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On the Show — Michael K. Waterman

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Michael K. Waterman.pngMichael K. Waterman was born in Brooklyn and raised in Uniondale, New York, He has studied Egyptology for over 50 years and has lectured and taught Ancient Egyptian Religion and Ancient Egyptian Ritual Magick.

Michael worked for Troma Films creating clay models for various films. He is also known as Setna Khamuast — The High Priest and founder of the Per-Ntjeru Temples.

This is a guest who will focus on topics that we've seldom explored on The Paracast, and we've got lots of questions about the ancient world. Please feel free to ask your own.

Our cohost will be Tim Swartz.

Recording Date (including After The Paracast):
Wednesday, Feb 26th at 2:00 PM Pacific (5:00 PM Eastern)

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Broadcast and Streaming Date:
March 2, 2025
The 50,s were a different time to now. I was raised by my Grandparents in Belfast although I did not know they were my Grandparents until I was 16.

Every summer my brother who lived in the South of England came to Belfast and took me to holiday with him for six weeks. (Turned out he wasn't my brother but my father.) He was a stage hypnotist but also owned a commercial and domestic carpet cleaning business.

One day in the summer of 1965 my father said we are going to have lunch with a friend of mine today. I should say at this stage that my greatest fear as a seven year old boy was The Frankenstein monster.

Off we went to lunch and an elderly white haired man greeted us at the door of his home. My Father said Richard this is Mr Pratt. We had a lovely lunch (fish pie) and afterwards my Father said "Richard, Mr Pratt wants to show you something." We walked down the hallway to a room and there on the wall my worst fears were realised. Pictures of the Frankenstein monster. "Richard," Mr Pratt said, "that, Richard, is me. I just dress up like you do at Halloween.' I looked at him. "Really?" I said.

Bill Pratt was the real name of Boris Karloff. I was never frightened of the Frankenstein monster again. Great memories though when I told my friends at school I knew the Frankenstein monster they all laughed at me.
Boris Karloff was reputed to be a gentleman and your experience was certainly one to be cherished. Well, maybe except for his wives. He was married a total of five times, though the last, to Evelyn Hope Helmor, lasted from 1946 to his death in 1969.