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Proj Camelot & Erin Hicks: "Parallel Universe" Dweller... WTF!

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Christopher O'Brien

Back in the Saddle Aginn
Staff member
How can people swallow Kerry Cassidy's endless parade of WTF'ers? Introducing the latest in a long line of disinfo delusionists (?) This one claims to be a "Rothschild and Joe Mengele was her granddad, blah, bla, blaaa... *vomit*
How can people take in this crap at face value? And we wonder why these subjects are not taken seriously by the mainstream! And what is up w/ KC? I swear her voice is sounding more & more just like Linda Howe.

Copious amount of wine can sometimes account for this.

For a good time kick back and watch this:

He claims to have Dolphin DNA and been a part of a group that flew TR-3Bs (with Grey's of course) and abducted people.
Chris, people have short attention spans or they want to believe in any BS that the Camelot website spews out. BTW, the section of Mack Maloney's new book 'Beyond Area 51' that involved the San Luis Valley and your take on things was quite interesting.
This is an ancient thread, but I wanted to say to Chris: you can't police the cast of sincere, extremely deluded and outright frauds that fit under the "ufology" umbrella. Unless there was some sort of Official Tribunal who gave a Certificate of Approval or a License to practice ufology only to people who have proven their case, ufology will continue to attract the aforementioned type of people. Actually, a chap named Daniel Brenton (was it on an early Paracast?) proposed some sort of code of ethics or control. He was an outsider who saw the chaos in ufology and proposed a system of evaluating claims. He was soundly denounced by many famous names in ufology, along with the always ready-for-outrage Alfred Lehmberg's vicious attacks. Daniel threw up his hands and left in disgust.

As for Project Camelot, I watch their interviews with the same attitude as the characters on MST 3000. They are purely for entertainment and can be fun to laugh at like the old B Sci-Fi movies on MST.