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Philip Mantle on the paracast...

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Good show G & D!

I really respect Mantle's rational and thoughtful approach too the subjects discussed (even if he's a little slow in getting to the point sometimes:)) and the Wing Commander wasn't bad either.I would also love too hear more military witnesses on the program in the future - Graham Bethune,Parvis Jafari,Jim Penniston,Charles Halt and John Burroughs too name a few.

But what I really enjoyed the most about the show,was the more political direction it took at the end.These are very appropriate topics of discussion in my opinion and I hope you'll do more stuff like that on upcoming shows!

After all,challenging power is what the Paracast does best!
I think the general theme for me was how the typical researcher in the UK may differ from the US, although I believe David Icke is also from the UK, so I don't think we can generalize too much.

While I don't think these guy revealed anything we haven't heard many times before in the US, I did find the radar story was somewhat interesting in that it confirmed that indeed in the UK most of the military and the civilian aviation community don't have any answers either.

The pattern of the ships on radar were interesting in there were numerous crafts all the same distance apart rising at an extreme angle. It's like they were flying in formation.

I'm still curious on any follow ups from last weeks show, David any word on the music that Phil was gonna send you?

The end part about Americans being less informed on what is going on in the rest of the world then we should be was interesting. Although I would include myself in this group.

I think there are many reasons for this in addition to the obvious dumbing down and self importance of American culture. This would include the size of the country (50 little countries in one), location (isolated on each side), power, and self importance (many think it's up to us to dictate the world? WTF?) wealth, the massive influence of our own media (if we were forced to watch foreign movies/media all the time, maybe we'd be more interested in other countires) but it's probably also a result of our education system and values as well, which of course is lame.

Even as a resident of the DC area for my whole life and having friends across tons of nationalisties, Icelandic, Korean, Nigerian, Bolivian, Irish, Indonesian, mutiply by 100's........ I don't find myself scanning the news for who the new president of Zimbabwe is. To go about my daily life, I don't really need to, which might be a big reason. I'd rather read about the Redskins game or Obama's latest commercial.
I enjoyed the show, what was the guy doing the kinetic energy trying to show Gene i believe his name was Dan. I think Gene should have rang the mad house and got this guy of the streets. It was similar to the wild west joke, i once heard before. it goes like this , you stand up straight, you then put your two hands down by your side makeing a gun shape on either side. you then ask a individual do you want to see a quick draw!. just imagine the wild west movies when two cowboys face off against each other.The individual then says yes, you do your act, he looks at you then you ask him did you see my quick draw, he looks at you as if you are a mad man. The joke is you didnt do anything. it is exactly the same thing that this guy was trying to do. but i believe dans joke was real to him, so i guess that makes him medically sick.

Very good guests. Good observations on the ufo subject is what is needed they didnt try to over analyse the data which is a good thing sometimes.The x files and simpsons discussion was very good, it kind of brought the show into the political arena then afterwards.

I like America.
but it sometimes gets a bad rap why "George Bush, actually i aint going to go into this. However Americans really do need to get more knowledge on what there own domestic goverment is doing.Knowledge is power as the old saying goes.
The military has too much power in America, a step back from that is what is needed.If America took some of the money that is given to the military back ,It could then maybe? provide health care to the American population. It is unlikely bu i think Americans should demand it.

The Americans is so big and powerful that i believe sometimes Americans cant understand that is a big wide world out there.Since 1945 America has been in 30 different conflicts around the world with many of those countries haveing oil as a natural resource or being a strategic value for the American military. What's it all about, are they trying to own everything or create a Empire. It is like the Germans policy of 1938 where they invaded other countries so to take the natural resources of the country they had taken. People might say i am crazy. Ok read John Boltons the well known neo'con book and say i am crazy ,and others like him. American whats to remain the number one country in influence.

China worrys America because of its own space race which will probably take twenty years to become a top notch program plus, it probably will be a superpower in ten years that will match America. Iran is a threat, how do you remove that threat, sooner rather han later is my guess. We cant afford to have Iran turn nuclear. We need to either try diplomacy with Iran or attack. but it has to be a coalition of nations. Russia fears American influence in its region we have to understand that.All the rhetoric is stupid lets solve this issue with sense, the republicans in Americans should stop makeing stupid comments, but they should rather talk to each other, happy families you might say:D
Good show G & D!

I really respect Mantle's rational and thoughtful approach too the subjects discussed (even if he's a little slow in getting to the point sometimes:)) and the Wing Commander wasn't bad either.I would also love too hear more military witnesses on the program in the future - Graham Bethune,Parvis Jafari,Jim Penniston,Charles Halt and John Burroughs too name a few.

