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Paracast Cheat Sheet

Free episodes:


Maybe Logic
I've used this regularly for months for smooth sailing. Fluctuates a bit but gets you into the ballpark. Enjoy.

0:10:00 - 0:14:30
0:23:00 - 0:27:30
0:37:00 - 0:41:30
0:51:30 - 0:53:00
1:02:30 - 1:07:30
1:15:30 - 1:20:00
1:29:30 - 1:34:00
1:44:30 - 1:46:00
1:55:30 - 2:00:00
2:08:30 - 2:13:00
2:22:30 - 2:27:00
haha, great minds think alike etc
really goes out the window with 'vintage' episodes but great for you to do this.
i usually listen to the show in bed last thing or at work on my mp3, i've gotten pretty good at guessing the length of the adverts as with my mp3 there is no GUI so its a hold the button down to fast forward type of deal