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Radiohead, In Rainbows

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Paranormal Maven
I recall David ( maybe Gene ? ) mentioning Radiohead a few times during the shows and noticed the "Treefingers" sample between segments on occasion.

So what's your take on "In Rainbows"? I just got the bonus disc tracks and feel that these album(s) are their best work to date. Truly incredible IMHO.

I've been fortunate to catch them on just about every tour since "The Bends" and find their progression over the years to be extraordinary. Hope to catch them sometime this year.
Schtick's sarky comment of the day begins:

I thought the thread on drones was further down the forum ... :D

(ooo ... may the flame wars begin, young skywalker :D)

Still ... funnier than Jay Leno and with a smaller facial cross-section ... :D
Man, I loves me the Radiohead.

In Rainbows is just fantastic, and I was lucky enough to catch 4 of the shows from 2006, when they were testing the material out live. I'm a little less than thrilled with how Videotape turned out, I much prefer the denser version that they did live, more drums and more fleshed out synthesizer sound. But what can I say, I'll adore these guys until they do a disco album.

Actually man, I think they'd do a cool disco album. That's just me though.

I been getting into Muse up late. Yes, they sound like Radiohead and all... But I don't give a shit... I kinda like em. Cool band actually.
