Skilled Investigator
No politics, no expressions of emotion, just a simple R.I.P to a soldier on the streets of his home country, from a fellow brit, god bless Lee, god bless.
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And this happened less than 30 mins from where i live.
Here in Minnesota someone with a firearm of some sort could have shot them both dead possibly before they killed the soldier. A good example of why banning guns is stupid. Typically by the time a cop gets to a shooting someone is already dead. I have a sign in my shop We Welcome Licensed Concealed or Open Carry Gun Owners. It is comforting seeing citizens sometimes walk around with a gun on their hip. Most people around here conceal carry but some open carry. When someone sees that guns are welcome in an establishment they think twice about robbing the place.
Is it just me or is the world getting more crazy by the day?
Gun related violence very seldom happens here in little old New Zealand and the sort of act this thread is about I can say never happens.
Yes there have been domestic cases where people have gone nuts with an ax or knife but that is the exception not the rule...... and for it to happen in public! no never.
What am I getting at?
Well we have very tough gun laws here and a blanket ban on hand guns outside of a gun club (I personally don't agree with it), and to get a gun license here is a right pain in the bum to be honest.
I am not sure if it is good grounds to argue that tough gun laws work or it is just something in the New Zealander psyche but mas shooting here are extremely rare as is gun violence overall.
But to get back on topic my only question is this: Was it a terrorist act? or the act of a lone deranged individual?... maybe both.
Hell I find it hard to kill a fly or a snail in my garden let alone a fellow human.
You make some good points, Stonehart, but I think there may be some society related differences between our countries. I have lived in the U.S. my whole life and lately I have been getting the feeling that the atmosphere is changing here in a bad way. Maybe it's just my perspective, but I have been feeling it for a while now. I can't speak for the U.K. though, never been there.I just don't think it has anything to do with guns really. I think it has a lot to do with mental states, how people are raised, our country's 'priorities' and general pressure levels among other things.
For example, we had the terrible killing in California a few weeks ago where a 12 year old boy stabbed his 8 year old sister:
Brother arrested in fatal stabbing of 8 year-old girl in Valley Springs | 89.3 KPCC
Then today a 15 year old boy was arrested in Utah for stabbing his two younger siblings to death:
15-year-old Utah boy arrested in death of two younger brothers - U.S. News
And two d-bags stole a teenagers iPad in Las Vegas recently and accidentally dragged the victim and killed him by running him over with their car:
Two men arrested in killing over iPad in Las Vegas - U.S. News
Each of these situations is worrisome and none involved guns.
I haven't figured out what it all means but I feel like there's something there. Maybe it's human nature, I don't know but there is definitely something ugly lurking out there within us ("us" again meaning collectively, not you me or anyone else in this forum specifically). I just can't decide if it's actually increasing in frequency or if it's just a matter of information being more readily accessible.
Agreed.............. So its not just me the world is going mad.
Bingo. Prescription drugs, aspartame and fluoride are all dangerous and quite prevalent in the USA.I think so, unless it is you and I who are somehow going mad. lol
Prescription drugs and the crap they put in food have been two factors that I am highly suspicious of. I suspect it is probably a combination of things, though.
Bingo. Prescription drugs, aspartame and fluoride are all dangerous and quite prevalent in the USA.
God bless ?
I hope he doesnt bless me the same way ?
As for the debate on guns and CCTV, jack the ripper did worse and they were not a factor.
He has one child not two.
Poor bastard, shocking way to die
These asshats wanted to spark a war in london, and they came close to pulling it off.
Anti-Muslim reprisals after Woolwich attack | UK news | The Guardian
Heres video of the perps getting their just deserts
Woolwich attack: Watch shocking video of terrorists charging at police car in attempt to kill WPC - Mirror Online