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Skilled Investigator
Reverse Engineering for Fun and Profit
If you can believe some of the claims about the alleged technology behind UFOs, we retrieved wreckage from crashed spaceships over the years -- such as at Roswell, NM in 1947 -- and scientists are hard at work in secret to figure out what really makes them tick.
Indeed, the key claim made in the book "The Day After Roswell," from Philip Corso and Bill Birnes, is that some elements of advanced technology were covertly funneled into private industry. Thus, we were able to build such things as integrated circuits and night goggles.
Of course, if you believe any of this, how does that explain the well-known history behind these inventions, where you can trace the entire development process over the years? Doesn't that prove that the statements in that book are simply not true?
The other serious question here is whether we actually have the technology to tear apart an alien craft and understand not only how things operate, but how to develop our own version.
Consider, for example, what might happen if you took an iPhone and transported it back to, say, 100 years? Yes, I suppose that takes us back to my time travel discussion last week, but hear me out.
Assuming its tiny battery is fully charged, just what could that iPhone do? Well, there would be no cell phone network, so you couldn't place a call. You couldn't get online either, because there was no Internet. It'\s music and video player functions would operate, of course, as would the applications you've installed on this gadget, at least until the battery is spent. But how would you recharge it?.
All right, now the scientists of the early 20th century take apart the iPhone, but what would they do next? From its lithium ion battery to the sophisticated integrated circuits that access online networks and deliver pictures on the screen, where would they begin? Or would they just have to set this amazing device aside as some sort of anomaly whose total functionality is way beyond their understanding?
This doesn't mean that we would be totally ignorant of the internal workings of any alien contraption that came our way. One of our forum posters, for example, speculated that it's likely that integrated circuits might still be used for simple functions on a spaceship, even though alien technology had progressed way beyond them. After all, we still have mops and brooms in use despite our advanced early 21st century lifestyles.
Of course, reverse engineering would work best with artifacts that represent technology that we had already developed ourselves to some degree. Maybe our engineers and scientists had reached a sticking point, and the evidence of the finished product provided the clues they needed to take them to the finish line.
Now when the scientific papers describing that invention are published, they aren't going to admit they got a little help from an alien artifact. No way. Instead, they would simply adjust their accounts of the development process to fill in the blanks using conventional methods. That sort of spin control would be part and parcel of the agreement to gain access to this advanced technology. How could it be otherwise?
Unless a whistle blower came forward to tell the truth, we'd simply never know what really happened. Then again, maybe Bill Birnes is right that these secrets are being hidden in plain sight, with just enough disinformation to disguise the facts.
So if our scientists are truly at work discerning the secrets contained in the wreckage of a flying saucer, just what sort of inventions might we come up with next? Is that what they're actually doing over at Area 51 -- or is it all just a silly fantasy?
Gene Steinberg

Gene and David:

I hope you don't mind if I copy your Newsletter pieces, here. But I have enjoyed reading them and they bring so many interesting questions to bat back and forth here at the Forum, imho!

LOVE the analogies you bring up such as an IPhone or a Laptop being given to our sceintists over 100 yrs ago and how they wouldn't be able to figure it out....

I particularly liked this week's newsletter, too. Some great analogies in there. What, indeed, would any of us make if we were handed a piece of technology that emanated from just a century into the future? When the Wright Brothers made their historic flight in 1903, they would, no doubt, have recognized a modern Stealth bomber as a plane, but even if they could have got one off the ground, there's very little chance they could have done much else with it.
i have to agree, and disagree the key is the time.

yes sending an mac back 100 years would be pointless, but having doped silicon turn up in 1947 is a different kettle of fish.

my understanding is the "samples" were given to corporations not individuals, and that the story was ,its enemy technology taken in the aftermath of WW2.
add the army caveat that its all "top secret" and i can see where its plausible.

but lets send a mac back 200 years .... of course no one will be able to get it to work, what is likely is that it will be taken apart, the screws wont be beyond our ability 200 years ago. oldest working clock is 600 years old.

what is possible is that simple components like the cooling fan and speaker would be first to be understood. electricity occurs in nature and so do magnets, we have batterys dating back a long time including the ark of the covenant (some have suggested).you can even stick the right metals in a lemon or potato and get a charge



small simple spin offs would happen long before we understood the whole device

and i think that if you sent a mac back to 1947.... the scientists of the day would have no trouble with it. these guys had just built the atomic bomb and soon after,
I have often thought about the advantage it would have given the U.S. military if we'd sent a C=64 (with a working power supply, monitor, disk drive, etc.) back to them through time to early WWII.

