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Progress in reading the Ramey memo

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Paranormal Adept
Isaac Koi has implemented an open-source database of enlarged photographs of the Ramey memo and announced it online at ATS, inviting computer imaging and other specialists to further analyze the text with newly available optical programs. He includes an exhaustive list of links to work done to date on the memo. This is a great step forward for research on this critically important text. Koi's ATS thread on this project begins at this link:

Isaac Koi has implemented an open-source database of enlarged photographs of the Ramey memo and announced it online at ATS, inviting computer imaging and other specialists to further analyze the text with newly available optical programs. He includes an exhaustive list of links to work done to date on the memo. This is a great step forward for research on this critically important text. Koi's ATS thread on this project begins at this link:

Unfortunately I ran into this:

i'm not too sure of the value of these scans as many are photoshop experiments that may be more confusing than helpful. a better place to start, or at least to get a headstart on decoding might be to go here first and then try to apply the methodology to these new scans to see if there is any benefit.
Reconstruct Ramey Roswell memo
i'm not too sure of the value of these scans as many are photoshop experiments that may be more confusing than helpful. a better place to start, or at least to get a headstart on decoding might be to go here first and then try to apply the methodology to these new scans to see if there is any benefit.
Reconstruct Ramey Roswell memo
I've mucked around with a couple of the images and a few characters can be made out. For some words, the number of characters can also be determined. So with more effort something could probably be constructed that would yield more clues, but I question what value taking all that time could possibly have? How significant can a few words on a piece of paper in a picture be in the overall scheme of this case? Something came down out there. That much seems safe to assume. After that, like so many other aspects of ufology, things start to get foggy pretty fast. Does that change the bottom line?

Not for me. I don't need Roswell to prove to me alien visitation is real, and I find a lot of these debates are centered around keeping us from admitting that. Like if we could only prove Roswell was real, or get disclosure, or that some other case or another is really what happened. While everyone is still debating over whether or not they're already here, they've already been here, and for all we know could be gone too. Although there have been a few interesting sightings over on the NUFOC site recently. On that note, what's anyone's take on this:

"National UFO Reporting Center Covering up Real Sightings?

... The National UFO Reporting Center has never been more than a black-hole where actual sightings disappear and bogus sightings appear from Peter Davenport's butt - just as MUFON is no more than a govt. intelligence operation to gather information and identify real abductees so it can abduct them to pump their brains and program them to gather info. for the military ..." ( SOURCE )
