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one more take on consciousness

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Paranormal Adept
Here's one of those off-the-wall speculations worth the price of a cup of coffee minus 3 dollars. Hive intelligence has always been a personal area of interest for me.

To wit:

-Is it possible for the interaction of hive creatures (ants of course come to mind) to operate according to sets of rules that are roughly analogous to sets of rules by which neurons of the conscious brain operate, and in such a way as to make the hive itself a sentient intelligence? What is the brain but a set of discrete units (neurons) interacting according to "behavioral" rules defined by physics that yields a process we know as self-awareness?

One step further: Might humans be interacting in such a way that is yielding a conscious process of which humans are unaware?

Am I making a shred of sense? :rolleyes:
Interesting. I think the brain is a tool or conductor and not a "creator" of consciouness. But, the hive mind is interesting. I've noticed a bug will at times be crawling and I'll look at it and it just stops. I've wondered is it picking up a movement and actually acting out an evoluctionary reaction to threat? Or is it just a coincidence? Your question makes me wonder about an ant hive or a bee hive.

---------- Post added at 01:20 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:18 PM ----------

Also, watch humans in a fast food place. One person will go to a certain area. Then the next couple of people will come in and get their order and move to the same general area. Except of course for people like me. I'm a loner and if I'm by myself I'll move away from the herd. Anyway, I'm sure that's not a good example but I was just thinking after reading the post. :cool:
-Is it possible for the interaction of hive creatures (ants of course come to mind) to operate according to sets of rules that are roughly analogous to sets of rules by which neurons of the conscious brain operate, and in such a way as to make the hive itself a sentient intelligence? What is the brain but a set of discrete units (neurons) interacting according to "behavioral" rules defined by physics that yields a process we know as self-awareness?

One step further: Might humans be interacting in such a way that is yielding a conscious process of which humans are unaware?

Am I making a shred of sense?

I follow what you're saying. The human species may possess some type of consciousness that could be said to be on a different order than the individual consciousness.
i think so, and Jung described what he termed "the collective unconscious," evidenced by 'archetypal symbology'-symbols that through usage and association have a resonance across cultures and time. The project (whose name escapes in this moment) that uses a series of random number generators to look for correlations between large scale events, such as 9/11, Katrina, and the Indian Ocean tsunami and statistically significant peaks of non-random number correlations has produced some curious evidence of interactivity vis a vis these events and their possible affect on the numbers. This could suggest that at a certain level of collective mind, humans anticipate, or respond to a collective awareness of events. Have you noticed that movies and music often produce similar themes at about the same time? For example, the rash of 'asteroid' disaster movies, or the current proliferation of 2012 concerns. Even allowing for the copycat factor, the collective receptivity and wave of interest suggests an unconscious cooperation to manifest these 'waves' of popularity.
I think that would be the 'webbot-project'? Interesting idea, but i don't believe in it. It would be stretch to say that one third of the worlds population has access to/and uses the internet.
I think that would be the 'webbot-project'? Interesting idea, but i don't believe in it. It would be stretch to say that one third of the worlds population has access to/and uses the internet.

Agree dyingsun and the parameters webot collection are difficult to assess and brain research is still on the outer-rims of discovering its true potential. This reminds me of yogi masters seem to connected the brain nodes while in a deep trance/peace of mind state. Does this help the electromagnetic waves entering all part of the Brain cells? Do cryptology investigators find a link between bigfoot sightings and increase electronic waves do these effect the witness which might see a totally different image than appears could consciousness interfere with their eye perception? Do surrounding buildings , trees, grass increase different levels of consciousness? What is the make up of so called consciousness does it flow within the electromagnetic current of the blood cells or outside wall of blood veins. What happens to humans and so called consciousness do both connect or separate during physical UFO encounters of individuals or groups such as military personnel ground staff or pilots when their fighter craft instruments are effected by the EMP such as electronic compasses , on-radar, firing mechanism ? Do UFOs feed of chemicals released from ordnance supplies at ground bases, on fighter craft , naval -dockyards etc?
I don't think internet access has anything to do with it. "Believing" or "not believing" isn't on the table; it's not that kind of issue. You know those pictures that seem to be a bunch of colors when you first look at it, but then as you look ,something suddenly pops out at you that was there but you had to 'adjust' your way of 'seeing' to get it? I have no investment whatsoever in believing or not believing, just contemplating and noticing what pops up for me.
I still think it is an interesting idea, but I think it is not 'just there yet'. Their claim is that they predicted a 'spike' on 9/11, they didn't get anything after that, at least concerning catastrophic events..
If visionaries like Kurzweil are correct we'll be merging our conciousness with technology that can instantly transmit information from one place to another. When that happens there will be no doubt that we'll be able to enter a hive mind consciousness. Even more exotic is the idea that superintelligence will evolve into small independent self-sustaining entities made of nanoscale parts, each capable of instant communication with each other. Such entities could essentially float around the universe as immortals, and a whole colony of such entities might be observed as a swarm of small bright spheres of light ... perhaps that is what some of the glowing orb UFOs are, not simply ships, but entire colonies of superintelligent beings who are here to explore the planet.
Perhaps we only notice what we program for, as is the case in experiments most of the time. Perhaps, in a 'yin/yang' sort of way, a global response to, or anticipation of, events we would view as negative would be noticed; because we correlate the data to these type of events. Defining a 'positive' seems much more elusive, and goes unnoticed. If I put on a clean shirt and notice one little spot on it, I perceive the shirt as 'not clean', even though 99% of it is spotless.
Perhaps we only notice what we program for, as is the case in experiments most of the time. Perhaps, in a 'yin/yang' sort of way, a global response to, or anticipation of, events we would view as negative would be noticed; because we correlate the data to these type of events. Defining a 'positive' seems much more elusive, and goes unnoticed. If I put on a clean shirt and notice one little spot on it, I perceive the shirt as 'not clean', even though 99% of it is spotless.


