In reference to Chris O' Brien's views on UFOs. Whatever is traversing the sky has been on earth for a very long time.They certainly are alien; alien in the sense that an octopus is alien to a scuba diver. The evidence thus far doesn't support the ET hypothesis. One hypothesis is that some of them are a life form. If that were the case; we would have to conclude that nature devised field propulsion. I suspect this all represents something far stranger than the ET hypothesis; trnsmugenic energy manifestations emanating from the hyper-dimensional field of etheric consciousness. Perhaps they are inorganic critters. Inorganic sentient life forms created by the universe before the time of man. Perhaps there are multiple explanations; a combination of interstellar craft, and inorganic critters, another tier of technology released by a higher consciousness, a parallel dimension intersecting with our reality. These are just some of the questions emanating from the Paracast!