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Physical Influences of a UFO on Water

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Physical Influences of a UFO on Water

This page is dedicated to Lucius Farish and Dale Titler who, as pioneers in this field, began to recognize the physical effects of unidentified objects on water.

Physical Affects on Water - Tying It Together

By Carl Feindt © 2005

The following proposes a possible explanation for the observed interaction between unidentified flying objects and water. Wrested from seemingly divergent eyewitness accounts, it posits that the reaction of the water around an emerging craft implies the existence of a displacement field, one that exhibits electromagnetic tendencies. What at first seems like a series of unrelated accounts is shown to illustrate consistent behavior when the distance between the object and the body of water is considered.

My interest in water-related UFO sightings came long ago while reading the books that have interested all of us. However, those books usually had only one water-related case in them. The mystery to me was: How something so profound could be neglected? Why was there no book – or even a chapter – exploring the UFO’s ability to operate in and out of water? As time went by, books were published with short chapters on the subject. Finally in 1970, Ivan T. Sanderson published Invisible Residents, which described water UFO cases from front to back. However, the idea of how they accomplished their penetration and emergence from water was once again overlooked in favor of the concept of another civilization residing underwater on our planet.

Scientists use repetitive results as proof of the conclusions of their experiments. Ted Phillips’ investigation into trace cases does a similar service to UFOs. Water, unfortunately, dissipates any physical evidence due to motion of the liquid or dilution of residual traces. However, could there be solid evidence in the form of repetitive verbal testimony? On starting the collection process of UFO cases I had no concept of what I might find. I only wanted to gather all the cases I could to see if they fit any physical pattern

Why should we get excited about a few water-related reports scattered amongst our ever-popular UFO cases? Because in these cases we can see the path of what we must accomplish in order to actually travel to the stars. A new propulsion system… and a field surrounding the craft protecting it from micrometeorite hits, acidic climates, hostile gunfire, and whatever else the craft encounters. If we wanted to send men to Venus, material would have to be developed to withstand the heat and the acidic atmosphere of the planet. However, if we could design a vessel based on the “alien” craft we have experienced over the past fifty-plus years, no further modifications would be necessary.

An analogy to a light bulb can be drawn here: If we think of the filament as the functioning craft and the glass bulb representing the UFO field, we can see that this bulb protects the fragile filament from atmospheric intrusion and other damage. In the majority of UFO cases it is undoubtedly the function of the field to protect the UFO; the speeds that are recorded would cause a tremendous heating of the surface of the vehicle due to atmospheric friction, not to mention the possible collision with other aerial craft or life forms. The function of the field may not be limited to protection. The field might also be a part of the propulsion source, although nothing has been proven or observed along this line. Paul Hill’s book Unconventional Flying Objects just about cinched the idea of how this craft could do what it does in water. In Chapter 13, “Silent Supersonic Operation,” he explains that the field moves the molecules of atmosphere it contacts to its rear. A molecule of water could be moved in the same way; in physics, our atmosphere and water are both governed by the one physical principal, that of “Fluid Dynamics.”

As I continued my collection of reports, the major problem was not the lack of incidents, but the lack of text on what the water was doing during those incidents. For the most part, the cases report UFOs going into or coming out of water and then go into detail about the craft or its travel. This is understandable as the craft is the unusual thing, not the water. I eventually became frustrated that there was no clear correlation between what was occurring with the water in the different reports and began to think that perhaps all these disjointed cases were leading me nowhere. One night I sat at my drafting board and decided to draw each case group as a filament surrounded by a bulb. The resultant drafting work came as quite a shock to me.

It should be noted that this hypothesis is based on what could be considered a small percentage of the more than 850 cases contained on this site, and does not take into consideration any testimony concerning UFOs entering bodies of water.

The following sections will illustrate the various phases of UFO reaction with water.

The drawing at the beginning of each section represents a simplified idea of the UFO field -- which has many times been referred to as “electromagnetic,” and to that end I show the UFO as if a bar magnet had been inserted into its center. This concept was inspired by a sketch of a UFO with a surrounding magnetic field from an older addition of UFOs and Anti-Gravity by Leonard G. Cramp (See the full case with sketch at: 04-??-1958on this website).

(Put a bar magnet into the water and it will NOT produce the results shown. So while it may have a similar flow of the surrounding field, it is not a simple magnet. )

Each drawing is followed by a description of that phase, along with a demonstrative excerpt from published eyewitness case testimony. (Additional supportive cases are mentioned at the head of each section; and full text can be found by clicking on the dates shown in blue.)

[Note: All of the text in green was highlighted by me for emphasis]

Physical Influences of a UFO on Water
nice post Constance. Sanderson's "Invisible Residents" happened to be one of my first ufo related reads- and I've since been interested in USO reports (or rather, lack of reports) vs the typical sighting reports above land.
nice post Constance. Sanderson's "Invisible Residents" happened to be one of my first ufo related reads- and I've since been interested in USO reports (or rather, lack of reports) vs the typical sighting reports above land.

I've been away from the forum since you posted this. Glad you find the topic interesting, though no one else appears to. I too enjoyed Sanderson's Invisible Residents and another book by him entitled Uninvited Guests, a title also used by the estimable Richard Hall. I was told once by the ufologist who produced the Presidential UFOs site (whose name escapes me now) that a great many of the earliest official ufo reports within the US government were filed by the Office of Naval Intelligence. Of course most of us haven't seen them, despite there being 'no official cover-up'. ;)
This link goes to what appears to be a continuation and expansion of Carl Feindt's Underwater UFOs website, building on the archived reports he gathered and adding links to Blue Book reports of ufos by ships at sea and a research paper concerning that material.

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I just looked over again the full paper by Feindt that I linked in the OP. It's very good, and the ending paragraphs are worth quoting:

"These cases of witnessed effects on water inspired the idea that these effects might be tied together in relation to each other. Some of the cases are of a UFO apparently “taking on water” not by means of tubes, pipes or hoses (as is the case in several reports), but by a column of water lifted by an unseen force directly to the craft. In the other scenario the UFO causes an observed “indentation” of the water. It would appear that these reports are contradictory of each other because of the differences in the effects; however, I believe that the differences are only the result of distances between the field of the UFO and the water.

In figure 5, we have what could be an illustration of the complete steps of the UFO’s exit from a body of water, and the water’s reaction as it does so.

These craft operate by physical principles! Though the details behind their operations are unknown to us, they should not be considered beyond our understanding. Excusing the craft’s functions as paranormal, or that of holographic projections, or the result of some other impenetrable obfuscation is not the way to understand the physical principles governing its technology. We should concentrate on the craft’s mechanics – because it is clearly a machine."