You are absolutely right. We don't perceive things that are beyond our range of perception and stuff that we do perceive needs to fit some programmed idea of what it "should" be like. Your clean shirt example is excellent and the same goes with spelling or taste. Have you ever opened up something, perhaps a bottle of juice or soda thinking it was one flavor, taken a drink anticipating a splash of your favorite flavor only to discover it was the wrong flavor. For a moment you think "what's wrong with this" and then your brain kicks in and you read the label and discover what you thought was root beer was diet pepsi. In reality it tastes exactly how it should taste, but still that "bad taste" stays with you for a bit as if there was actually something wrong with it.
The trick is to notice where an assumption has led one astray-this is the basis for so many equivalencies-camouflage, mis/disinformation, etc. On another level, it is referred to as 'Perception Management', and there are powerful private companies that specialize in this activity on a global scale, shaping the public's responses to everything from products to politics to global financial manipulations, as well as ufos, etc. With deep financial resources supplied by the 'client', it can manipulate us 'sheeple' quite effectively and influence every aspect of our collective reality.
The trick is to notice where an assumption has led one astray-this is the basis for so many equivalencies-camouflage, mis/disinformation, etc. On another level, it is referred to as 'Perception Management', and there are powerful private companies that specialize in this activity on a global scale, shaping the public's responses to everything from products to politics to global financial manipulations, as well as ufos, etc. With deep financial resources supplied by the 'client', it can manipulate us 'sheeple' quite effectively and influence every aspect of our collective reality.


I'm aware that there are mass marketing and publicity campaign management companies that lead people to view products and services ( private & public ) in a manner beneficial to their clients. I'm also aware that governmental and independent media have their own agendas that they tend to spin stories around. I'm also aware of defense agencies, lobby groups & agents, think tanks and insanely rich people who invest or promote some cause or another, but are you saying that there is yet another influence at work that goes beyond all of them? Some unseen force that drives the entire thing that we aren't normally aware of? If so can you please elaborate some more more on them? Who are they? What is their URL so we can have a closer look at these spin doctors.
What is their URL so we can have a closer look at these spin doctors.

If such a thing were, would it not be more a combination of words and phrases precariously put into the information ether that summons its attention rather than its information?

<q cite="http://quotationsbook.com/quote/27735/">Where there is mystery, it is generally suspected there must also be evil.</q>
---Lord Byron
If such a thing were, would it not be more a combination of words and phrases precariously put into the information ether that summons its attention rather than its information?

<Q cite="http://quotationsbook.com/quote/27735/">Where there is mystery, it is generally suspected there must also be evil.</Q>
---Lord Byron


Can you please elaborate?

Can you please elaborate?

No, I can't. I was just being overly dramatic and conspiratorial for effect. [straightens tie] Just ignore me. My paranoia rheostat was temporarily set to 11 by someone in passing. [turns and stares a bit too long a shadow in the hallway] Nothing to see here, move along, no one seriously thinks its all just a Punch and Judy show complete with Professor and Bottler. I mean, that would just be silly. [giggles, chokes, and excuses himself with a gesture]
Actually, TO, I think that PM does include certain characterizations that try to draw attention and link unlinked things to produce a 'moist' environment where the mind registers a new 'thought' or way of thinking about things. The recent abduction 'study' was surely not worthy of the attention it received, except perhaps in a scientific journal taking issue with its failure as 'good science.' Nevertheless, it got coverage, and promotes the idea that abductions are hallucinations, and nothing more--and therefore ufos are also by association, some kind of delusion for the gullible. So you are, ahem, (straighten tie) making an inferential observation about how PM works, I would say.

First, let me apologize for interrupting the conversation you two were having. I feel like I broke the rhythm with my comment and derailed your train of thought.

...The recent abduction 'study' was surely not worthy of the attention it received, except perhaps in a scientific journal taking issue with its failure as 'good science.' Nevertheless, it got coverage, and promotes the idea that abductions are hallucinations, and nothing more--and therefore ufos are also by association, some kind of delusion for the gullible. So you are, ahem, (straighten tie) making an inferential observation about how PM works, I would say.

It seems the odious article has interjected itself into this consciousness (thread) at least.

That the perception of UFO and related phenomena has being managed and on several different levels is obvious to folks like ourselves and the poster, ufology who have been looking at this thing for a while. It is certainly a complex and multifaceted mystery that is being used by ... well here this says it best:

"Not only is there an amazing willingness in the human mind to invest credence and faith in unproven facts, but there is more evil, more readiness than ever on the part of various sophisticated groups, to use this human weakness as a tool in controlling others." Jacques Vallee, Revelations.

That there are sophisticated groups within human society attempting to mold how humans perceive their world and themselves in it is an ancient reality. Technological innovations in this ancient practice have no doubt eclipsed what most of us would care to imagine is possible. Who welds these tools of scientific dictatorship and to what extent? Can that question even be answered by those who have fallen prey to the application of such techniques, their perspectives already under new management as it were?
As M. Younger once commented regarding the substructure of manipulation by fellow'humans', "You are wrapped up and delivered and you don't even know it..." Looking at American politics and the financial fiasco of the last three decades, I'd say that the people are just beginning to realize 'something's amiss.'