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I saw a FT on February 1st, around 18.15, over Swansea, UK. It was a stereotypical triangle, 3 orange-white lights on its outer edges, and a blinking red light in the middle. It was flying quite quickly, heading west to east, and flying blunt edge forward, rather than with one of its points forward. I could also hear jet engines, but don't know if the FT was making the sound, or if it was the other aircraft I observed in the vicinity at the time - a couple of passenger jets, seemingly at a much higher altitude than the triangular thing. I don't think it was anything ET or paranormal, just something military that I'm not familiar with. If I'm honest though, I have been slightly troubled by the sighting ever since. Although I'm pretty certain I saw a black triangle silhouetted against the sky, that could have just been suggested by the light configuration - and the fact that I read a lot about UFOs. If you want to read a more detailed description of my sighting, hit the WWW button below my post - I just posted it to my blog. I'd also be grateful for any suggestions which might explain what I saw.
