Lavarat said:
check this site out get Grant Cameron as a guest he is going to get a huge amount of the Clintons files when FOIA sents out the requests he is at the top of the list
Almost 1000 pages of documents from Clinton's "Office of Science and Technology Policy" have already been released back in January 2001. thanks to Grant's FOIA request.
You can check one portion of documents online here:
Grant's analysis is available here:
One small portion of new-recenty released documents from Clinton's Library is also available there:
The historical fact is that the first FOIA request from Clinton's library is a UFO request. It is interesting that conservative political elements are totaly confused with those releases. They are hoping that many documents "of real interest" will be released before the November 2008. election. But what is the deal with all of those UFO stuff? - they are totaly confused.
Grant is resolving their confusion with the article here:
By the way, I am just in a process of finalizing the DVD "Politicians and UFO's - Volume 1" that I am puting together with Grant. It contains over 20 clips of UFO video quotes of different presidents, republicans, democrats etc. It also has the Clinton's quote from Belfast. This it the release that I have sent back in September 2005.
From: Giuliano Marinkovic <giuliano.marinkovic.nul>
Date: Sat, 24 Sep 2005 13:12:45 +0200
Fwd Date: Sat, 24 Sep 2005 15:05:11 -0400
Subject: Clinton's 1995 Roswell Comment On-line
President Bill Clinton - Belfast, Ireland 30th November 1995:
"I got a letter from 13-year-old Ryan from Belfast. Now, Ryan,
if you're out in the crowd tonight, here's the answer to your
question. No, as far as I know, an alien spacecraft did not
crash in Roswell, New Mexico, in 1947. (Laughter.)
And, Ryan, if the United States Air Force did recover alien
bodies, they didn't tell me about it, either, and I want to
know. (Applause.)"
30th of November 1995., US president Bill Clinton was on a
official visit to Belfast. In his many public relations he has
constantly addressed the message of peace to confronted sides.
During the switching of the Christmas tree in the Belfast City
hall, Clinton has suddenly made interesting comment that in
later years will be obssesion for the UFO community.
I can remember that I have made first comment about this
Clinton's speech with Damir Popovic, editor of the radio show
'UFOport' during 1996. After the following years, the UFO
community wanted to find the sense in Clinton's reference. The
question was asked; 'Was the Clinton reference prepared in
advance to make the additional pressure towards the US Airforce
to release all available documents about the Roswell incident so
the case could be finaly concluded?'
The following years, more and more information has been released
which have pointed more sense in Clinton's words.The ufologist
Bruce Maccabee after the Clinton's mandate has recalled how he
was asked to prepare overview for official UFO briefing for the
president's scientific advisor. Later, thanks to the Freedom of
information act, canadian researcher Grant Cameron has made
indeepth analysis of many documents which are pointing the
interest in UFO's during the Clinton's administration and
pressures from philantrop Laurence Rockefeller in an attempt to
solve the UFO enigma which had connection, more or the less,
with many official initiatives, like the famous official Roswell
GAO investigation, initiated by late congressman Steven Schiff.
In January 2004. I have started with intensive search to find
the famous Clinton's speech in Belfast. The Roswell reference
was a reference, quoted by many, but no one it seemed to have
the actual recording, audio or video. During the investigation,
that I have done partialy with Grant Cameron, we have been able,
thanks to canadian host Errol Bruce Knapp of the show 'Strange
Days Indeed' to locate only one part of the recording.
An year ago, I have contacted the official staff of the
Clinton's library but at the time they have told me that they
don't have the recording in quesiton. After some time, Grant has
told me that he was able to get the recording from Clinton's
library but unfortunately the Roswell part was cuted out from
the recording. So we were again at the beginning. After the
world wide search, at last I was able to find the valid trail.
There was a person in Ireland who had private archive of many
live TV recordings. After all, I could feel that I am on the
right track. And I was right.
After 22 months of search I was finaly able to locate the
recording that UFO community has constantly quoted in the last
10 years. So to make it available for other researches and
colleagues I have put in online. You can listen the quote
directly at;
(REAL AUDIO needed)
There you will notice small REAL AUDIO PLUGIN window and simply
press Play. If you have Windows XP SP2, your service pack could
blok the plugin but to activate it, simply point your mouse to
the upper line which says ACTIVE and you will be able to listen.
Of course the point of this search, wasn't to prove or disprove
that the source of the Roswell crash was 'alien spacecraft'.
Clearly, one interesting official reference isn't enough to make
any final conclusion.
The point of this search was only to locate and create
multimedia archive of historical material for researchers to see
the the amplitude of official aproach towards the UFO question
during the years of modern ufology. Thanks also for all other
colleagues who have helped me in this search that lasted 22
The DVD transfer from VHS of the whole Belfast event in 1995.
will be sent to colleagues who have participated in the
investigation very soon. Best regards
Giuliano Marinkovic
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