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Just an added note to the  post I made last week about the black triangle sighting in Camperdown, Sydney Australia that I saw a few years ago.I recall that I noticed that the textures I saw on the underside were not patterns that were "painted on" , but I saw shaddows in grey that reminded me of pipes , cables and tubing.The speed of the glide was very slow-perhaps as slow as a small sailing ship might move in a slight wind.My feeling now is that they are not military in origin but are part of a fleet of UFO's visiting earth-perhaps in connection with the large ships reported in the Phoenix -Lights incident.The fact that they seem interested in airports and military bases seems a bit worring.I feel it would be wise for our military people to start investigating these incidents because in my opinion the idea that advanced civilisations are by definition peaceful is questionable (considering our troubled world and it's problems),and unproveable. Let's hope these visitors are happy to remain sightseers and tourists and not land -grabbers!