But what I really enjoyed the most about the show,was the more political direction it took at the end.These are very appropriate topics of discussion in my opinion and I hope you'll do more stuff like that on upcoming shows!

After all,challenging power is what the Paracast does best!

We very much appreciate the compliments, but as I've said on the show, The Paracast will not delve into areas of politics. If that's what you'd like to hear, I invite you to go over here and listen to my political rants.
Good show this week, interesting guests, nice range of discussion. On the topic of politics, I don't think you'll be able to avoid it as we get increasingly closer to the election.
We very much appreciate the compliments, but as I've said on the show, The Paracast will not delve into areas of politics. If that's what you'd like to hear, I invite you to go over here and listen to my political rants.

Just listened too the latest episode of "Angry Human",and Oh my God! - You're one f@€ed up individual,David! - In a good way,of course!:D

Looking forward too delving deeper into the crazy world of DB mania...(which some of us call reality!).

By the way - I'm reevaluating my skepticism of channeling after this - that was Bill Hicks speaking from "Dimensional Porthole nr.56",right?

From one angry human (:mad:) too another - thank U!
Just listened too the latest episode of "Angry Human",and Oh my God! - You're one f@€ed up individual,David! - In a good way,of course!:D

Looking forward too delving deeper into the crazy world of DB mania...(which some of us call reality!).

By the way - I'm reevaluating my skepticism of channeling after this - that was Bill Hicks speaking from "Dimensional Porthole nr.56",right?

From one angry human (:mad:) too another - thank U!

Have to agree, David your a crazy dude! but a least you make sense in what your saying. Sent Bill reilly to China he needs re'education. Republicans most be useing a superweapon on the American people. It is a Amnesia weapon.
Good show, guys, thanks.

Interesting parallels with the radar case over Washington described by Keyhoe about a quarter of the way through "Flying Saucers from Outer Space" (similar numbers and movements from what I recall).
I'm not an expert on aviation or radar, but the obvious question in this radar case had to do with transponders. Conventional aircraft "squak" - they return the radar signal with a code that identifies themselves. I don't recall anyone asking about transponders, and I am surprised they weren't mentioned.
To make this case important,at least one of the other military people who were there needs to come forward.
I'm not an expert on aviation or radar, but the obvious question in this radar case had to do with transponders. Conventional aircraft "squak" - they return the radar signal with a code that identifies themselves. I don't recall anyone asking about transponders, and I am surprised they weren't mentioned.
To make this case important,at least one of the other military people who were there needs to come forward.

2 possible answers were that either they didnt have them back in 71, or that we were just expected to assume they didnt return any signal code. After-all, if they had done so, then they would have identified themselves and none of this would have bee a mystery.
Also, is it me, or do many of the brits in the UFO field really try and steer clear of giving their own theories for the phenomena, they just present a piece of information and then say I don't know what it is. Nick Pope is obviously reknowned for doing this, but the Wing Commander was pretty much the same.
On the one hand it makes things a little more boring to talk about, but on the other it keeps things a little more sane.
Is it just in the brits nature to be like this or some other reason? Perhaps as our government could be percieved as being a bit more open about the subject it stops people from speculating about conspiracies so much etc..
I enjoyed the Philip Mantle & Wing Commander Alan Turner show but was I the only one to have trouble hearing these fellows due to the spotty telephone connection? I heard Gene and David just fine, but the Brits went in and out.
Thanks for the Paracast.


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I noticed a slight problem.... it was the Wing Commander giving us the Darth Vader treatment. He obviously had the mic/phone too close to his mouth so that you could hear his breathing when other people were talking.
Again you could hear him muttering agreement when other people were talking, it was really making me laugh. I think he needs a voice activated headset :D
The audio sounded fine to me, actually. We had some background noise here and there, but no serious dropouts that I could discern.

I am thousand of miles away. But the audio was perfect. Maybe it depends on what type of program you play it on. I have windows media eleven myself which is just perfect.Maybe the language barrier could be the problem' accents of certain individuals maybe. Sometimes the phone was a little bit rusty, i guess that would be common with a call from long distance's
I don't have much of an issue with hearing the accent and I heard Gene and David perfectly...very high quality sound. I listen on an I-pod. There is sometimes background noise from where I am, so that might be part of my not hearing. However, towards the end when "the Simpsons" were mentioned, Mantle I believe, asked David if he'd seen "the Eastenders" a British TV serial, but David did not seem to respond. I thought he may have been having the same problem I did. Regardless, I absolutely love listening to the Paracast. I feel rather foolish because I tried to upload a photo icon to my last post and it came out as a large photo instead. Arrghh!!!