Creepy Green Light
Paranormal Adept
It's not just "The Thing", but several UFO type movies. But in The Thing, this never made sense to me, even as a child;
The ET/alien occupant is very exotic looking (and sounding). All types of different shapes, appendages, screams & roars like a wild animal, tentacles, etc. etc. How would a species of this thing be able to work in some type of factory in order to manufacture the flying saucer you see in the film? And how would a creature like that be able to be taught how to "sit" at the controls and fly it? And communicate back to HQ's on it's mission progress?
Whenever I see this wild looking space aliens I always try and envision the factory that their kind works at in order to mfg the flying saucer/UFO. If you think of it in those terms, a lot of times it doesn't make any sense and it just plain silly.
The ET/alien occupant is very exotic looking (and sounding). All types of different shapes, appendages, screams & roars like a wild animal, tentacles, etc. etc. How would a species of this thing be able to work in some type of factory in order to manufacture the flying saucer you see in the film? And how would a creature like that be able to be taught how to "sit" at the controls and fly it? And communicate back to HQ's on it's mission progress?
Whenever I see this wild looking space aliens I always try and envision the factory that their kind works at in order to mfg the flying saucer/UFO. If you think of it in those terms, a lot of times it doesn't make any sense and it just plain silly.