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Question/suggestion for Chris O'Brien

Free episodes:


Skilled Investigator
I was wondering if there will be a Paracast episode where Chris will discuss his new book. (and also, if he intends to/plans to do any interviews about it on any other shows)

If yes to the latter, suggestion: Don Ecker to co-host/ask questions...?

I definitely am looking forward to reading it.
I was wondering if there will be a Paracast episode where Chris will discuss his new book. (and also, if he intends to/plans to do any interviews about it on any other shows) If yes to the latter, suggestion: Don Ecker to co-host/ask questions...? I definitely am looking forward to reading it.
Yes to all of the above... I have a standing invite from George Knapp for a C2C show and since Greg will be writing the foreword, I'm sure we'll talk about the book on Radio Mysteriouso. Same goes for Don and DM and (I would think) a number of other shows as well. From time2time, I'll give Paracast listeners updates on my thinking... FYI: I've been compiling pre-Snippy (1967) reports of mute cases. I'm not surprised at all of the accounts I've compiled. I also think I found the very first use of the term "cattle mutilation" Charles Fort (1932) describing a case from 1902 where a Hindi lawyer in the UK was tried and convicted of the crime. Rest assured: his will be a very interesting, informative, exhaustively comprehensive, footnoted, annotated, indexed piece-of-work...