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Quick ass kissing thread.

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Paranormal Novice
You guys (Gene and David) are fucking awesome. Yours is the only paranormal program out there that doesn't cater to the lowest common denominator. I've been listening since the beginning and I'm so proud of how far the Paracast has come since then. It sincerely blows every other paranormal podcast out of the water (I truly wonder how some of your - presumably intelligent - listeners can listen to the inane ramblings contained in some of the other shows, ESPECIALLY one I won't name). Gene and David, I sometimes wonder if you're the only hosts out there with brains. In my opinion, you guys deserve a national platform. Your show puts Coast to Coast to shame...not that it doesn't do a good job doing that itself.

Anyway, just a little rant to put credit where credit is due. Keep up the outstanding work.
I just wanted to say:
Thanks Gene and David! I discovered your show a couple of weeks ago and have been catching up (and quite unintentionally acquired a new addiction). Jacqes Vallee, Stanton Friedman, Spiricom and the Eno's were all excellent shows! My favorite part of your show is that fact you don't buy into every nutjob theory about UFO's and the paranormal.
Keep up the good fight! :D
The BEST. (have I said too much?)

Keith -
According to the Mayon calendar, this Mayonnaise doesn't expire until 2012.