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Paranormal Maven
What do you think guys..?


I like the second logo myself, they're both cool, but the second logo is just a bit more pleasing to the eye, imho.
Muadib, thanks for the coment ;)

beyondthestargate.....there was no need to spam my post with all..."that"...dude, 17 alerts in like 3 seconds, calm down.
I am sorry I hijacked your thread. I will be moving my stuff to a separate thread to be enjoyed or loathed as appropriate by the strange group of people who post in this forum. I like your design, but my point was to show you that your design is derivative of the design of at least 2 very famous TV shows. In other words, it has been done.
I really liked the original Paracast logo with the hand.. was sad to see it go. I can understand why the original opening music went with DB but did he design the original logo too?