They were familiar enough with proto-computers, that, even without a manual, they'd be able to figure it out soon enough to break the Enigma code much more quickly. Just ONE C=64 in the hands of the Allies might have been enough to have substantially changed the outcome of the war--probably by many years.

So, that's, what--Forty years? Send it back another sixty, and yeah, you'd probably have to send it back with the manual, unless Charles Babbage got a hold of it. Have to make sure they had electricity, too, obviously.

Fun to think about as a thought experiment. It's really hard to say what would happen--nobody can speak to that other than opinion. Certainly, if Babbage got a working iPhone or iPod, while the batteries were still working, he'd learn quite a bit from it. It's all a matter of who found the technology and whether the correct and greatest minds of the day stumbled onto it.

From the looks of the names that are associated with this type of thing, the back-engineers at S-4 (Lazar, Burisch, etc.) don't have a real high credibility rating, so we may only have C-grade minds working on these crashed discs.

I wouldn't want to back up my files onto a crashed disc, anyway.:p
Great one, this week!:)


As David often says on the show, we humans are hard-wired to think in bi-polar terms. People are either good or evil, UFOs either exist or they don't, and they come from outer space -- or they don't!

Unfortunately, the real world cannot often be viewed in black and white terms. There are almost always vast shades of gray, and that's where things can get dicey.

In our particular corner of this universe, we face the very same dilemma. Do all paranormal events have the same underlying cause, or are they expressions of different phenomena? Is there any possibility that some supposedly similar encounters might be judged in different ways, depending on the nature of the experience?

As you will hear on this week's episode, long-time researcher Jerome Clark looks at UFOs in terms of events and experiences. Depending on which category the sighting fits into, the explanation can be one or the other, but either possibility in turn opens up many other possibilities.

So it's possible that there are flying saucers from outer space that are seen by multiple witnesses, tracked on radar, and occasionally leave traces in the wake of a landing. On the other hand, so-called abductions, encounters with men in black and other anomalies may have a vastly different cause.

Now I'm not about to go much further into Jerry's compelling ideas. He does quite well on this week's episode, so I simply suggest you listen and that you consider the possibilities seriously. He is, after all, no newcomer to the subject. He got interested in UFOs over 40 years ago and he is highly respected in the field.

I'll just leave it there and move on.

What it does come down to, however, is that I have long felt the UFO enigma is far more complicated than many of you probably believe. Sure, the concept of confronting alien visitors may seem sufficiently far out for anyone to consider. On the other hand, if our galaxy is simply teeming with life, as many scientists are beginning to believe, the very idea is simply logical.

Unfortunately, there are a whole lot of side issues that tend to surround the study of UFOs. I expect many people who do the on-site investigations or simply collect the reports don't bother to ask the salient questions about these other matters. Maybe they consider them irrelevant or maybe they convey possibilities that they are just unwilling to consider.

Certainly if you are ready to believe that someone saw a spaceship from a distant planet, is it any more outlandish to also consider the meaning of other events that may occur under the very same circumstances?

So what about strange creatures such as the Morthman or Bigfoot?

In fact, where do the men in black fit into these happenings?

In the early days of the modern UFO engima, the men in black were supposedly government agents who traveled around the U.S. demanding that people stop talking about their sightings.

While there may indeed have been government activities in which witnesses were admonished to keep the details of their encounters a secret, those so-called MIB are often said to exhibit psychic powers or other forms of behavior that conveyed an unreal quality to them.

True, it does appear as if the original MIB claim, involving former UFO enthusiast Albert K. Bender, may have largely been a hoax.

