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Phoenix Lights

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See this video ... Of course there were also other sightings of different objects
that are not so easily explained.
The problem is that the government could've started dropping flares to discredit the rest of the sightings that night. What we need is a new Phoenix lights today, when everyone could film it from all points using smartphones. If all that footage is debunkable, we'll know just how gullible and hyperbole-prone "UFO witnesses" are. If they're not debunkable....well.
Way back in the early sixties in San Antonio, TX, there was a minor flap consisting of fairly high strangeness things seen in the sky. I don't recall exactly what. I do recall that soon thereafter the military began flying slow aircraft around the city at night displaying a flashing strobe light. This at at time when strobes were not all that common. But I distinctly recall seeing the strobe plane and thinking that what had been reported did not match the strobing aircraft.
Way back in the early sixties in San Antonio, TX, there was a minor flap consisting of fairly high strangeness things seen in the sky. I don't recall exactly what. I do recall that soon thereafter the military began flying slow aircraft around the city at night displaying a flashing strobe light. This at at time when strobes were not all that common. But I distinctly recall seeing the strobe plane and thinking that what had been reported did not match the strobing aircraft.

Very interesting. Do you think these coincidental maneuvers by aircraft that take place in the midst of flaps like the one you mention, the Hudson Valley sightings, and Phoenix lights are more than just coincidence? The debunkers would say that these aircraft are probably the actual cause of the sightings in the first place, while the investigators would point to evidence that the aircraft don't explain all the reports, and a few of each might suggest that going so far as believing that there's also a military whitewash amounts to conspiracy theories. Personally I don't see why there couldn't be some combination of all of these possibilities going on.
Do you think these coincidental maneuvers by aircraft that take place in the midst of flaps like the one you mention, the Hudson Valley sightings, and Phoenix lights are more than just coincidence?

I really do. But an exact scenario seems to put me back in the land of woo. :confused:
If the early sightings were a formation of planes, and the governor and all sorts of officials are aware and involved, surely the actual pilots and aircraft could be identified? I mean, it was national news. Those pilots would have to know the furore and surely they could just publicly state, 'it was us!' I find it odd that this has not happened, especially considering the fuss over the years. The later event does indeed seem to be flares with little doubt, the earlier event hasn't been proved to be a formation of planes, though I could be missing news on that front.
I believe most, if not all of the video taken of the Phoenix lights show military flares. However, I believe the UFO event took place much earlier than the flare drop. I have always speculated that the flare drops were in response to the air space being breeched by an unknown object. Perhaps the military felt the need to illuminate as much of the area/sky as they could in order to see what was going on. This would also explain all of the videos and witnesses. Remember, by this time the UFO had supposedly flown over, so it would make sense people were paying attention to the sky later that night, with their cameras ready.

Perplexing case, but the video evidence is not consistent with the physical description of the craft by the witnesses. Instead, it is consistent with flares.
Here is the full-length documentary from Dr. Lynne D. Kitei.

Video quality is pretty good. Download to .mp4 with Download Helper so you can fast-forward through to boring parts with people blathering about their "feelings"...
