Skilled Investigator
I want to sound off about something that I have noticed, and I am wondering if anyone (who has & had more internet access time than I do) ever did indepth research on this. I have been in Ufology for (TOO)long of a time, and have known and heard about this particular military whistleblower case, forever and aday. BUT hiowever, it ---seems--- to me, as I recall.......that everytime I heard this case (Bentwaters) being regularily touted over the years, I'm like, "Goll, that bit of detail is a new one on me. It's sounds more sensational than what I heard before, (and before, and before! Etc.)" Know what-I'm-sayi'n? It makes me wonder if the witnesses (including the most "credible" ones, lest we scapegoat Larry Warren too much already) < something Ufo people like to do, i.e. Rick Doty) ...if the witnesses, have added on and embelished more and more, to please their True-Believing Publicisers, OR if they sat on stuff, and over the years, feel more and more comfortable to tell the more bizarre aspects (if there were such things) of the experience. I would TRULY be curious as to anyone and everyone's opinion on this, thanks.
I'm in a Ufological mood and mindset these ---daze---, to not allow legend lore and myth to prevail, if it has replaced TRUTH (the unvarnished facts) in ufodumb, (even----if the facts lead to what the ETH'ers prefer, actually, I have not turned into a debunker.)
I'm in a Ufological mood and mindset these ---daze---, to not allow legend lore and myth to prevail, if it has replaced TRUTH (the unvarnished facts) in ufodumb, (even----if the facts lead to what the ETH'ers prefer, actually, I have not turned into a debunker.)