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Plane Dented at 26,000 Feet in Mystery Accident

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Paranormal Adept
Some migrating birds can fly this high, yet there was no indication of any blood or embedded feathers.

Teeny meteor? Icy meteor? Some weird meteorological phenomenon? ET?

Whatever caused it, it's a fascinating story:

Plane dented at 26,000 feet in mystery incident

An image of an Air China plane that was forced to make an emergency landing shows a large dent in the aircraft’s nose, reportedly sustained high in the sky. With no evidence of a bird strike, experts are trying to figure out the cause.

Plane dented at 26,000 feet in mystery incident - Video on TODAY.com
It had to be something incredibly strong to have caused such damage to the nearly indestructible nose cone. Those nose cones can cause extensive damage even after busting thru 5 masonry walls.
Even if the plane was on a migration path for cranes or geese a bird strike at that altitude is not all that likely. The black marks seem more indicative of paint scratches. So maybe a collision with a small drone or ... has anyone reported Yves Rossy missing lately?

I just came here to post the same article! haha man you guys are fast! ;)

It had to be something incredibly strong to have caused such damage to the nearly indestructible nose cone. Those nose cones can cause extensive damage even after busting thru 5 masonry walls.

That really puts things into perspective, Pixelsmith. The dent looks rather large as well. The absence of blood, flesh, etc. is also very curious. I was wondering if something could have produced suction inside the nose and pulled the cone in, but I suspect that if that occurred the passengers would have had some noticeable issues to worry about.

Clearly a drunken Man of Steel!

I like your thinking, Darth Arab! :D
Some might say its a coincidence , but i watched an episode of JAG yesterday where a fighter jet struck the payload of a weather balloon giving them some mid air grief.

Classic line in the script, "tell the meterological boys we are sorry, and its still partly cloudy with a light drizzle"