I enjoyed the show, what was the guy doing the kinetic energy trying to show Gene i believe his name was Dan. I think Gene should have rang the mad house and got this guy of the streets. It was similar to the wild west joke, i once heard before. it goes like this , you stand up straight, you then put your two hands down by your side makeing a gun shape on either side. you then ask a individual do you want to see a quick draw!. just imagine the wild west movies when two cowboys face off against each other.The individual then says yes, you do your act, he looks at you then you ask him did you see my quick draw, he looks at you as if you are a mad man. The joke is you didnt do anything. it is exactly the same thing that this guy was trying to do. but i believe dans joke was real to him, so i guess that makes him medically sick.
Very good guests. Good observations on the ufo subject is what is needed they didnt try to over analyse the data which is a good thing sometimes.The x files and simpsons discussion was very good, it kind of brought the show into the political arena then afterwards.
I like America.
but it sometimes gets a bad rap why "George Bush, actually i aint going to go into this. However Americans really do need to get more knowledge on what there own domestic goverment is doing.Knowledge is power as the old saying goes.
The military has too much power in America, a step back from that is what is needed.If America took some of the money that is given to the military back ,It could then maybe? provide health care to the American population. It is unlikely bu i think Americans should demand it.
The Americans is so big and powerful that i believe sometimes Americans cant understand that is a big wide world out there.Since 1945 America has been in 30 different conflicts around the world with many of those countries haveing oil as a natural resource or being a strategic value for the American military. What's it all about, are they trying to own everything or create a Empire. It is like the Germans policy of 1938 where they invaded other countries so to take the natural resources of the country they had taken. People might say i am crazy. Ok read John Boltons the well known neo'con book and say i am crazy ,and others like him. American whats to remain the number one country in influence.
China worrys America because of its own space race which will probably take twenty years to become a top notch program plus, it probably will be a superpower in ten years that will match America. Iran is a threat, how do you remove that threat, sooner rather han later is my guess. We cant afford to have Iran turn nuclear. We need to either try diplomacy with Iran or attack. but it has to be a coalition of nations. Russia fears American influence in its region we have to understand that.All the rhetoric is stupid lets solve this issue with sense, the republicans in Americans should stop makeing stupid comments, but they should rather talk to each other, happy families you might say