Hey guys, first post but have lurked for a couple of years on the forums.
On May 6th 2010, in Laverton North Australia a number of us after work (10.02pm) where in the carpark heading to our cars. Our work site is directly underneath one of Melbourne Airport's approach paths. Well as I usually do, I look at the stars to the West (south, east and north are obstructed by buildings and heavy light pollution) to get an idea of the conditions for observing with my telescope and watch the planes fly overhead. Well this aircraft must have been about 3km's to the West at an altitude of about 1000 metres, and while watching it coming toward us I caught something out the corner of my eye moving from west to south west (which appeared to come from the flight path of the incoming aircraft but weather it was far or close it was hard to tell. This 'craft' had no lights at all but seemed slightly lighter to the sky in the background. First thing I thought was its a distant search light....but after a couple of seconds it became clear that it certainly wasnt as it was a different shape and had no cloud in that area.
The front of the object was almost a semi-circle but seemed to taper off like the shadow effect on a cresent moon to the rear. I guess you could say it looked like a boomerang shape object but was a bit chunkier if you know what I mean...
It was moving at a constant altitude, direction and speed and was probably only moving at about 100-200 km/h (seemed to be at a 'cruising' speed I guess but I dont know how far away it was) and seemed to be silent.
Its hard to say what size the object was as I coudnt tell you how far away it was but it was about the size of holding a bottlecap at arms length. As it moved further into a heavily lit sky toward Werribee/Hopper Crossing area
I doubt it was a conventional aircraft as it came from an area (when I noticed it) awfully close to the aircraft flight path, it was an odd shape with no lights and seemed to be a largish craft and appeared to be silent (incoming Aircraft was only just coming into range of being able to hear it) so it's hard to say .
2 others saw it and the other 10 people threw around the 'omg its a ufo' pointing at the incoming aircraft but I didn't let it get to me.
The other 2 that took the time to see the dim object (it was very hard to see it) couldn't explain it but one threw in the 'its probably a bird' explenation.
It was certainly interesting and thought I would share.

On May 6th 2010, in Laverton North Australia a number of us after work (10.02pm) where in the carpark heading to our cars. Our work site is directly underneath one of Melbourne Airport's approach paths. Well as I usually do, I look at the stars to the West (south, east and north are obstructed by buildings and heavy light pollution) to get an idea of the conditions for observing with my telescope and watch the planes fly overhead. Well this aircraft must have been about 3km's to the West at an altitude of about 1000 metres, and while watching it coming toward us I caught something out the corner of my eye moving from west to south west (which appeared to come from the flight path of the incoming aircraft but weather it was far or close it was hard to tell. This 'craft' had no lights at all but seemed slightly lighter to the sky in the background. First thing I thought was its a distant search light....but after a couple of seconds it became clear that it certainly wasnt as it was a different shape and had no cloud in that area.
The front of the object was almost a semi-circle but seemed to taper off like the shadow effect on a cresent moon to the rear. I guess you could say it looked like a boomerang shape object but was a bit chunkier if you know what I mean...
It was moving at a constant altitude, direction and speed and was probably only moving at about 100-200 km/h (seemed to be at a 'cruising' speed I guess but I dont know how far away it was) and seemed to be silent.
Its hard to say what size the object was as I coudnt tell you how far away it was but it was about the size of holding a bottlecap at arms length. As it moved further into a heavily lit sky toward Werribee/Hopper Crossing area
I doubt it was a conventional aircraft as it came from an area (when I noticed it) awfully close to the aircraft flight path, it was an odd shape with no lights and seemed to be a largish craft and appeared to be silent (incoming Aircraft was only just coming into range of being able to hear it) so it's hard to say .
2 others saw it and the other 10 people threw around the 'omg its a ufo' pointing at the incoming aircraft but I didn't let it get to me.
The other 2 that took the time to see the dim object (it was very hard to see it) couldn't explain it but one threw in the 'its probably a bird' explenation.
It was certainly interesting and thought I would share.