Later incidents reported by the late Gray Barker may also have been fake.

But there are other MIB reports that aren't as easily dismissed.

Indeed, if you're hoping for a few simple answers, the UFO field is probably the wrong place to be.
Gene Steinberg
I wanna know who hung up on Gene and Dave, as told in this weeks newsletter:D

In a recent taping, for example, David and I went after someone who had been particularly deceitful, and the subject of that interview finally decided to hang up on us. Well, that was a first, although we've been known to dispatch a guest a little early from time to time.
As to the guest who decided not to continue, you'll learn who that is shortly, soon as we've finished and scheduled the episode in question.

Some guesses? Was it someone from Exopolotics? Maybe a Ufologist?
I wanna know who hung up on Gene and Dave, as told in this weeks newsletter:D
Some guesses? Was it someone from Exopolotics? Maybe a Ufologist?

It was a charlatan, a media pirate, a crook, and we caught him red-handed.

Sweet, sweet show. If you like to see fakes hit the floor - if, on the other hand, you're looking for a "love and light" episode, skip this one, you'll end up damaged if you listen to it.

And the episode tonight, well, feel free to miss it, 'cause it sucks. Really, truly sucks.

It was a charlatan, a media pirate, a crook, and we caught him red-handed.

Sweet, sweet show. If you like to see fakes hit the floor - if, on the other hand, you're looking for a "love and light" episode, skip this one, you'll end up damaged if you listen to it.

And the episode tonight, well, feel free to miss it, 'cause it sucks. Really, truly sucks.


LOL... David, you are a priceless human being.
wondering who this is will drive me craaaaazy till i find out who it is.

any predictions ?.... we could run a sweep
It was a charlatan, a media pirate, a crook, and we caught him red-handed.

Sweet, sweet show. If you like to see fakes hit the floor - if, on the other hand, you're looking for a "love and light" episode, skip this one, you'll end up damaged if you listen to it.


