Archaeologists stay away because their grants do not come from a government interested in changing our historical perspective. They get no funding for the cultural diffustionist theory and diffusionists are shouted down within the archaeological community because their backers insist on it. As the review at the link states, reputations, fame, and racism play a role, as well as the wandering spirits of those natives unearthed.
For a better understanding of many archaeological studies which have been buried due to their findings, Bones by Elaine Dewar is an excellent read.
Oddly enough, (or maybe not) the book was never published for sale in the U.S.A. but can be ordered through Random House Canada. This is no flighty attempt at journalism but a hands on study of the facts.
Favored institutions such as National Geographic even play a role in burying stories that don't meet criteria such as the city found off the coast of Cuba. NG was given a contract and the investigation has gone nowhere. It hasn't even begun and probably never will, but the contract ties it up sufficiently. Excuses have been made, briefly, but it's a dead end.
The term "Clovis First!" is hallowed ground. Few varying studies have been able to make the news heard, but Kennewick Man made it through, in part because he is of European descent rather than the truly Native American. Funny, the government tried to aid NAs with burying Kennewick Man too, but they, the government and hallowed institutions, couldn't silence the courts.
At stake? The silly Bering land bridge theory which was based on an unresearched idea. The idea that people could actually walk to the Americas on a barren bridge which would not be hospitable with sources of food, plant and animal, for a thousand years once the ice retreated.
An important finding? One that has begun to leak out into the press on occasion, is that boats were used long before we give man credit for being able to build them and navigate. The studies unearthed in Bones bear this out.