Particle Physicist
Paranormal Novice
I've listen to the show a great deal and enjoy it greatly however, I have to take exception to the comment in the last show that people behind M-Theory and [Super]String theory "are not considered to be the main stream of the physics world". This is not the case. Further, it was stated that Professor Greene and Professor Kaku are considered "as much entertainers as they are scientists". Wow, that is a strong statement David. You also started off mentioning the field of "experimental physics" then went on to state that two theoretical physicists are "on the fringe" of this field
The correct term here would be "Popularizer of Science". They have made very valuable contributions to theoretical physics and have the rare skill of being able to do this as well as get complex concepts across to the layman. Other notable scientists with this skill have been Carl Segan and the great physicist Richard Feynman.
I come across a lot of physics woowoo in regards to the Paranormal, a lot of it stems back to lack of knowledge, for example in the show it was implied that the ideas of String theory are bleeding edge however the theory was initially proposed in 1969; it is almost 40 years old. Quantum Theory comes up a great deal in the paranormal to explain everything, strange as I would confidently state that this is the most well tested theory in the history of science. This can be traced back to the late 1800 century.
Anyway, thought I would mention it as you seem to get frustrated when people state known falsehoods.
Regarding other aspects of Physics and the paranormal, I am tired of hearing about how people claim that the ETH is invalid as the universe is too big and it would take many years, even at the speed of light, to travel from the even the closest star system to Earth. Special Relativity tells us that this time is relative and for people on board the ship, at the speed of light, no time would pass at all. Just to be clear, you could travel from Earth to the Andromeda Galaxy (whch is 2.5 million light years away) and not age a second if you traveled at the speed of light. Of course if you went and came back to earth 5 Million years would have passed here and in effect you have traveled in to the future. Not that the ETH is valid, I have no idea but distance doesn't invalidate it especially if beings had dispensed with using a planet and were purely space based.
The scientific method as mentioned on the show; as a scientist (who has had some experiences, hence my interest in the field) I would say it would be very difficult to apply to UFO sightings as these are not something that tends to be repeatable. Yes it can be applied to encounters of the 2nd kind but the majority of cases involve encounters of the first kind, I'm not sure how the scientific method could be applied there. Particle physics could be important though, if the Higgs is found by the LHC, this could help point us in the right direction to make our own vehicles that would at least perform like UFOs are said to; it is theorized that the higgs boson interacts with the Higgs field to give particles mass (a boson is a force carrier). Block this interaction and you could perform 90 degree turns at high speed or accelerate quickly without any G-force effects.
Finally, I'd like to see you cover crop circles, some are obvious fakes and I'm sure many are just very well done elaborate fakes however, some of the huge intricate formations raise a few more questions and at least there is some physical evidence. This is not a field I know well (the paranormal) and to be honest I suspect it is a field of inquiry that if taken too seriously would lead to frustration due to the lack of progress but I enjoy the show greatly and I wish to thank you for your hard work on it.
The correct term here would be "Popularizer of Science". They have made very valuable contributions to theoretical physics and have the rare skill of being able to do this as well as get complex concepts across to the layman. Other notable scientists with this skill have been Carl Segan and the great physicist Richard Feynman.
I come across a lot of physics woowoo in regards to the Paranormal, a lot of it stems back to lack of knowledge, for example in the show it was implied that the ideas of String theory are bleeding edge however the theory was initially proposed in 1969; it is almost 40 years old. Quantum Theory comes up a great deal in the paranormal to explain everything, strange as I would confidently state that this is the most well tested theory in the history of science. This can be traced back to the late 1800 century.
Anyway, thought I would mention it as you seem to get frustrated when people state known falsehoods.
Regarding other aspects of Physics and the paranormal, I am tired of hearing about how people claim that the ETH is invalid as the universe is too big and it would take many years, even at the speed of light, to travel from the even the closest star system to Earth. Special Relativity tells us that this time is relative and for people on board the ship, at the speed of light, no time would pass at all. Just to be clear, you could travel from Earth to the Andromeda Galaxy (whch is 2.5 million light years away) and not age a second if you traveled at the speed of light. Of course if you went and came back to earth 5 Million years would have passed here and in effect you have traveled in to the future. Not that the ETH is valid, I have no idea but distance doesn't invalidate it especially if beings had dispensed with using a planet and were purely space based.
The scientific method as mentioned on the show; as a scientist (who has had some experiences, hence my interest in the field) I would say it would be very difficult to apply to UFO sightings as these are not something that tends to be repeatable. Yes it can be applied to encounters of the 2nd kind but the majority of cases involve encounters of the first kind, I'm not sure how the scientific method could be applied there. Particle physics could be important though, if the Higgs is found by the LHC, this could help point us in the right direction to make our own vehicles that would at least perform like UFOs are said to; it is theorized that the higgs boson interacts with the Higgs field to give particles mass (a boson is a force carrier). Block this interaction and you could perform 90 degree turns at high speed or accelerate quickly without any G-force effects.
Finally, I'd like to see you cover crop circles, some are obvious fakes and I'm sure many are just very well done elaborate fakes however, some of the huge intricate formations raise a few more questions and at least there is some physical evidence. This is not a field I know well (the paranormal) and to be honest I suspect it is a field of inquiry that if taken too seriously would lead to frustration due to the lack of progress but I enjoy the show greatly and I wish to thank you for your hard work on it.