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Lol, I wonder how often y'all even watch the show.  I see it only about once every two weeks so I'm definitely no expert on it myself.  The show is done everyday and yeah, he gets things wrong sometimes.  In fact, he sometimes spends the first few minutes correcting mistakes he's made on previous episodes.  But the corrections never get mentioned by the left, just the mistakes themselves.  I've heard plenty of mistakes on the Paracast throughout the years but that doesn't cause me to decide the show is evil or some big conspiratorial disinformation machine.  Nope, people are people and nobody is perfect.  But when Glenn gets something wrong he does acknowledge it and corrects it publically once he discovers it was incorrect.  Like I said, the show is on the air everyday.  He's got a staff of fact checkers doing the bulk of the research for him and yes, sometimes they get a detail or two wrong.  Then the left goes crazy about one of these inaccuracies, he looks into it, and if he finds they are correct he mentions it on the show.  But again, the corrections never get mentioned by the leftist bloggers and journalists that brought up the mistake in the first place.

My own take on Beck is that I find some of his theories are a little over the top and even comical.  I don't think progressives are nearly as organized as he sometimes makes out.  Instead I tend to view them as juveniles at a candy store that just can't control themselves.  If anything, the conspiracy theories he sometimes dreams up are too complimentary, makes the burning of money appear somehow cunning when in reality it's probably nothing more than plain ol' gluttony and irresponsibility.  But I agree with the primary premise of his show, the American government spends entirely too much money and we're going to bankrupt ourselves if we don't grow up and exercise some self control.

---------- Post added at 04:01 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:56 PM ----------

Lol, if you think I'm going to waste my time throwing up 15 paragraph long rebuttals to your beliefs like another guy in here was doing you're comically crazy.  In my 20s I might have done so.  At nearly 40 I know from experience that it's utterly pointless.  If drowning in a sea of debt and your government making all of your decisions for you somehow equates to rapture in your mind then knock yourself out with it.  But hey, the extent to which Beck is able to piss you guys off is reason enough for me to like him, ha ha.
