Paranormal Maven
Really, I'm not as ignorant of technology as this post would intimate, but yes, pretty ignorant, try as I might. My question: what devices are available to listen to podcasts (especially The Paracast, of course!) so that I could listen in bed AND would have the feature of fast forward to use J.T.'s "cheat sheet" to skip the ads? I listen currently to podcasts on my desktop on a table a few feet from my bed, so getting up multiple times and fast forwarding isn't an option. Is there, by any wild chance, a "remote" that would do it? Part of the "atmosphere" of enjoying The Paracast for me is that it's night and I get slightly drowsy, so are there any small devices I don't know about I could have right there in bed while I listen? But, no earphones. I can't stand them. Any advice/suggestions about devices much appreciated. I edited this to remove a bit of the emotional tone about the ads. Nothing inappropriate, but need to stick to the topic. I realize the ads are essential to the show. And I do emphasize that the ads by Gene are actually enjoyable to listen to, very professional, and for products I would consider myself. Thanks for any help on this.