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Wow!  David, your experiences are wild.  Those childhood experiences with the short furry beings would have freaked me out.  Regarding children and the paranormal - they are more open to it.  They don't shut it out as quickly, and they are not as caught up in the nuts and bolts of life as are adults.  It sounds like your life as a musician has kept you somewhat more open than, say, a businessman commuting to NYC.  I am also from NJ, and it is a weird place to be sure.


Do you meditate?  Meditation often opens up doors to the paranormal.  As Whitley Strieber says, if you sniff at the paranormal it sniffs back.


What I find interesting is the number of people I know who have had paranormal experiences and have never reported them.  They mentioned them to me in conversation because I am interested in such things. They are all normal folks, and most had only the one weird experiece.  They didn't think much about the events, and just shrugged and forgot about them.
