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What's Your View On About Propoganda

  • Propoganda doesn't affect me.

    Votes: 2 66.7%
  • Who cares? We can't do anything about it anyway.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Propoganda, Anti-Propoganda Propoganda, what's the difference?

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Hang on while I ask Siri.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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I haven't gotten a chance to watch the video but let me just add this to your propaganda thing I got involved in the shortwave radio back in the early eighties until it's I guess you can pretty much call it death earlier this decade and talk about some of the points of view and the various points of view you hear from around the world. To those that might not be familiar with the media the vast majority of these stations were funded by the various governments...it wasn't like listening like to a top 40 station from Moscow or Madrid indeed shortwave was used as a propaganda tool since World War 2 as it represented at the time, the most efficient, cost effective way of getting your message out.

While at the time it wasn't illegal for me to listen to the VOA I (or any American) couldn't directly get station schedules or frequencies from the broadcaster because it wasn't meant for my ears even though my(our) tax dollars was paying for it. But I did get a sympathetic ear from a local correspondent here in LA that would give me the seasonal schedules frequencies. Also there were a couple of books and magazines that gathered this info for the hundreds of other broadcasters and seeing how the VOA was all over the place it was hard NOT to listen to it but it was still interesting realizing that my government didn't really care for me listening to its broadcasts. When I used logic...or thought I had... by pointing out that if I was living or staying in another country temporarily this is probably information you would be encouraging me to listen to the reply was "yes but this address you gave me isnt in another country

There's more propaganda to be found on Twitter than anywhere else imho.
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Everything you beLIEve is a Lie. That is one of the truer statements you will ever read ...

The Information Age is NOT new - we are simply enjoying the pinnacle of technology as said technology applies to it. The Information Age really got going with Gutneberg's Press - and it wasn't really the Information Age that that Press, a machine invented in the Holy Roman Empire, the First Reich, got fired up, but the DISinformation Age, starting with the Bible, designed, among other things, to support the falsification and elongation of the Historical Chronology that was engaged in the 1500-1600's. The Renaissance is NOT a real thing as told, but a motif and nothing more - it is a cover for the dumping of large piles of propaganda/disinfo/BS and falsification of the Historical Chronology into the public domain.

None of this stuff talked about by people like Alex Jones is new. None of it - it is centuries old. And it is effective. Look at 9/11. For starters, WTC7 is OBVIOUSLY a controlled demolition and the 'official BS' is absolutely IMPOSSIBLE - yet very few question the official propaganda/BS, do they? What an impossible, ludicrous, laughable joke the official 9/11 BS is. Yet, 95% of people will never question it, nor will they even consider the possibility that something other than what Authority told them happened. They are automatically, without any critical review of eveidence, close minded to any possibility other than what a few jackasses/a-holes in D.C. said happened. Scary, eh? Welcome to the highly, highly indoctrinated, asleep at the wheel, enslaved world you live in. And those that do question are mocked and derided, just like they have been instructed to do by TPTB. We live in a world where people will deny absolute facts staring them in the face if Authority tells them otherwise or they have trouble understanding how truly evil and capable of such many people in power are ...

If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Propaganda - brought to you be The Powers That Be and centuries old ...
Could easily be the best history documentary I have ever watched. It would be impossible for any rational individual not to grasp the significant importance of this extremely revealing

As one who has for many years grafted myself and my perceptions as being those standing perpendicular to the "system", the questioning mind, deep down inside, knows what is the informational content, and even some of the methodologies, that this stunning documentary reveals. However the linear progression throughout history of it's development, and the diabolically cold institutional level elite indoctrination, and the mass destructively social implementation of this type of collectivist "programming, is so clearly forwarded here by tremendously well researched minds in a most captivating manner. Excellent.

I highly recommend this documentary. Thank you @ufology.
The only problem with the information age, is that the controller's of public information and the appliers of human mind control (computer/feed back mind status) can now resource your identity via the information most of humanity have shared about themselves. They can now personally blame you for criminal acts that they once applied themselves as an organization.
I remember watching "Manufacturing Consent" almost 20 years ago which is based on Noam Chomsky's book of the same name. I found it very sobering and depressing look at how our media was already starting to fail us way back then.
Everything you beLIEve is a Lie.

What's funny is that is a perfect example of circular logic.

It's like saying "everything I say is a lie." If I'm telling the truth, then I can't be, because everything I say is a lie.

If I'm lying, then some things I say are the truth, and therefore the statement is wrong.

If mind control had evolved to a state where paranoia like yours was rational, then you wouldn't be here debating about it.
I remember watching "Manufacturing Consent" almost 20 years ago which is based on Noam Chomsky's book of the same name. I found it very sobering and depressing look at how our media was already starting to fail us way back then.
Media fails you because you allow it.

Start with the idea in the USA that news is entertainment.
Marx said that religion was the opiate of the masses. I've lately begun to believe that religion has been replaced by the media and the cult of celebrity that we see these days.
Totally agree.

Again, why have you allowed it to be so?

The cult of celebrity is so very strong in your country for example. Even my google news feed is full of the Brad and Angelina divorce news.

Why do you care so much for entertainment in America?
Totally agree.

Again, why have you allowed it to be so?

The cult of celebrity is so very strong in your country for example. Even my google news feed is full of the Brad and Angelina divorce news.

Why do you care so much for entertainment in America?

In part, most media outlets are no longer independent and are owned by large corporations. Propoganda can be pretty insidious, if done correctly most people don't realized their news has been dumbed down for them or skewed so far from reality they won't notice. Plus, there are political forces here that have condemned the press for all ready being too liberal; it's been a compelling argument for a significant portion of the population who then look for outlets who don't give them information, but only for outlets who reinforce their already limited world views. We have some good outlets, but you have to look for them and they don't have much influence in public discourse. It's a depressing reality to live in, truly.