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Parallel Universes

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Bet you didn't know that Dr. Kaku is an expert ice skater! I found this video today, which also proves my contention that scientists are once again claiming they've just about got this whole universe thing wrapped up--just as they did in 1900. Anyway, fascinating stuff. Go to YouTube for the other 4 parts.

Kaku reminds me of Kepler, maybe because he was a fringe back in his time, also a dreamer, but he was right after all. I see some scientist who have an static view point, but that tendence is more of the "skeptics", those guys which aren't scientist but who talks like them. If you want, I can give you the link to the thread where the BAUT guys excomulgate Newton's from the scientific community for his alchemic studies.::)
Kaku seems to have about 20 minutes of material that keeps getting reused and quoted over and over ad infinitum.

Even in interviews when asked unique questions he resorts to canned answers. The man has that "TV personality" thing down pat
Just watched the first part very interesting at least scientists are beginning to look at something different. Napoleon having won the war in Europe and Elvis is still alive in another world is incredible to even think about.
I just bought his new book, physics of the impossible. Only on page 6 but the preface was good! :)

I actually got it a while back as an audiobook. Soon after I realized that something might be wrong with me.... my face submerged into programming code while listening to that through my headphones in a media house big on creativity and right brained driven madness. :p

It's quite good. So often though I can't help to wonder how they could ever prove beyond a reasonable doubt that parallel universe do in fact exist. I totally get the concept of alternate universes (though would LOVE some hard proof on that as well) but have trouble with the concept of parallel universes. I still think we are close, but missing some puzzle pieces in order to know what really is.
I think that there may be more levels of reality rather than parellel universes, and all we see and even all that we can test is only a sliver of it. I think we may be dealing in dimensional differences. For instance, if something was 5 dimensional, it could travel passed us and totally confound our expectations as to how something should normally travel. Sound familiar? Beings from a 5D plane would still inhabit the same universe as us, but would experience it in such a different way. The mechanics of travel may be drastically different. These beings may not even need planets to form, perhaps taking up residence and maybe even evolving in a gasious nebula. Strange, but life through out the universe may be wildly unimaginable to us. If such a being was fifth dimensional, it would likely seem as if it is phasing in and out of reality as we watch it. Perhaps even a planet like Jupiter is a more likely place for such a being to live. Perhaps the universe is filled with such life. We would scarcly be able to conceptualise how such a being experienced life.
I also think reality (universes, dimensions, what you will) is far beyond our imaginable capabilities too. Imagination seems to be key, but we aren't equipped to decipher.

But I've been in discussions elsewhere about some collective phenomenon that rankles me. Like my hearing or reading or seeing on TV that Frank Gorshin, the actor/comedian, died. I must have heard this back in the eighties or nineties, but I wasn't the only person I know who heard it then and believed it to be true. Except that he isn't dead, or he wasn't dead years later when he appeared in his last film. Heck, I think he's alive today. The memory of hearing of his death seemed very real so I never doubted it. I know people who believed the same of Gorhsin for years along with me.

In the past year or more, I'd also read that James Earl Jones died, but my memory, certainly more recent than that of Gorshin, is really fuzzy. I've argued with myself that Jones can't be dead because my memory is so strangely incomplete. Maybe just a dream? Welp, he ain't dead. But I'm not the only person to have thought they'd read or heard he'd died.

Even if these reports were only dreams, what are the odds I'd find other people who shared the same belief, even through dreaming?

I don't go into that nebulous parallel universe thing because dreams are strange enough for me, but oh, the questions.
Just watched the first part very interesting at least scientists are beginning to look at something different. Napoleon having won the war in Europe and Elvis is still alive in another world is incredible to even think about.

I think that's an exaggeration and misconception of the science that is often promulgated by pop culture scientists because it sounds so sexy and romantic.

When you boil down the branching world-line effect it happens at the sub-atomic scale. But here's the thing, whether or not a single electron decoheres or not that effectively has nothing to do with trillions of trillions of assembled atoms in the form of living persons deciding to blink or not blink their eyes or walks across the street and get hit by a car or elect a certain person president.

In the same way that a hundred trillion trillion atoms will not spontaneously assemble themselves into an aircraft carrier in the lifespan of this universe, the random branching effect of trillions of trillions of atomic states does not add up to any specific sustained macro scale event, let alone infinitely higher order magnitude sequences such as an entire nation electing a certain person (at least in the allotted time of this universe)

The "In another reality I'm the president" thing has been grossly distorted for the sake of sensationalism.
I also think reality (universes, dimensions, what you will) is far beyond our imaginable capabilities too. Imagination seems to be key, but we aren't equipped to decipher.

But I've been in discussions elsewhere about some collective phenomenon that rankles me. Like my hearing or reading or seeing on TV that Frank Gorshin, the actor/comedian, died. I must have heard this back in the eighties or nineties, but I wasn't the only person I know who heard it then and believed it to be true. Except that he isn't dead, or he wasn't dead years later when he appeared in his last film. Heck, I think he's alive today. The memory of hearing of his death seemed very real so I never doubted it. I know people who believed the same of Gorhsin for years along with me.

In the past year or more, I'd also read that James Earl Jones died, but my memory, certainly more recent than that of Gorshin, is really fuzzy. I've argued with myself that Jones can't be dead because my memory is so strangely incomplete. Maybe just a dream? Welp, he ain't dead. But I'm not the only person to have thought they'd read or heard he'd died.

Even if these reports were only dreams, what are the odds I'd find other people who shared the same belief, even through dreaming?

I don't go into that nebulous parallel universe thing because dreams are strange enough for me, but oh, the questions.
Did you ever read some of the Jorge Luis Borges short stories and essays? They are excelente, specially The Aleph, give it a try!
Hugh Everett's Many Worlds Theory points to exactly that. something he never gave up on. I don't think you have to buy off on the 'exact same world with a minor difference' issue to contemplate the possibilities of a Multiverse composed of different, but infinitely close 'Branes.' Listen to the entire BBC production for a very good description of the issue.

In my view, unless you can find a wormhole through which Mack trucks and flying saucers can pass unmolested, the ETH doesn't work. There are some wormhole theories out there and science fiction has certainly used these as plot devices to allow their stories to move forward, but otherwise, not much.

M-Theory, on the other hand, is a theoretical and mathematically sound construct that allows some serious speculation on how this 'inter-dimensional thing' might work. For a number of reasons, I don't think we're fully there yet, but there's no built in barrier, like the speed of light, throwing a road block into the mix.

Kaku is the only 'popular' scientist in the show, but he takes a minor role in the BBC production. The ones who do most of the talking are the ones who actually figured this stuff out. It's a 50 minute show--well worth the watching.
I wonder if Kaku would be game for doing a "Universe On Ice" production. I'm only half-joking.
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