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Possible Nuclear-UFO Location?

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Goggs Mackay

Staff member
Most of you will know that Robert Hastings was recently on the show and that his main interest is the seeming attraction of nuclear sites for UFO activity. It's been mooted often that the modern UFO era was heralded in by the detonation of man's first nuclear bombs.

If it is indeed the case that UFOs are keenly interested in all our nuclear endeavours, then might I make the suggestion that the UFO community pay attention to the 'Iter' project in Cadarache, Provence, France. This is where scientists hope to make the first nuclear fusion reaction that actually has a net power output. To date, forays into fusion have used up more energy than was output and obviously this needs to change if we are ever to utilise fusion as a power source!

The science is truly cutting edge - how do you contain a reaction whose temperature is in the millions of degrees and how do you safely tap that energy? I find it fascinating but will any UFOs be keeping a look out there?

I'd be interested to know if we have any French listeners or if there might be any webcams near, or associated with, the project?

It's not often the public is necessarily aware of such huge exploits in nuclear power research as it happens so if it is a fact that UFOs are interested in our nuclear dealings then it stands to reason the Iter project might be on 'their' itinerary surely? :D
It's been mooted often

mooted? Noted. :)

that the modern UFO era was heralded in by the detonation of man's first nuclear bombs.

Broadly speaking, but there was a two year gap between Alamagordo July 1945 and Arnold's sighting.

If it is indeed the case that UFOs are keenly interested in all our nuclear endeavours, then might I make the suggestion that the UFO community pay attention to the 'Iter' project in Cadarache, Provence, France. This is where scientists hope to make the first nuclear fusion reaction that actually has a net power output. To date, forays into fusion have used up more energy than was output and obviously this needs to change if we are ever to utilise fusion as a power source!

Yep, Lawson's criterion. UFOs aside, I wish them luck. Strange that the US isn't doing this too.
If it is indeed the case that UFOs are keenly interested in all our nuclear endeavours, then might I make the suggestion that the UFO community pay attention to the 'Iter' project in Cadarache, Provence, France. This is where scientists hope to make the first nuclear fusion reaction that actually has a net power output ... I'd be interested to know if we have any French listeners or if there might be any webcams near, or associated with, the project?
There have been a lot of UFO sightings near Geneva Switzerland ( where CERN is located ). I wonder what a map showing these facilities would look like overlaid with UFO sighting reports?
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The possible correlation between things nuclear and intervention by UFOs seems one of the most promising leads we have for investigation. "They" do seem interested in our technological expertise.