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Paracast plus for the disenfranchised

Free episodes:

Mr. Fibuli

Paranormal Adept
Ok I remember a while back you all had a write-in promotion to give away two free paracast plus memberships. (Or something like that)
As a person who is grinding menial jobs to make food and rent, I would like to see any promotion like that again. I understand you all have considerations, but it would be cool if you could have something similar where you give one out every year or whatever.
Maybe you could implement some way the community could do work for the show somehow to earn/win a membership.
I'm super keen to listen to After the Paracast but since my landlord and the food tyrants have my money (and next months money, and next blah blah etc) there's no possible way i can give that coin to you guys.
Like I say: I understand you guys have a business, the membership fee is very reasonable, and I'm not begging for a handout-just tossing my idea out there.
I understand how it feels to be "disenfranchised," really, and what it means to deal with slum — er — landlords, food tyrants, finance companies and utility companies. Let me see if we could work out something new. Maybe we could solicit membership donations for people who could use a helping hand.
Tell you what. It appears there is an anonymous benefactor out there who decided you deserve a membership.

And so we will make it so :)
Oh my damn. That is too great!! I'm like stunned. Anything I can do for the show let me know. I'm so excited that, I don't even know.. I wasn't going to ask, Gene, but I gotta know: DC or Marvel?