrshire Magazine
  • Malcolm Robinson is the founder of Strange Phenomena Investigations (U.K.) Est 1979, and is an established public speaker, presenter, scriptwriter and International author of the following books:
  • UFO Case Files of Scotland (Volume 1) Amazing Real Life Alien Encounters. (ISBN-10 1907 712 6023)
  • UFO Case Files of Scotland (Volume 2) The Sightings. (ISBN-10 1907 126120)
  • The Monsters of Loch Ness (The History and the Mystery) (ISBN: 978-1-326-72942-4)
  • Paranormal Case Files of Great Britain (Volume 1) (ISBN-10 1907 126066)
  • Paranormal Case Files of Great Britain (Volume 2) (ISBN: 978-1326-874-223
  • Paranormal Case Files of Great Britain (Volume 3) ISBN: 978-0244-11171-4
  • Paranormal Case Files of Great Britain (Volume 4) ISBN: BOC47JCV4P
  • The Dechmont Woods UFO Incident. (An ordinary day, an extraordinary event) ISBN: 978-0-244-15911-5
  • The Sauchie Poltergeist (And other Scottish ghostly tales) ISBN: 979-865-0294-658
  • Please Leave Us Alone (The true and terrifying story of an Irish family and their desperate fight against the Hat Man and Supernatural Forces) ISBN: 9798-4809-72146
  • The A70 UFO Incident. (Scotland's First Officially Reported UFO Abduction) (ISBN: B09RG7RXR1)
  • The Falkland Hill UFO Incident (Scotland's most controversial UFO case) ISBN: 9798-3516-822-04
  • The Bonnybridge UFO Enigma (A modern Day Mystery) By Ron Halliday and Malcolm Robinson Coming out Summer 2025​
All the above books are available from www.amazon.co.uk or www.barnesandnoble.com or http://www.lulu.com

Malcolm's Facebook Page: Log into Facebook

Malcolm's You Tube Channel. Malcolm Robinson UFO & Paranormal Researcher (SPI)

Malcolm Robinson is the assistant editor of Outer Limits Magazine and was the first Scottish person to lecture on UFOs in the following countries: The United States of America. (Laughlin Nevada), France: (Strasbourg), Holland: (Utrech), Ireland: (Carrick on Shannon & Galway) Malcolm is also one of only a handful of people on this planet to have gone down into the murky depths of Loch Ness in a submarine and is the founder of Strange Phenomena Investigations (1979).

Check out Malcolm Robinson's Facebook Page for updates on SPI and more. Log into Facebook

Our cohost will be Tim Swartz.

Recording Date (including After The Paracast):
Monday, March 3rd at 1:00 PM Pacific (4:00 PM Eastern)

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Broadcast and Streaming Date:
March 9, 2025
I've got a question for Malcolm.

What are his thoughts on the 1977 UFO flap in Pembrokeshire, Wales? I understand he spent some time there in the 1980s investigating the alleged incidents.