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Paranormal Novice
David, you mentioned something about needing sci-fi sounds in the preample on the latest show. Well, there's an app for that! It's called Bebot and it has a theramin that sounds pretty cool. All you do it rub your finger around on your phone and it's 1955! I've already had some good laughs with it.
Thanks for the link David. Yeah, wow. I had no idea the app was that deep. I've been using it to make my 2 year old laugh.
David, that app is genius. One of the best on the app store. I'm pretty sure I sent you a mail about this last year, although I could be wrong, and you get alot of mail.
icculus, you might have sent me an email about this, I honestly don't remember. Last year was something I'd like to forget, in it's entirety. It is indeed an amazing app, and if Rudess is into it, that tells me something - it's worthy. And it is indeed a wild one... thanks again, Wulfi.

And for those into this kind of madness, check out this cool iPhone program that Jordan helped design:

And then there's this aazing thing called Jasuto:

The iPhone is a fairly amazing little computer.

Ah Jasuto. I bought this app after hearing your excellent review on the The Tech Night Owl Live podcast. I still haven't figured out how to use it too well tho. I'm a guitar guy that's a bit low-fi. Pedals and an amp is about as techie as I get with music gear. But I'm determined to learn how to run that little synthesizer.