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Questions for Mr. Black Vault, John Greenwald?

Free episodes:

Christopher O'Brien

Back in the Saddle Aginn
Staff member
I've been a huge fan of John's since he was the precocious 15 year old that created the largest repository of UFO related FOIA material in the mid 90s. Now barely into his 30s, he has become a leading expert in a field that really needs the younger generation to pick up the ball and move it down the field. You seen him on that new show Unsealed Alien Files — he's the main expert (along w/ Bill Birnes) We'll be taping NEXT TUESDAY evening, so get your questions in here...
Here are some questions :

Is there a specific extremely compelling document that shapes your opinion on the UFO subject or is it the effect of the collection as a whole ?

What is your most compelling document to date?

What is your current opinion on the UFO subject ? In your mind, is it a phenomena that still requires much more data to interpret or are you at a stage where you are 99.9% convinced that some events are due to beings travelling to our planet from other solar systems in 'nuts and bolts' craft ? ;) ... or is there an unknown 'dimensional' component to this affair.

Are you currently organizing the information to eventually present a compelling and irrefutable national security case to the government ?

Thanks in advance :)
I like that last question above. I wonder who, in what position, would even touch that. Considering the current stance- that "ufo's pose no risk to national security" I often wonder how/why any govt can come to such a drastic conclusion, without having "other" specific knowledge of the phenomenon. Can any one person really say with certainty that our planet is not under a "long term" surveillance program by non-human intelligence? Is it me, or does the "current knowledge of physics making such surveillance impossible" stance seem a bit irresponsible? Shouldn't this phenomenon be a major focus, if not for national security?
Is it me, or does the "current knowledge of physics making such surveillance impossible" stance seem a bit irresponsible? Shouldn't this phenomenon be a major focus, if not for national security?

I think this is the CORE of the entire phenomena/UFO existential schyzophrenia and governmental paranoia.

IMHO, you need extreme secrecy and a failproof covert attitude in this matter to cover the obvious fact that humans might not be the most advanced sentient creation in this fantastically humongous universe (10 billion years older than our own solar system lol) , that there might be races of beings out there that do not have our best interest in mind... and no amount of money could possibly provide reasonable protection from these beings should they exist.

Lifting the cover off pandora's box is what John Greenwald is effectively trying to do... What you have in that box is the illusion that earthly governments can offer adequate protection and the illusion that the entire universe revolves around a supreme earth. Should he succeed, impotence and insignificance will fly out of that box like an out of control wicked witch of the west :D
John: You are head and shoulders above anyone else in document collecting and are to be commended for all your work, especially as you started so young!


1. Any favourite scoops you think may have been mistakenly released/declassified?

2. Has anyone in any official position tried to get you to remove anything from the vault?

3. Have you ever, to your knowledge, been the intended target of any cyber-crime, i.e has anyone ever tried to say, introduce a virus into your systems etc?

4. Is there any document you know to exist, that you would especially love to get your hands on? (like perhaps someone who would know, told you that such and such exists somewhere?)

5. Do you have a particular stance of the UFO question, i.e are you a 'nuts n bolts' UFO guy or are you open to some of the even more esoteric explanations for UFOs?

6. Do you have interest in non-UFO paranormal topics such as cryptozoology, ghosts/hauntings. high strangeness etc?
Mr. Blackvault (John), what motivated you to begin such an awesome task of posting unclassified Gov documents on a website?

On the side, I have visited your site regularly over the years and have never gotten tired of perusing the files. Kudos to you sir.
My question: given your extensive and longstanding work with FOIA and other government material, which of it do you feel is 100% genuine and smoking-gun evidence of contact with something... other than mankind?

A follow-up question: if such documents exist and are verifiable, how could these be better brought forward to public attention?
Thanks for the opportunity to pose a possible question or two to MR. Greenwald.

1) John have you ever come across a document that supports the notion that the United States is participating at a very confidential level, within an alternate United Nations based space and aeronautics technology program? One that has obviously been publicly suppressed.

I am specifically referring to technological R&D corporations, or governmental agencies, that would be responsible for cooperating and possibly producing the large number of flying platform and triangular aerial vehicle observations on record to date.

By and within the same framework of focused curiosity,

2) Have you ever ran across documentation that would support or mention what might be a hologram producing technology that would serve to create the illusion of such an aforementioned program?

Just a few questions, whatever you feel appropriate to ask in the time available, Chris:
1. What topics within ufology do you feel are under-reported and under-discussed? Do you feel that any topics have been beaten into the ground?
2. After following so much material, what sort of sighting excites you the most at this point?
3. Have you noticed any patterns or trends regarding the sighting of cigar-shaped UFOs in the northeastern U.S.?
4. Do you have any comment regarding some of the high weirdness cases reported by Stan Gordon in Pennsylvania, such as bigfoot sightings co-occurring with UFO appearances and large anomalous flying creatures?
Mr. Greenwald:

Based on the volume of documentation you have collected, do you feel that it is more likely that the United States government knows more than they are telling in regards to the UFO phenomenon, or are they as uninformed and incompetent as they appear to be on any number of other topics unrelated to the UFO field?
I'm looking very much forward to this show!

My questions would be:

1) How do you see the future of FOIA? As far as I'm informed, the system is being undermined by exemptions. Were you initially operating during a window of opportunity which might not come back again?
2) How do e.g. military or political leaders react when confronted with 'problematic' documents from their own quarters? Do you have any anecdotal accounts you'd like to share in that regard?
I'm listening to this episode as I speak and - I noticed something which begs for clarification:

John Greenwald at point stated the following "George Bush gave the order to shoot down flight 93...it was written in his book" he then goes on to say that George Bush was left in the dark about flight 93 being shot down. I'm pretty sure he misspoke, I'd just like to know what he meant.

Thanks, keep up the good work guys!
Just listening to this episode and the real key thing for me is his points about the community and how commercial interests are not really going to move the genre forward as a whole. Further to this I think it actually moves us backwards due to the many charlatans that pop up to try and make a quick buck and then disappear.

Great show.
