I was aquaintence with this man who is and was a ufologist. He was 'unavailable' but I had a crush on him from afar. Without explaining into long detail, he knew this of me. One day, he asked me to meet him at a restaraunt. A 'date' I guess. It was very brief, then he walked me to my car and said "I'll call you." I cried for three days. One time, he invited this long absent former volunteer assistant who was also a young single lady, to show up while I was helping him. You could obviously tell she was crazy jealous, but trying to hold it somewhat back, for the sake of a modicum of public civility. I still got 'hissed' at, no doubt. A guy who knew this guy, told me that he like to do this with people and watch the results. Also to the woman he lived with. That, I observed. This guy was always calling me if he could, and not saying anything. This was 20 years ago. I did not have telegagetry to factually verify such, but at that time, I was changing my residences kinda alot. I noticed that right after I gave this guy my new landline home phone number (I did this for my own theory test) the calls immediately began, where, prior to me giving him it, there were no calls. This worked every time like that, consistently.
This man is extremely intelligent, with advanced formal education, and has done contract stuff for government.
When you were near him, he always had this, I don't know what to call it, except "edge", that reminded me of actor Christopher Walken, when he would portray a bad guy.