I am getting a bit tougher; if you give us a heads up when you air this one and if I listen to it a bit at a time, I think I will be able to work my way through the whole episode...;) but just in case, I think I will have some chocolate handy.
Do Governments Know the Secret of the UFOs?
When the late Major Donald E. Keyhoe wrote the book, “The Flying Saucer Conspiracy” over 50 years ago, it’s a sure thing that he believed the government knew for certain that we were being visited by ET and that they just needed a little push from the people they supposedly represent to reveal the truth.
In those days, Keyhoe posited the existence of a “Silence Group” that managed UFO information. He was also sure those strange craft came from other planets, based on their superior maneuverability. As an aviation writer, he was confident his sources would tell him if they represented some sort of secret weapon built by a terrestrial government.
Since Keyhoe is long gone, it’s not possible to know just how good his military contacts actually were, but it doesn’t seem that his work had any long-lasting impact, though he did clearly influence a number of UFO enthusiasts and organizations to follow in his footsteps.
Unfortunately, Keyhoe wrote his books in a breezy, pulp fiction style that made you wonder if perhaps some of it WAS actually fiction. This may have been the outgrowth of the fact that he wrote lots of articles for men’s adventure magazines, where that approach was acceptable. In retrospect, I met Keyhoe on several occasions during the 1960s and 1970s, and he never seemed less than fully sincere, so I’ll grant him his choices.
But the larger issue of government secrecy is still present, along with loads and loads of issues that accompany that theory. If ET is here, have we been in touch with them? If their craft -- no doubt constructed by the lowest bidder or the one contributing to the right political cause as occurs here on Earth -- crashes from time to time, have we truly retrieved the wreckage?
Certainly if the Roswell case and a few others around the world are to be accepted as authentic, the answer is a resounding yes. But having alien hardware doesn’t mean we have a clue about how that stuff works. All right, readers of “The Day After Roswell” were told that the late Philip Corso was one of a number of bag men (and possibly women) who delivered alien technology to private industry under cover of darkness. Or at least he didn’t let the recipients know the real origins of the material that allegedly led to the invention of integrated circuits and other achievements we now take for granted.
If all or some of this is true, then the U.S. Government and perhaps others around the world know an awful lot. But even when UFO sightings are actually released, the details are no more illuminating than most of the cases you’ve read about over the years. There are no smoking guns to indicate that anyone knows anything significant.
Governments are also in a bind. It’s not as if they can admit they are confronting a possible enemy that they have no defense against. If UFOs can truly fly rings around our own aircraft, where does that leave us if they prove hostile?
A line by actor Bill Pullman, who played the president in the 1990s disaster flick, “Independence Day,” comes to mind: “God help us.”
Perhaps the elder politicians and military leaders also recall the fearful reaction that accompanied that infamous radio broadcast of the H.G. Wells science fiction novel, “War of the Worlds,” in 1938. There was literally panic in the streets, and these officials might truly believe that, even in the 21st century, humans would react in a similar fashion if they were confronted by an unknown force, perhaps hostile, from out there.
Now the people who believe in Exopolitics and other questionable movements might remind us that ET is friendly. Regardless of where UFOs originate, the simple answer is that we just don’t know. It’s not as if you could take their word for it, and I don’t need to remind you of the TV series, “V,” which will be revived next month, where the aliens turned out to be evil reptile-type creatures who only wanted to take over. Who is to say that situation cannot happen in the real world?
At the end of the day, it’s not at all certain that governments know anything at all. It may even be easier to sweep all this stuff under the rug, and be done with it. Maybe there is evidence of an advanced technology hidden in some dusty “Warehouse 13” somewhere. Or perhaps western governments are engaged in a conspiracy to feed disinformation to muddy the waters and keep us from knowing the truth.
Or they just don’t know what’s really going on and that’s something they simply will not admit!
Gene Steinberg
Co-Host, "The Paracast"
The Paracast Copyright 1999-2009 Making The Impossible, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Latest Paracast Newsletter really good! Especially agree with the parts I've bolded.
Just for argument sake, say the Government has recovered a few disks and a few dead alien bodies, what information would they get from such a find. For me, Most of your evidence for there likely origins, would be from the craft itself, not the aliens, who are dead, dead aliens can not speak, or communicate with you somehow when they are dead.If we captured a being alive, again we can speculate, did it gave some Americans information to where it came from?

The craft, that was recovered, if it has no books, maps, anything at all, which would give an idea of the origins of the pilots, then how could you find out the origins. Maps, found again, for argument sake, showed different planets and different areas of the galaxy, But if you did not have a map saying home planet, all you would have then, is maps of places unknown, which might suggest a location, but never gives you a true picture of where the beings came from.

It all widely speculative and of course we have little idea of what the government has in it's hands.Now, some people might suggest, If we have disks, maybe the government trained pilots to fly this craft. Interesting, maybe, if the controls of the ship, are similar to that of an Airplane, and do not require more sophisticated controls for piloting the craft. Anyway for this to be attainable the craft must be in fully working order. I suggest, if the engine or propulsion got damaged, it be far harder to repair an unknown craft then one that is fly able.

Wild suggests by me here, We simply do not now how the craft flies, what the inside or interior looks like, and what items or instruments are inside the craft, We have reports from people who claim to have had contact with alien beings, and seen the inside of certain craft, but some or most of the descriptions of the craft are vague, the real genuine cases not the fraudulent ones.

Of course, If we are to believe the reports that the American government once met with E.T and held discussions. Then maybe they do know, who, where, and what this aliens are, but this is just speculation at this stage, there is now hard facts to believe this type of meetings ever took place. Maybe the Aliens said hey Americans, you speak for the whole world, sign a treaty, and we give you the goods and we get some humans and you keep quiet about it to the rest of the world. This scenario seems a little silly to me, but the whole topic is unbelievable at times, so anything is possible.

I Really do not think a president, would allow this to happen, others might in unknown groups, that would love to have control of equipment, that is foreign to this earth. To me if contact happened, and they agreed with people who do not speak for the planet, then they are an enemy in my eyes this "Aliens" they are not friendly to us. Now again this is wildly speculative, and it only my opinion.